Register of national guides to good hygiene practice
Registre des guides nationaux de bonnes pratiques hygieniques
Register für einzelstaatliche Leitlinien für die gute Hygiene Praxis


REGULATION (EC) No 852/2004 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the hygiene of foodstuffs of 29 April 2004, Chapter 1, Article 1 paragraph 1. states that "the guides to good practice are a valuable instrument to aid food business operators at all levels of the food chain with compliance with food hygiene rules and with the application of the HACCP principles;" and Chapter III, Article 8 paragraph 4. requires that, "Member States shall forward to the Commission national guides complying with the requirements of paragraph 3. The Commission shall set up and run a registration system for such guides and make it available to Member States."

More information at: Food Hygiene Legislation

REGULATION (EC) No 183/2005 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 January 2005 laying down requirements for feed hygiene, Recital 6 states that "guides to good practice are a valuable instrument to help feed business operators at all levels of the feed chain comply with feed hygiene rules and with the application of HACCP principles;" Article 5(4) establish that "feed business operators may use the guides provided for in Chapter III to help them comply with their obligations under this Regulation" and Chapter III, Article 21(3) and (4) requires that "Member States shall transmit national guides to the Commission" and "the Commission shall set up and run a registration system for such guides and make it available to the Member States."

More information: Animal Feed

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Country Guide Type Original Title Title in English Stage Issue Product Focus
AT Food Empfehlung für Challengetest bezüglich Listeria monocytogene Challengetest -Listeria monocytogenes Other Other all food
AT Food Empfehlung für die Produktion, Lagerung und Zubereitung von Döner Kebab und ähnliche Fleischzubereitungen Hygiene recommendationfor the production, storage and preparation ofDoner kebab and similar meat preparations Retail Other meat product Construction; layout and equipment
AT Food Merkblatt für die Lagerung, Zubereitung und Konsum von rohem Obst und Gemüse im Haushalt Hygiene recommendation for the storage, preparation and consumption of raw fruits and vegetables in the household Other Other
AT Food Merkblatt für die Abgabe von Lebensmittel über öffentlich zugängliche Kühlgeräte Hygiene recommendationfor the delivery of food via publicly accessible refrigerators Other Other all food Construction; layout and equipment
AT Food Leitlinie für eine gute Hygienepraxis und die Anwendung der Grundsätze des HACCP beim Transport von Lebensmitteln Guidelinefor good hygiene practice and the application of the principles of the HACCP when transporting food Transport GHP/GMP all food Construction; layout and equipment
AT Food Leitlinie für eine gute Hygienepraxis für die Schlachtung und Verarbeitung von Fischen aus Wildfang oder eigener Aquakultur Guideline for good hygiene practice for the slaughter and processing of fish from wild catch or own aquaculture Processing plant GHP/GMP fishery products Construction; layout and equipment
AT Food Hygiene für Caterer Hygiene for caterers Other HACCP all food Construction; layout and equipment
AT Food Leitlinie für eine gute Hygienepraxis für die Herstellung von Teigwaren Guideline for good hygiene practice for the production of pasta Processing plant HACCP various food Construction; layout and equipment
AT Feed EMPFEHLUNGEN zur Beherrschung von Salmonellen in der Futtermittelproduktion Recommendations on the Control of Salmonella in Feed
AT Food Leitlinie für Bäckereien Guideline for bakery bakery products
AT Food Leitlinie für bäuerliche Milchverarbeitungsbetriebe Guideline for milk and dairy products on farms dairy products
AT Food Leitlinie für Milchverarbeitung auf Almen Guideline for the milk production and dairy products on farms in the mountain dairy products
AT Food Leitlinie über mikrobiologische Kriterien für Milch und Milchprodukt Guideline for microbiological criteria for Milk and dairy products dairy products,milk
AT Food Leitlinie für bäuerliche Obstverarbeitung Guideline for a fruit processing fruit
AT Food Leitlinie für Speiseeserzeugung Guideline for the Ice cream production ice-cream
AT Food Leitlinie bei der Schlachtung von Farmwild Guideline for GHP and application of the HACCP system for slaughterhouses for farm game meat (in general)
AT Food Leitlinie bei der Schlachtung und Zerlegung von Geflügel Guideline for GHP and application of the HACCP system for slaughterhouses for poultry meat (in general)
AT Food Leitlinie für eine Gute Betriebspraxis und die Anwendung der Grundsätze des HACCP in Schlachthöfen und Zerlegungsbetrieben für Schweine, Rinder, Schafe, Ziegen und Pferde sowie Herstellungsbetrieben von Fleischerzeugnissen Guideline for GHP and application of the HACCP system for slaughterhouses and cutting plants for pork, beef, sheep, goat and horse as well as for the production of meat products meat (in general)
AT Food Leitlinie für bäuerliche Geflügel- und Kaninchenschlachtbetriebe Guideline for GHP and application of the HACCP system for slaughterhouses for poultry and rabbit on farm meat (in general)
AT Food Leitlinie für Mühlbetriebe Guideline for the milling sector Milling
AT Food Leitlinie für Einzelhandelsunternehmen Guideline for the retailer(food shops) and gastronomy sector Retail
AT Food Leitlinie Schutzhütten in Extremlagen Guideline for GHP for catering situeted in regions that are subject to special geograhical constrants
AT Food Leitlinie zur praktischen Handhabung der Umsetzung der Lebensmittelhygieneverordnung in Betrieben, die sich mit der Tiefkühllogistik von Tiefkühlprodukten (ausgenommen Speiseeis) befassen Guideline for Good Hygiene Practice in cold stores
AT Food Leitlinie für Personalschulung Guideline for Training
AT Food Leitlinie für Großküchen, Küchen des Gesundheitswesens und vergleichbare Einrichtungen der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung Guideline for canteens, hospitals and other institution of collective nourishment
AT Food Leitlinie für gewerbliche Getränkeherstellungsbetrieben Guideline for commercial drink production
AT Food Leitlinie für Konditoreien Guideline for confectionery sector
AT Food Leitlinie Eierpack- und Eiersammelstellen Guideline for egg-packing center
AT Food Leitlinie zur Sicherung der gesundheitlichen Anforderungen an Personen beim Umgang mit Lebensmitteln Guideline for personal hygiene
AT Food Leitlinie für die Ölabfüllung in gewerblichen Betrieben Guideline for the oilfiling in commercial enterprises
AT Food Leitlinie fuer Imkereien Guidelines for beekeepers
BE Food G-043 Generische autocontrolegids voor de groothandel in niet-eetbare tuinbouwproducten / Guide générique autocontrôle pour le commerce en gros de produits végétales non-comestibles G-043 Generic self-checking guide for the wholesale of non-edible horticultural products Other Auditing,GHP/GMP,Other
BE Food G-045 Guide d’autocontrôle pour l’implémentation de la norme NIMP 15 relative aux matériaux d’emballage en bois destinés au commerce international / Autocontrolegids voor de implementatie van de ISPM-15 norm met betrekking tot verpakkingshout bestemd voor de internationale handel Guide for the implementation of the norm ISPM 15 on wood packaging material in international trade Auditing,GHP/GMP,Other Others
BE Food G-044 Guide d’autocontrôle générique pour le secteur B2C Generieke autocontrolegids voor de B2C-sector Generic guide for self-checking for the B2C sector Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall all food
BE Food G-038 Guide d’autocontrôle pour le négoce de céréales et de produits d’agrofourniture Autocontrolegids voor de handel in granen en agro-toelevering Guide for self-checking for the trade in cereal grain and farm inputs Other GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall Others
BE Food G-041 Guide d’autocontrôle pour la sécurité alimentaire dans les milieux d’accueil collectifs de la petite enfance Autocontrolegids voor de voedselveiligheid in de opvang van baby’s en peuters Guide for self-checking for food safety in the care of babies and toddlers Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall Others
BE Food G-036 Guide d’autoctontrôle pour le secteur de la fabrication, la commercialisation, l’importation et le transport de substrats de culture organiques / Gids autocontrole voor de sector van de fabricatie, handel, invoer en transport van organische teeltsubstraten (Ce guide ne se base pas sur le règlement (CE) N°852/2004 ou sur le règlement (CE) N°183/2005, mais sur la législation belge) Guide for self-checking for the sector of the production, trade, import and transport of organic growing media Processing plant,Other GHP/GMP,Recall Others
BE Food G-010 Guide autocontrôle dans le secteur de la production et de la distribution des produits phytopharmaceutiques Autocontrolegids in de sector van de productie en de distributie van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen (Ce guide ne se base pas sur le règlement (CE) N°852/2004 ou sur le règlement (CE) N°183/2005, mais sur la législation belge) Guide for self-checking in the production and distribution of plant protection products Processing plant,Other GHP/GMP,Recall Others
BE Food G-035 Guide sectoriel sur la production, l’importation et le commerce d’engrais minéraux Autocontrolegids in de sector van de productie en de distributie van minerale meststoffen (Ce guide ne se base pas sur le règlement (CE) N°852/2004 ou sur le règlement (CE) N°183/2005, mais sur la législation belge) Sector guide for the production and the trade of mineral fertilizers Processing plant,Other GHP/GMP,Recall Others
BE Food G-028 Guide sectoriel production importation et commerce d'engrais organiques et organo-minéraux Sectorgids productie, import en handel organische en organisch-minerale meststoffen (Ce guide ne se base pas sur le règlement (CE) N°852/2004 ou sur le règlement (CE) N°183/2005, mais sur la législation belge) Sector guide for the production, the import and the trade of organic fertilizers Processing plant,Other GHP/GMP,Recall Others
BE Food G-014 Guide d'autocontrôle: industrie de transformation et négoce des pommes de terre, fruits et légumes Gids Autocontrole: aardappelen-groenten-fruit verwerkende industrie en handel Guide for self-checking in the potato, vegetable and fruit processing and trade Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall RTE meals,fruit,herbs and spices,nuts and seeds,vegetables
BE Food G-017 Guide sectoriel du transport routier et de l’entreposage dans la chaîne alimentaire Sectorgids voor wegtransport en opslag in de voedselketen Sector guide for the haulage and the storage in the food chain Cold storage,Transport GHP/GMP,HACCP all food
BE Food G-007 Guide pour l’instauration d’un système d’autocontrôle pour le commerce de détail en alimentation générale Gids voor de invoering van een autocontrolesysteem voor de detailhandel in algemene voedingswaren Guide for self-checks in food shops Distribution centres,Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall all food
BE Food G-039 Guide pour l’instauration d’un système d’autocontrôle pour le commerce de gros en alimentation Gids voor de invoering van een autocontrolesysteem voor de groothandel in voedingswaren Guide for self-checking for the trade in food Packaging and rewrapping,Other GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall all food
BE Food G-023 Guide pour l’instauration d’un système d’autocontrôle dans le secteur Horeca Gids voor de invoering van een autocontrolesysteem in de Horecasector Guide for self-checking in the HORECA sector Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall all food
BE Food G-004 Guide d'autocontrôle pour le secteur Brassicole Gids voor de brouwerijsector Guide for self-checking for breweries Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall beer
BE Food G-032 Guide d’autocontrôle pour le secteur du poisson Autocontrolegids voor vissector Guide for self-checking in the fish sector Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall bivalve molluscs,fishery products,RTE meals
BE Food G-018 Guide générique d’autocontrôle pour les abattoirs, ateliers de découpe et établissements de production de viande hachée, de préparations de viande et de viandes séparées mécaniquement d’ongulés domestiques Generische autocontrolegids voor slachthuizen, uitsnijderijen en inrichtingen voor de vervaardiging van gehakt vlees, vleesbereidingen en separatorvlees voor als landbouwhuisdier gehouden hoefdieren Generic guide for self-checking for slaughterhouses, cutting plants and establishments of production of minced meat, preparations of meat and mechanically separated meat of domestic ungulated Cutting plant,Processing plant,Slaughterhouse GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall bovine meat,pig meat,ovine meat,caprine meat,farmed game meat,minced meat,meat preparation,MSM,Others
BE Food G-020 Guide Autocontrôle pour la Meunerie Autocontrolegids voor de Maalderij Guide for self-checking in the flour milling Milling GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall cereals & flour
BE Food G-027 Guide d’autocontrôle et de traçabilité pour les entreprises de torréfaction de café Gids voor autocontrole en traceerbaarheid in koffiebranderijen Guide for self-checking en traceability for coffee roasting industry Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall coffee
BE Food G-022 Guide autocontrôle pour le secteur du biscuit, du chocolat, de la praline, de la confiserie et des céréales petit-déjeuner Gids autocontrole voor de sector van de biscuit-, chocolade-, praline-, suikergoed- en ontbijtgranenindustrie Guide for self-checking in the biscuit, chocolate, filled chocolate, sweet sector, breakfast cereals Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall confectionary/chocolate
BE Food G-034 Guide d'autocontrôle pour la production et la vente de produits laitiers à la ferme Autocontrolegids voor de productie en verkoop van zuivelproducten op het landbouwbedrijf Guide for self-checking for the production and sale of dairy products on the farm Primary production,Processing plant,Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall dairy products
BE Food G-002 Guide système d’autocontrôle industrie laitière Gids autocontrolesysteem zuivelindustrie Guide for self-checking in the milk industry Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall dairy products,milk
BE Food G-011 Guide sectoriel pour l’instauration d’un système d’autocontrôle dans le secteur des compléments alimentaires Gids voor de invoering van een autocontrolesysteem in de sector van de voedingssupplementen Guide for good manufacturing practices and self-checking system for food supplement manufacturers Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall food additives/supplements
BE Food G-030 Guide de bonnes pratiques Apicoles Gids van goede Bijenteeltpraktijken Guide for the good apiarian practice Primary production,Processing plant GHP/GMP honey
BE Food G-005 Guide d'autocontrôle pour la glace de consommation Gids autocontrolesysteem consumptie-ijs Guide for self-checking for ice-cream Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall ice-cream
BE Food G-026 Guide d’autocontrôle pour les boulangeries et pâtisseries Autocontrolegids voor de brood- en banketbakkerij Guide for self-checking in the bread and cake shops Processing plant,Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall ice-cream,bakery products,Others
BE Food G-029 Guide autocontrôle des entreprises de la production des eaux conditionnées, des boissons rafraîchissantes et des jus et nectars Autocontrole Gids van de productiebedrijven van verpakt water, frisdranken en sappen en nectars Guide for self-checking for establishments of production of bottled water, soft drinks and juices and nectars Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall juices,soft drinks,water
BE Food G-024 Guide pour la mise en œuvre d’un système d’autocontrôle pour la fabrication de margarine et de graisses alimentaires Gids voor het ontwikkelen van autocontrolesystemen bij de productie van margarine en voedingsvetten Guide for self-checking in the production of margarine and food fat Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall margarines
BE Food G-003 Guide d'autocontrôle en boucherie-charcuterie Autocontrolegids voor de beenhouwerij-spekslagerij Guide for self-checking in the butcher shops Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall meat (in general)
BE Food G-019 Guide pour l’implémentation des systèmes d’autocontrôle dans les secteurs de production des denrées alimentaires: Produits de viande - Plats préparés - Sauces, bouillons et soupes - Salades - Boyaux naturels Gids voor het ontwikkelen van autocontrolesystemen bij de productie van voedingsmiddelen in de sectoren: Vleesproducten - Kant en klaar gerechten - Sauzen, bouillons en soepen - Salades - Natuurdarmen Guide for self-checking in the production of food: meat products - precooked dishes - sauces, broths, soups - salads - natural intestines Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall meat product,RTE meals
BE Food G-009 Guide pour le contrôle de la collecte, le transport et la réception de lait cru - Gids voor de autocontrole van de ophaling, het transport en de ontvangst van rauwe melk Guide for self-checking for collection, the transport and the reception of raw milk Transport GHP/GMP,HACCP milk
BE Food G-006 Guide générique autocontrôle pour les abattoirs et ateliers de découpe de volailles et établissements de production de viande hachée, préparations de viande et viande séparée mécaniquement à base de volaille Generische autocontrolegids voor pluimveeslachthuis en -uitsnijderij en inrichtingen die gehakt vlees, vleesbereidingen, separatorvlees op basis van pluimveevlees produceren Generic guide for self-checking for slaughterhouses and cutting plants for poultry and for establishments of production of minced meat, preparations of meat and mechanically separated meat of poultry Cutting plant,Processing plant,Slaughterhouse GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall poultry meat,minced meat,meat preparation,MSM
BE Food G-040 Guide sectoriel pour la production primaire Sectorgids voor de primaire productie Sector guide for self-checking for primary production Primary production GHP/GMP sprouted seeds,vegetables,Live animals
BE Feed G-001 Guide autocontrôle alimentation animale Autocontrolegids Dierenvoeders Guide for self-checking for feed GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall
BE Food G-033 Guide sectoriel de l’autocontrôle des entrepreneurs de travaux agricoles et horticoles pour la production primaire végétale Sectorgids autocontrole voor de aannemers van land- en tuinbouwwerken voor de primaire plantaardige productie Sector guide for self-checking for contractors of agricultural and horticultural work for primary production of plants Primary production GHP/GMP,Recall
BG Food Наръчник за добри производствени практики в млечната промишленост Manual for good manufacturing practices in milk industry milk
BG Food Наръчник за добри производствени и хигиенни практики в промишленото производството на хляб и сладкарски изделия Manual for good manufacturing and hygiene practices in industrial production of bread and confectionary
BG Food Наръчник за добри производствени и хигиенни практики в месната промишленост Manual for good manufacturing and hygiene practices in meat industry
BG Food Наръчник за добри производствени и хигиенни практики в производството на растителни масла в България Manual for good manufacturing and hygiene practices in vegetable oils industry in Bulgaria
BG Food Наръчник за анализ на опасностите и контрол на критичните точки (HACCP) в предприятията за добив и преработка на месо Manual for hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) in enterprise for mining and processing of meat
BG Food Правила(кодекс) за добра производствена практика на производителите на храни и напитки Principles (code) for good manufacturing practices of foods and drinks producers
BG Food Правила за добри производствени и хигиенни практики в консервната промишленост Principles for good manufacturing and hygiene practices in canning industry
BG Food Правила за добри производствени практики в малките и средни предприятия от хлебопроизводството и сладкарството Principles for good manufacturing practices in small and medium enterprises for production of bread and confectionary
BG Food Принципи за добри производствени и хигиенни практики в производството на безалкохолни напитки Principles of good manufacturing and hygiene practice in production of beverages
BG Food Препоръки за добра хигиенна практика, като част от добрата производствена практика и система за анализ на опасностите и контрол на критичните точки в пивоварната промишленост Recommendations for good hygiene practice as a part of good manufacturing practice and HACCP system in breweries
CH Food Guide des Bonnes Pratiques d'Elaboration du Vin (GBPEVin) Guide to good winemaking pracitces GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall wine
CH Food Branchenleitlinie für eine gute Verfahrenspraxis im Detailhandel Guide to good practices in retail trade Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues,Recall
CH Food Linee direttive per una buona prassi procedurale per pastifici e raviolifici della svizzera italiana Guide to good practices for pasta and ravioli factories in Italian-speaking Switzerland Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues,Recall Others
CH Food Leitlinie für die gute Verfahrenspraxis in Trinkwasserversorgungen Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for Drinking Water Suppliers Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP water
CH Food Hygieneleitlinie für eine Gute Verfahrenspraxis für das Bäckerei-, Konditorei und Confiseriegewerbe Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Bakery, Pastry-making, Confectionery bakery products
CH Food Leitlinie für die gute Verfahrenspraxis bei der Milchgewinnung und -verarbeitung in Sömmerungsbetrieben Guideline for the milk production and processing on alpine farms dairy products
CH Food Linee direttive per una buona prassi procedurale “Manuale di Buone Pratiche Igieniche e di Buone Pratiche di Fabbricazione per la Filiera Ittica” Guide to good practices for the fishing industry Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues,Recall fishery products
CH Food Leitlinie für eine gute Hygienepraxis in Fleischfachbetrieben Guide to Good Hygiene Practice Horizontal (several stages) meat (in general)
CH Food Linee direttive per una buona prassi procedurale Salumeria & Gastronomia della Svizzera/Italiana Guide to Good Hygiene Practice Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues,Recall meat product
CH Food Linee direttive per una buona prassi procedurale per l'importazione di salumi Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in the importation of salami Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues,Recall meat product
CH Food Branchenleitlinie für die gute Verfahrenspraxis in der gewerblichen Milchverarbeitung Guide to Good Hygiene Practice milk
CH Food Leitlinie Gute Verfahrenspraxis im Gastgewerbe (GVG) Guide to Good Hygiene Practice
CY Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής για τα αρτοποιεία και τις επιχειρήσεις διακίνησης και διάθεσης άρτου και προιόντων αρτοποιίας Guide for bakery bakery products
CY Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής για τις επιχειρήσεις παραγωγής, διακίνησης και διάθεσης αναψυκτικών και χυμών Guide to businesses for production and sale of soft drinks and juices. juices
CY Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής για τις επιχειρήσεις εμφιάλωσης νερού και διάθεσης νερού από βυτιοφόρα οχήματα και βυτία με κερματοδέκτες Guide to businesses of bottling of drinking water and Natural Mineral Water and the disposal and sale of drinking water by tanker vehicles and vendor machines Transport water
CY Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής και ανάκληση και ιχνηλασιμότητα των τροφίμων Guide to businesses for recall and traceability of foodstuffs Recall
CY Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής για τις επιχειρήσεις λιανικής πώλησης τροφίμων Guide to the businesses for retail sale of foodstuffs Retail
CY Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής για τις επιχειρήσεις μαζικής εστίασης και ζαχαροπλαστικής Guide for mass catering and confectionery
CY Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής για πωλητές τροφίμων στις λαϊκές αγορές Guide for open markets
CY Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής για τις επιχειρήσεις αποθήκευσης και διανομής τροφίμων σε συνθήκες περιβάλλοντος, ψύξης ή κατάψυξης Guide for the storage and distribution of foodstuffs in ambient, cooling and freezing temperatures
CY Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής για κγλικεια Guide to good practice for school canteens
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní paxe pro výrobce jemného pečiva Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Production of Pastries and Tarts bakery products
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro výrobce chleba a běžného pečiva Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for producers of Bread and Bread-like Products bakery products
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe – Mléko a mléčné výrobky; Czech Technical Standard – ČSN 56 9601 Guidelines for Good Hygiene and Manufacturing Practice - Milk and Milk Products; Czech Technical Standard – ČSN 56 9601 dairy products
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe – Vejce a výrobky z nich; Czech Technical Standard – ČSN 56 9603 Guidelines for Good Hygiene and Manufacturing Practice – Eggs and Eggs Products; Czech Technical Standard – ČSN 56 9603 eggs and egg products
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe – Ryby, vodní živočichové a výrobky z nich; Czech Technical Standard – ČSN 56 9602 Guidelines for Good Hygiene and Manufacturing Practice – Fish, Aquatic Animals and their Products; Czech Technical Standard – ČSN 56 9602 fishery products
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe – Sterilovaná zelenina a ovoce; Czech Technical Standard – ČSN 56904 Guidelines for Good Hygiene and Manufacturing Practice – Sterilized Vegetable and Fruit; Czech Technical Standard – ČSN 56904 fruit
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro výrobu ovocných pomazánek a kompotů Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Production of Fruit Spreads and Stewed Fruits fruit
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro maso a msané výrobky Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Production of Meat and Meat Products meat (in general)
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro výrobu drůbežích tepelně opracovaných a trvanlivých masných výrobků Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Production of Heat-Treated Poultry Meat Products and Durable Poultry Meat Products meat product
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro výrobu drůbežích polotovarů, drůbežího strojně odděleného masa, drůbežích kuchyňských polotovarů a drůbežích konzerv Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Production of Poultry Semi-Products, Poultry Mechanically Separated Meat, Cooked Poultry Products and Poultry cans meat product
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe porážek drůbeže a výrobě drůbežího masa Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Slaughtered Poultry and for the Production of Poultry Meat poultry meat
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro výrobce nealkoholických nápojů Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Production of Non-alcoholic Drinks soft drinks
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro minerální vody a ochucené minerální vody Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Production of Mineral Waters and Flavoured Mineral Waters water
CZ Food Systém kritických bodů v gastronomii (HACCP) System of Critical Points in Gastronomy HACCP
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické praxe pro mlýnské výrobky Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Mill Products Milling
CZ Food Pravidla správné yhgienické a výrobyní praxe pro výrobu lahůdek Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Production of Delicatessen Retail
CZ Food Systém kritických bodů v obchodě System of Critical Points in Food Trade Retail
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro zmrazené potraviny Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Producers of Deep-frozen Foods
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro výrobce jedlé soli a solných výrobků Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Producers of Edible Salt and Salt Products
CZ Food Pravidla správné výrobní praxe pro výrobce těstovin Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Producers of Pasta
CZ Food Pravidla správné hygienické a výrobní praxe pro výrobu škrobu Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Producers of Starch
CZ Food Pravidla správné yhgienické a výrobní praxe pro cukrářskou výrobu – šlehané hmoty Guides to Good Hygiene and Manufacture Practice for Production of Confectionery Goods (Whipped Mixtures for their Production
CZ Food Zásady správne výrobní a hiegienické praxe ve stravovacích službách, Cást I, Cást II Rules of Good Manufacturing and Hygiene Practice in Catering Services, Prt. I, Part II
CZ Food Bezpečnost pokrmů v gastronomii Safety of meals in Gastronomy
DE Food DIN 10544 Lebensmittelhygiene – Gewerbliche Spülmaschinen – Ergänzende Hygieneanforderungen und Prüfungen DIN 10544 - Food hygiene – Commercial dishwashing machines – Additional hygiene requirements and testing GHP/GMP
DE Food Leitlinie für Gute Verfahrenspraxis - Empfehlungen für Präventionsmaßnahmen gegen Listeria monocytogenes in bestimmten Bereichen der Lebensmittelherstellung Guideline for Good Practice - Recommendations for preventive measures against Listeria monocytogenes in certain areas of food production Other GHP/GMP Others Traditional products
DE Food Leitlinie für die Direktvermarktung von Geflügel ohne EU-Zulassung - Lebensmittelhygienische Voraussetzungen für das Schlachten und Zerlegen von Geflügel Guideline for direct marketing of poultry meat from slaughter facilities without EU approval - hygiene requirements for the slaughtering and cutting of poultry Primary production GHP/GMP poultry meat
DE Food Leitlinie "Hygiene beim Umgang mit kundeneigenen Bechern zur Abgabe von Heißgetränken in Bedienung oder Selbstbedienung" / Merkblatt "Coffee-to-go"-Becher Code of Good Hygiene Practice for Handling Customer Owned Mugs for Selling Hot Drinks in Service or Self-Service/Leaflet for "Coffee-to-go"-Mugs Other GHP/GMP Others
DE Food DIN 10543 "Lebensmittelhygiene - Lebensmittellieferungen an Endverbraucher (insbesondere Onlinehandel) - Hygieneanforderungen und notwendige Informationen" Food Hygiene - Food delivery to consumer (especially e-commerce) - Hygienic requirements and necessary information GHP/GMP
DE Food Leitlinie über die Aussetzung der Milchlieferung und Beendigung dieser Aussetzung Code of Good Practice on the suspension of milk delivery and termination of this suspension Primary production GHP/GMP Others
DE Food DIN 10541 Lebensmittelhygiene - Milchausgabeautomaten - Hygieneanforderungen DIN 10541 - Food Hygiene - Milk vending machines - Hygiene requirements Other GHP/GMP milk
DE Food Leitlinie für gute Verfahrenspraxis "Hygiene und HACCP in kleinen und mittelständischen Brauereien" Code of Good Practice for Hygiene and HACCP in brewing and bottling of beer in small and medium sized breweries Other GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues beer
DE Food Leitlinie für Gute Hygienepraxis für freistehende Wasserspenderanlagen Code of Good Hygiene Practice for Bottling, Distribution and Operation of Bottled Water Coolers Other GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues water
DE Feed Leitlinie Umschlag und Lagerung Getreide, Futtermittel und Ölsaaten Guide on handling and storage of grain, feedstuffs and oilseeds
DE Food Leitlinie für eine Gute Hygiene- und HACCP-Praxis sowie zur Durchführung mikrobiologischer Eigenkontrollen bei der handwerklichen Herstellung von nicht vorverpacktem Speiseeis Guideline for Good Hygiene Practice and HACCP as well as for applying microbiological self centrols to manually produced ice cream which is not pre-packed Distribution centres,Packaging and rewrapping GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues,Other Others
DE Food Leitlinie für Gute Verfahrenspraxis zur Durchführung der mikrobiologischen Eigenkontrollen bei der Selbstherstellung von verzehrfertigen, vorzerkleinerten Obst- und Gemüseprodukten im Einzelhandel Guideline for good practice to the application of microbiological self-monitoring while producing ready-to-eat and pre-crushed fruit and vegetables to retail
DE Food DIN 10536 Lebensmittelhygiene - Cook & Chill-Verfahren - Hygieneanforderungen Food Hygiene - Cook & Chill method - Hygiene requirements GHP/GMP,HACCP
DE Food Leitlinie fur eine Gute Hygienepraxis in der Aromenindustrie Guideline to good hygiene practice in the Flavour Industry Primary production GHP/GMP Others
DE Food Leitlinie zur guten Verfahrens- und Hygienepraxis im C+C Großhandelsmarkt Guidance on good practice for hygiene in the c+c-wholesale market in accordance with article 7 of Regulation (EG) No 852/2004 Retail GHP/GMP Others
DE Food Leitlinien für gute Verfahrenspraxis zur Herstellung, Abfüllung und Distribution von Lebensmittelgasen Code of Good Hygiene Practice for Producing, Filling and Distribution of Food Gases Other GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues Others
DE Food Leitlinie für eine Gute Lebensmittelhygienepraxis in ortsveränderlichen Betriebsstätten Guideline for good hygiene practice for movable and/or temporary premises (such as marquees, market stalls, mobile sales vehicles) Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues Others
DE Food Leitlinie zur Lebensmittelsicherheit im Schienenpersonenverkehr der DB Guideline on Food Safety in DB Passenger Rail Services Other GHP/GMP all food
DE Food DIN 10508 Lebensmittelhygiene - Temperaturen für Lebensmittel DIN 10508 Food hygiene - Temperature requirements for foodstuffs GHP/GMP all food
DE Food Leitlinien fuer eine Gute Lebensmittelhygienepraxis im Baecker- und Konditorenhandwerk Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in the bakery/confectionery sector bakery products
DE Food Leitlinien für eine Gute Lebensmittelhygiene-Praxis im Bäcker- und Konditorenhandwerk Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in the bakery/confectionery sector bakery products
DE Food Hygiene-Leitlinie fuer Eierpackstellen Hygiene guideline for egg-packing centres Distribution centres,Packaging and rewrapping GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues eggs and egg products
DE Food Leitlinie fuer eine Gute Hygienepraxis und fuer die Anwendung der Grundsaetze des HACCP-Systems fuer das Herstellen, Behandeln und Inverkehrbringen von Fischereierzeugnissen Guide to Good Hygiene Practice and for the application of the principles of the HACCP system for the production, handling and placing on the market of fishery products fishery products
DE Food Leitlinien fuer eine Gute Hygienepraxis im Fruchthandel Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in the fruit trade Retail fruit
DE Food DIN 10518 Lebensmittelhygiene – Herstellung und Abgabe von nicht vorverpacktem Speiseeis und Softeis an den Verbraucher – Hygieneanforderungen, Prüfung DIN 10518 Food Hygiene – Production and dispense of non-prepacked ice cream and soft ice cream to the consumer – Hygiene requirements, testing Other GHP/GMP,HACCP ice-cream
DE Food DIN 10501-1 Lebensmittelhygiene - Verkaufsmöbel - Teil 1: Verkaufskühlmöbel für gefrorene und tiefgefrorene Lebensmittel sowie Speiseeis; Hygieneanforderungen, Prüfung DIN 10501-1 Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 1: Refrigerated display cabinets for frozen and quick frozen foodstuffs as well as icecream - Hygiene requirements, testing ice-cream
DE Food Leitlinie für eine gute Verfahrenspraxis zur Herstellung, Abfüllung und Distribution von lebensmittelgeeigneten Trockeneispellets und-nuggets“ des Industriegaseverbands e.V. (IGV) Guideline of good practice for production, filling and distribution of food-grade dry-ice pellets and nuggets ice-cream
DE Food Leitlinien fuer eine Gute Hygienepraxis in der Fruchtsaft-Industrie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in the fruit juices industry juices
DE Food Leitlinie fuer eine gute Lebensmittelhygienepraxis zur Anwendung von automatischen Melkverfahren Guide to Good Food Hygiene Practice for the application of automatic milking systems milk
DE Food Leitlinie für eine gute Hygienepraxis in der Salzindustrie Guideline for good food hygiene practice in salt industry salt
DE Food DIN 6650-8 Getraenkeschankanlagen Teil 8: Anforderungen an leitungsgebundene Wasseranlagen DIN 6650-8 Dispense systems for draught beverages Part 8: Requirements for point of use watercoolers water
DE Food DIN 6650-9 Getraenkeschankanlagen Teil 9: Freistehende Wasseranlagen DIN 6650-9 Dispense systems for draught beverages Part 9: Watercoolers water
DE Food Leitlinie für Gute Hygiene-Praxis für Vertreiber und Betreiber von leitungsgebundenen Wasserspendern Guideline for Good Hygiene Practice for sellers and operators of pipeline-bound water dispensers water
DE Food Leitlinien fuer eine Gute Hygienepraxis in der Weinwirtschaft Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for wine industry wine
DE Food/Feed DIN 10514 Lebensmittelhygiene - Hygieneschulung DIN 10514 Food Hygiene – Hygiene training Horizontal (several stages),Milling,Retail Feed materials,Feed intended for particular nutritional purposes,Feed additives and premixtures,Processing crude vegetable oil GHP/GMP,HACCP
DE Food Hygiene-Leitlinie fuer Getreidemuehlen hygiene guidelines for flour mills Other HACCP
DE Food DIN 10505 Lebensmittelhygiene - Lüftungseinrichtungen für Lebensmittelverkaufsstätten - Anforderungen, Prüfung DIN 10505 Food hygiene - Ventilation equipment for sales arrangements of foodstuffs - Requirements, testing Other Other
DE Food DIN 10523 Lebensmittelhygiene - Schädlingsbekämpfung im Lebensmittelbereich DIN 10523 Food hygiene - Pest control in the food area Other Other
DE Food HDE-Leitlinie für eine Gute Verfahrenspraxis gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 852/2004 über Lebensmittelhygiene German Retail Federation Guides to Good Practice according Article 8 Dir. (EC) No 852/2004 Retail
DE Food Leitlinie fuer eine Gute Hygienepraxis im Getraenkefachgrosshandel und Getraenkeabholmarkt (GAM) Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for beverage wholesalers and retailers Retail
DE Food Leitlinie für Gute Verfahrenspraxis - Temperaturanforderungen für bestimmte Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs, die in Betrieben des Einzelhandels lose oder selbst verpackt abgegeben werden Guide to good practice –Temperature requirements for certain foodstuffs of animal origin which are delivered in bulk or self-packaged by the retail trade Retail
DE Food Leitlinie für eine Gute Hygienepraxis beim Lebensmitteltransport (2. Auflage) Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for food transportation (Version 2) Transport
DE Food Sicherung der Hygiene in Zentralkuechen Assurance of hygiene standards in central kitchen
DE Food DIN 10501-2 Lebensmittelhygiene - Verkaufsmöbel - Teil 2: Verkaufskühlmöbel für gekühlte Lebensmittel - Hygieneanforderungen, Prüfung DIN 10501-2 Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 2: Refrigerated display cabinets for refrigerated foodstuffs - Hygiene requirements, testing
DE Food DIN 10501-3 Lebensmittelhygiene - Verkaufsmöbel - Teil 3: Verkaufsbehälter für Lebensmittel, die bei Umgebungstemperatur feilgeboten werden - Hygieneanforderungen, Prüfung DIN 10501-3 Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 3: Display containers for foodstuffs, offered for sale at ambient temperature - Hygiene requirements, testing
DE Food DIN 10501-4 Lebensmittelhygiene - Verkaufsmöbel - Teil 4: Verkaufswärmemöbel für heiß gehaltene Lebensmittel - Hygieneanforderungen, Prüfung DIN 10501-4 Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 4: Thermal display cabinets for hot foodstuffs - Hygiene requirements, testing
DE Food DIN 10501-5 Lebensmittelhygiene - Verkaufsmöbel - Teil 5: Verkaufskühlmöbel zum Anbieten von Salaten und Salatsoßen in Selbstbedienung; Hygieneanforderungen, Prüfung DIN 10501-5 Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 5: Refrigerated display cabinets offering for sale salads and salad dressings in self service, hygiene requirements, testing
DE Food DIN 10506 Lebensmittelhygiene - Gemeinschaftsverpflegung DIN 10506 Food hygiene - Mass catering
DE Food DIN 10507 Lebensmittelhygiene - Herstellung und Abgabe von Sahne mit Sahneaufschlagmaschinen - Hygieneanforderungen, Prüfung DIN 10507 Food hygiene - Production and dispense of cream with cream whipping machines - Hygiene requirements, testing
DE Food DIN 10516 Lebensmittelhygiene - Reinigung und Desinfektion DIN 10516 Food hygiene - Cleaning and disinfection
DE Food DIN 10519 Lebensmittelhygiene - Selbstbedienungseinrichtungen für unverpackte Lebensmittel - Hygieneanforderungen DIN 10519 Food hygiene - Self-service equipment for unpackaged food - Hygiene requirements
DE Food DIN 10522 Lebensmittelhygiene - Gewerbliches maschinelles Spülen von Mehrwegkästen und Mehrwegbehältnissen für unverpackte Lebensmittel - Hygieneanforderungen, Prüfung DIN 10522 Food hygiene - Commercial cleaning of reusable boxes and reusable containers for unpackaged foodstuffs - Hygiene requirements, testing
DE Food DIN 10524 Lebensmittelhygiene - Arbeitsbekleidung in Lebensmittelbetrieben DIN 10524 Food hygiene - Work wear in food business
DE Food DIN 10526 Lebensmittelhygiene - Rückstellproben in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung DIN 10526 Food hygiene - Retained samples in mass catering
DE Food DIN 10527 Lebensmittelhygiene - Abgabe von leicht verderblichen Lebensmitteln aus Verkaufsautomaten - Hygieneanforderungen DIN 10527 Food hygiene - Sale of perishable foodstuffs from vending machines - Hygiene requirements
DE Food DIN 10528 Lebensmittelhygiene - Anleitung für die Auswahl von Werkstoffen für den Kontakt mit Lebensmitteln - Allgemeine Grundsätze DIN 10528 Food hygiene - Guideline for the selection of materials used in contact with foodstuffs - General principles
DE Food DIN 6650-1 Getraenkeschankanlagen Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen DIN 6650-1 Dispense systems for draught beverages Part 1: General requirements
DE Food DIN 6650-5 Getränkeschankanlagen - Teil 5: Sicherheitstechnische, hygienische und anwendungstechnische Anforderungen an verwendungsfertige Getränkeschankanlagen, Bauteilgruppen und Bauteile sowie ihre Prüfung DIN 6650-5 Dispense systems for draught beverages - Part 5: Safety, hygienic and application-technical requirements and testing of ready-for-use dispense systems for draught beverages, component assemblies and components
DE Food DIN 6650-6 Getränkeschankanlagen - Teil 6: Anforderungen an Reinigung und Desinfektion DIN 6650-6 Dispense systems for draught beverages - Part 6: Requirements for cleaning and disinfection
DE Food DIN 6650-7 Getraenkeschankanlagen Teil 7: Hygienische Anforderungen an die Errichtung von Getraenkeschankanlagen DIN 6650-7 Dispense systems for draught beverages Part 7: Hygiene requirements for the installation of beverage dispensing systems
DE Food Leitlinie fuer eine Gute Lebensmittelhygienepraxis in fleischerhandwerklichen Betrieben (Verkaufsbereich) Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for butchers (sale area)
DE Food Leitlinien für eine Gute Lebensmittelhygienepraxis in der Kindertagespflege Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in Child day care
DE Food Leitlinie fuer eine Gute Hygienepraxis in Kühlhäusern (HACCP) Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in cold stores
DE Food Leitlinie für eine Gute Hygienepraxis in der Gastronomie (3. Auflage) Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in the restaurant and catering sector (Version 3)
DE Food Leitlinie fuer eine gute Lebensmittelhygienepraxis und zur Durchfuehrung betrieblicher Eigenkontrollen in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben mit Direktvermarktung Guide to the implementation of operational own-checks to ensure good hygiene on farms engaged indirect marketing
DE Food Leitlinie für Gute Verfahrenspraxis zur Anpassung der Probenahmehäufigkeit in Betrieben, die kleine Mengen Hackfleisch und Fleischzubereitungen herstellen Guideline for good food hygiene practice for the adjustment of the sample taking frequency in enterprises producing small quantities of minced meat and of meat preparations
DE Food Leitlinie für eine Gute Lebensmittelhygienepraxis in sozialen Einrichtungen Guideline for good food hygiene practice in social facilities
DE Food Leitlinie für eine gute Hygienepraxis in handwerklichen Fleischereien Guideline to good hygiene practice for craft butchers
DE Food Leitlinien fuer eine Gute Lebensmittelhygiene beim Lebensmitteltransport Transportation of foodstuffs – Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for food transportation
DK Food Branchekode for pollenproduktion Code for Beekeepers - production of pollen Primary production GHP/GMP
DK Food Hygiejne og egenkontrol delikatesse, bistro, fastfood, ost Hygiene and own checks, delicatessens, bistros, fast-food, cheese counters Retail all food
DK Food Hygiejne og egenkontrol bagerafdelingen Hygiene and own checks, bakery departments bakery products
DK Food Branchekode for bager- og konditormestre i Danmark Hygiene and own checks, bakery departments, special edition for bakeries bakery products
DK Food Branchekode for egenkontrol: Mejerier Hygiene and own checks, code of practice for production of milk dairy products
DK Food Branchekode for egenkontrol på fiskeauktioner med tilhørende samlecentraler Code for Fish Auction halls fishery products
DK Food Branchekode for egenkontrol på fiskefartøjer med kogning, frysning eller tanksaetning om bord Code of practice for specific fishing boats fishery products
DK Food Branchekode for egenkontrol i fiskeforretninger Hygiene and own checks, code of practice for own checks in fishmongers' fishery products
DK Food Hygiejne og egenkontrol fiskeafdelingen Hygiene and own checks, fish departments fishery products
DK Food AKVAKULTUR Code for Aquaculture Primary production
DK Food God produktionspraksis for biavlere Code for Beekeepers (honeyproduction) Primary production
DK Food GMP plan for produktion af konsumæg Code for eggproduction Primary production
DK Food Branchekode for egenkontrol i mælkeleverende besætninger Code for milkproducers Primary production
DK Food Vejledning om god produktionspraksis i primærproduktion Dansk Landbrug Primary production
DK Food Branchekode for apoteker Code for Pharmacies Retail
DK Food Branchekode for hotel- og restaurenterhvervet (HORESTA) Code for hotels and restaurants Retail
DK Food Branchekode for egenkontrol i osteforretninger Hygiene and own checks, for cheese shops Retail
DK Food Branchekode for kontrol med restkoncentrationer i svine-, okse-, fåre- og gedekød Code of practice for detection of residue Slaughterhouse
DK Food Branchekode for egenkontrol med kontrolmaerket materiale Code of practice for health mark labeling Slaughterhouse
DK Food Branchekode for virksomhedsforsegling af forsendelser med kødvarer Code of practice for seling Slaughterhouse
DK Food Branchevejledning for formidling og transport af fødevarer Code of practice for transportation Transport
DK Food Branchekode for øl-,læskedrikke- og vandprodukter Code for Breweries (beer and softdrink)
DK Food Branchekode for konditor, bagere og chokolademagere Code for confectioners
DK Food Branchekode for restauranter og cafeer Code for small restaurants and coffeshops etc.
DK Food Branchekode for hotel - og restauranterhvervet Code of practice for the hotel and catering sector
DK Food Hygiejne og egenkontrol branchekode for supermarkeder Hygiene and own checks, code of practice for supermarkets
DK Food Branchekode, danske slagtermestres landsforening Hygiene and own checks, for butcher's shops
DK Food Hygiejne og egenkontrol slagterafdelingen Hygiene and own checks, meat departments
DK Food Hygiejne og egenkontrol supermarked-faelles funktioner Hygiene and own checks, supermarket joint functions
EE Food Kaupluse hea hügieenitava juhend Guideline to Good Hygiene Practises for Retail Establishments Retail
ES Food APPCC Guía de aplicación ANFABRA (Asociación de Bebidas refrescantes) HACCP ANFABRA Application Guide (Soft drinks association) Horizontal (several stages) HACCP soft drinks SME
ES Food Guía de Prácticas Correctas de Higiene en establecimientos detallistas de productos de la pesca y acuicultura. Guide to Good Hygiene Practices in fishery and aquaculture products retail establishments. Retail GHP/GMP fishery products
ES Feed Manual de buenas prácticas de manipulación de los productos del mar destinados a la fabricación de harinas y aceites de pescado para la alimentación animal Guidance of good practice for the handling of sea products intended for the production of fish meal an fis oil for animal feeding purposes Feed materials GHP/GMP Feed intended for pigs,Feed intended for Poultry and turkeys,Feed intended for Bovines,Feed intended for sheep,Feed intended for goats,Feed intended for fish,Feed intended for rabbits,Feed intended for horses,Feed intended for pets and other non-producing animals
ES Feed Guía para la implementación de los sistemas de trazabilidad en la cadena de ealboración de harinas y aceites de pescado destinados a la alimenación animal Guidance for the implementation of traceability systems in the manufacture of fish meal and fish oil intended for animal feeding Feed materials GHP/GMP Feed intended for pigs,Feed intended for Poultry and turkeys,Feed intended for Bovines,Feed intended for sheep,Feed intended for goats,Feed intended for fish,Feed intended for rabbits,Feed intended for horses,Feed intended for pets and other non-producing animals
ES Food Buenas Prácticas de Higiene en la Producción Primaria de Brotes Vegetales Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in Primary Production of Sprouts Primary production GHP/GMP sprouted seeds SME
ES Food Guia APPCC en centros de embalaje de huevos de gallina HACCP Guide in eggs Packaging Centers Packaging and rewrapping GHP/GMP,HACCP eggs and egg products
ES Food Guía de Análisis de Peligros y Puntos de Control Crítico en leches UHT y leches pasterizadas Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Guide in UHT and pasteurized milk Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP dairy products
ES Food Guía de Buenas Prácticas de Higiene en la Producción Primaria Agrícola Guide to Good Hygiene Practice in Primary Agricultural Production Primary production GHP/GMP fruit,herbs and spices,vegetables SME
ES Food Guía para la aplicación del sistema de trazabilidad en la empresa agroalimentaria Guidelines for the application of traceability system in the food sector Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP all food
ES Food GUÍA DE ANÁLISIS DE PELIGROS Y PUNTOS DE CONTROL CRÍTICO (APPCC)EN EL SECTOR DEL CAFÉ TOSTADO Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) guide for roasted coffee Processing plant HACCP coffee
ES Food Guía de Buenas Prácticas de Higiene Para la Elaboración de Ovoproductos (Huevo Liquido Pasteurizado Refrigerado y Huevo Cocido) Guide Of Good Hygiene Practices for The Manufacturing of Egg Products (Pasteurised And Refrigerated Liquid Egg And Boiled Egg) Processing plant GHP/GMP eggs and egg products
ES Food GUÍA DE APLICACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE ANÁLISIS DE PELIGROS Y PUNTOS DE CONTROL CRÍTICO EN LA INDUSTRIA DE ZUMOS DE FRUTA Guideline for the Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) in the Industry of Fruit Juices Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Recall juices
ES Food Guía de aplicación del sistema de APPCC en la industria de zumos de frutas Guide for the implementation of HACCP system in the fruit juice industries HACCP juices
ES Food GUIA DEL SECTOR DE AVICULTURA DE CARNE EN ESPAÑA PARA EL CUMPLIMIENTO DEL REGLAMENTO (UE) Nº 1086/2011 QUE MODIFICA LOS REGLAMENTOS (UE) Nº 2160/2003 Y (CE) Nº 2073/2005 Guidelines from Spanish Poultry Sector for the fulfillment of EU Regulation 1086/2011 amending EU Regulations 2160/2003 and 2073/2005 Cutting plant,Primary production,Slaughterhouse Other poultry meat
ES Food Guía de Buenas Prácticas de Higiene en las Industrias de Aguas de Bebida Envasadas Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for Bottled Water Industries Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues,Recall water
ES Food Guía de Prácticas correctas de Higiene Vacuno de Cebo Guidelines on Good Hygienic Practices for Beef Cattle
ES Food Guía de Prácticas correctas de Higiene Vaca Nodriza Guidelines on Good Hygienic Practices for Dairy Cow
ES Food Guía de Prácticas correctas de Higiene Ovino de leche Guidelines on Good Hygienic Practices for Dairy Sheep
ES Food Guía de Prácticas correctas de Higiene Ovino de carne Guidelines on Good Hygienic Practices for Meat Sheep
ES Food Guía de Prácticas correctas de Higiene Caprino de Carne y Leche Guidelines on Good Hygienic Practices for Meat and Dairy Goats
FI Food Rannikko- ja sisävesikalastuksen hyvän käytännön ohjeet Guide to good practice in coastal and inland fishing Primary production
FI Food Pakkaamon Laatutarha -ohjeisto, versio 2024/ Packeriets Kvalitetsgård -riktlinjer, version 2024 Good Handling Practices for Fruit&Vegetable Packing Houses, version 2024 Packaging and rewrapping fruit,vegetables Traditional products
FI Food Hyvän käytännön ohjeet mehiläistarhauksessa Guide for good practices in beekeeping
FI Feed Hyvät rehuvarastojen merkintätavat kotieläintiloilla Good labelling practices for feed storages on farms
FI Food Viljelmän Laatutarha Good Handling Practices for Primary production of Fruit & Vegetable Primary production fruit,vegetables Traditional products
FI Food Lihasiipikarjan hyvän hygienian opas- lihasiipikarjatilojen tautisuojausvaatimusten lakisääteinen ja kansallinen taso -ohje Good hygiene practice for poultry reared for meat - on farms, during catching, loading and transport in Finland poultry meat
FI Food Hyvän käytännön ohje tuorekasviksia käsitteleville yrityksille Guidance for best practices in fresh-cut vegetable processing industry Processing plant vegetables
FI Food Elintarvikekuljetusten yleiset hyvän käytännön ohjeet General guidelines to good practices for food transport Transport GHP/GMP
FI Food Luonnonyrttiopas Good practice for collection and identification of wild herbs in Finland Primary production
FI Food Myymälöiden omavalvontaohje Own control system for grocery stores Retail
FI Food Omavalvonta ravintolassa elintarvikkeet Own-check in a restaurant, food
FR Food Conserveurs (artisanaux) Guide to good practice for hygiene and for the application of HACCP principles Activity canner as a complementary activity for butcher, pork butcher, restaurant, delicatessen and fishmonger HACCP SME
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Rayon pâtisserie et viennoiserie en grandes et moyennes surfaces Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Cakes and pastries section in large and medium markets bakery products
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Cafétérias Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Cafeteria coffee
FR Food Collecte lait cru et fabrication de produits laitiers Association de la transformation laitière française Primary production HACCP dairy products
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Fabrication de produits laitiers et fromages fermiers Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Milk products and artisanal cheese dairy products
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Détaillant en produits laitiers Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Retailers of dairy products dairy products
FR Food Poissons fumés et/ou salés et/ou marinés Guide to good practices and HACCP Application for smoked an/or salted and/or marinated fish HACCP fishery products
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Rayon marée en grandes et moyennes sufaces Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Fish and fishery products section in large and medium retail markets Retail fishery products
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Poissonnier détaillant Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Fishmongers Retail fishery products
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Glacier-fabricant monovalent Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Ice cream makers ice-cream
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Charcuterie artisanale Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Artisanal pork butchers meat product
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Fruits et légumes frais non transformés Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Unprocessed fresh fruit and vegetables vegetables,fruit
FR Food Élevage de porcs Institut du Porc, Fédération Nationale Porcine, Interprofession nationale porcine Primary production HACCP wine
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Filiére vins Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Wine sector wine
FR Food Abattage/découpe de palmipèdes gras (grandes structures) Comité interprofessionnel des palmipèdes à foie gras Centre Technique de la Conservation des Produits Agricoles Cutting plant,Slaughterhouse HACCP
FR Food Abattage et découpe de volailles maigres (toutes espèces) Fédération des Industries Avicoles Cutting plant,Slaughterhouse HACCP
FR Food Distribution de produits alimentaires par les organismes caritatifs Banque Alimentaire de Paris et d'Île de France Distribution centres HACCP
FR Food Elevage de gros bovins, veaux de boucherie, ovins et caprins Confédération nationale de l’élevage Primary production HACCP
FR Food Centres d’emballage d’œufs Syndicat National des Industriels en Produits d'œufs Comité National pour la promotion de l'Œuf Primary production,Processing plant HACCP
FR Food Plats cuisinés et viande en conserves appertisées Centre Technique de la Conservation des Produits Agricoles Processing plant HACCP
FR Food Transformation des palmipèdes à foie gras dans les ateliers artisanaux et les ateliers à la ferme Comité interprofessionnel des palmipèdes à foie gras Centre Technique de la Conservation des Produits Agricoles Processing plant HACCP
FR Food Poissons, mollusques et crustacés en conserves appertisées Confédération des Industries de Traitement des Produits des Pêches Maritimes Fédération des Industries d’aliments conservés Processing plant HACCP
FR Food Anchois salés et/ou marinés Confédération des Industries de Traitement des Produits des Pêches Maritimes Fédération des Industries d’aliments conservés Processing plant HACCP
FR Food Entreprises fabricantes de produits traiteurs frais et réfrigérés Syndicat des fabricants de produits traiteurs frais Processing plant HACCP
FR Food Abattage des palmipèdes à foie gras, éviscération dans les tueries, les salles d'abattage agréées et les abattoirs individuels à la ferme agréés Comité interprofessionnel des palmipèdes à foie gras Centre Technique de la Conservation des Produits Agricoles Slaughterhouse HACCP
FR Food Petites structures d'abattage de volailles maigres, de lagomorphes et de ragondins Institut technique de l’aviculture Slaughterhouse HACCP
FR Food Mareyage Guides to good practice for hygiene and for the application of HACCP principles-Fish holesalers HACCP
FR Feed Transformation et valorisation des sous-produits animaux HACCP
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Semoulerie de mais Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Mais processing sector Milling
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Meunerie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Milling Milling
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Industrie de la semoulerie de blé dur Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Semolina processing sector Milling
FR Food Consommateurs Association Léo Lagrange Défense des Consommateurs, Confédération Syndicale des Familles, Familles rurales, Organisation générale des Consommateurs, Union Féminine Civique et Sociale Retail
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Rayon fromage à la coupe en grandes et moyennes surfaces Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: “Cheese” section in large and medium retail markets Retail
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Rayon charcuterie à la coupe en grandes et moyennes surfaces Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: “Cold meat section” in large and medium retail markets Retail
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Traiteur Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Delicatessen Retail
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Rayon viandes en grandes et moyennes surfaces Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: “meat” section in large and medium retail markets Retail
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Collecte et stockage de céréales, d'oléagineux et de protéagineux Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for storage of cereals, oil and proteoleaginous crops
FR Food Transformation et commercialisation de volailles et de porcs Collection: Guide de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: pig and poultry processing and sale
FR Food Collection : Guide de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: “Cakes and pastries” section in large and medium retail markets
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Brasserie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Brewing
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Boucher Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Butchers
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Chocolaterie; confiserie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Chocolate, confectionary
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Distribution des produits surgelés Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Distribution of quick-frozen food
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Distribution automatique de produits frais Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Fresh products from vending machines
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Malterie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Malting
FR Food Guide de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques Végétaux crus prêts à l'emploi Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Ready-to-eat raw vegetables
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Restaurateur Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Restaurant
FR Food Guides de bonne pratiques hygiéniques: Fabrication des conserves des produits végétaux appertisés Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Tinned appertized vegetable products
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Boissons en distribution automatique Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Vending-machine drinks
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Pâtisserie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: pastry-making
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Industrie sucrière et sucre liquide Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: sugar industry
FR Food Fabrication des boîtes, emballages et bouchages métalliques pour denrées alimentaires Guide to good hygien and manufacturing practices for metal cans, packaging and closure for food stuffs
FR Food Restauration collective de plein air des accueils collectifs de mineurs Guide to good hygien practices for Outdoor food services in under-18s residential camps
FR Food Industries charcutières Guide to good hygien practices for Processed meat industry
FR Food Navire expéditeur de coquillages vivants de pêche Guide to good hygien practices for onboard dispatch centres of  offshore shellfisheries
FR Food Guides de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques: Emballages en matiére plastique et emballages souples complexes Guides to Good Hygiene Practice: Plastic packagings and complex flexible packagings
GR Food Οδηγός Ορθής Υγιεινής Πρακτικής για τα Σχολικά Κυλικεία Good Hygiene Practice Guide for School Canteens Retail GHP/GMP all food
GR Food Οδηγός Υγιεινής για τα Κρεοπωλεία Good Hygiene Practice Guide for Butcheries Retail GHP/GMP meat (in general)
GR Food Οδηγός Ορθής Πρακτικής για τις Αλευροβιομηχανίες Good Hygiene Practice Guide for Flour Milling Industries Milling HACCP cereals & flour
GR Food Οδηγός Ορθής Πρακτικής για τις επιχειρήσεις παραγωγής ζαχαρωδών προϊόντων Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the confectionary production Processing plant GHP/GMP confectionary/chocolate
GR Food Οδηγός Ορθής Παραγωγικής Πρακτικής (Ο.Π.Π.) για Υλικά και Αντικείμενα που προορίζονται να έρθουν σε επαφή με τρόφιμα Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Food Contact Materials Other GHP/GMP Others
GR Food Οδηγός Ορθής Πρακτικής για την ολοκληρωμένη διαχείρηση προστασίας από ζωϊκούς εχθρούς και έντομα στις επιχειρήσεις τροφίμων Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the total management of the pest control in food companies Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP all food
GR Food Guide to Good Hygienic Practice for bakeries and food businesses that distribute and place on the market bread and bakery products bakery products
GR Food Guide to Good Hygienic Practice for bottling enterprises drinks (in general)
GR Food Guide to Good Hygienic Practice for establishments of standardization and refinement of olive oil and olive pomace oil Guide to Good Hygienic Practice for establishments of standardization and refinement of olive oil and olive pomace oil vegetable oil
GR Food Guide to Good Hygienic Practice for establishments of storage and distribution of chilled, frozen foods and dry grocery
GR Food Guide to Good Hygienic Practice for food establishments in hotels
GR Food Guide to Good Hygienic Practice for supermarkets
HU Food Útmutató hűtött élelmiszerek, hidegkonyhai készítmények jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for chilled foods, cold preparations GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a tojástermékek előállítására, tojás csomagolására vonatkozó jó higiéniai gyakorlathoz Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for the manufacture of egg products, egg packing GHP/GMP eggs and egg products
HU Food Útmutató a szeszesital gyártás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for production of alcholic beverages GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a jégkrém gyártás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide production of ice-cream GHP/GMP ice-cream
HU Food Útmutató az alkoholmentes italok gyártásának jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide production of non-alcoholic beverages GHP/GMP soft drinks
HU Food Útmutató a növényolaj gyártás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for production of vegetable oils GHP/GMP vegetable oil
HU Food Útmutató a sertés- és marhavágás, bontás, darabolás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for swine and bovine slaughtering, dismembering, cutting up GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató az élelmiszer és italadagoló automaták működésének és az italcsapolás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for the operation of food and beverage dispensers and vending machines GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a kistermelői élelmiszer-előállítás és értékesítés jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide to for small-scale food production and sales GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a vendéglátás és étkeztetés jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide to catering and hospitality GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a kiskereskedelmi élelmiszer-forgalmazás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for retail distribution of food Retail GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a tej és tejtermékek előállításának jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide production of milk and milk products GHP/GMP dairy products
HU Food Útmutató a húskészítmények gyártása jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for production of meat products
HU Food Útmutató a baromfi és nyúlfélék vágásának és darabolásának jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for for slaughtering and cutting poultry and lagomorphs Slaughterhouse GHP/GMP Others
HU Food Útmutató a sütőipar jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for the bakery industry bakery products
HU Food Útmutató a söripar jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for the brewery GHP/GMP beer
HU Food Útmutató az édesipar jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for confectionary industry GHP/GMP confectionary/chocolate
HU Food Útmutató a halfeldolgozás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for fish processing GHP/GMP fishery products
HU Food Útmutató a gyümölcslegyártás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Guide for production of fruit juices juices
HU Food Útmutató a szikvíz -, szódavíz gyártás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for production of sodawater GHP/GMP water
HU Food Útmutató a malomipar jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for the milling industry Milling GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a cukoripar jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for the sugar industry GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a száraztészta előállítás jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for production of dry pasta GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a savanyított termékek elöállitásának jo higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for production of pickled product GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a konzervipar jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for canned food industry GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a gyorsfagyasztott termékek jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Good Hygiene Practice - Guide for quick frozen food production GHP/GMP
HU Food Útmutató a malomipar jó higiéniai gyakorlatához Guide for the browery industry and mills
IE Food I.S. 342: 2022 Hygiene for Food Processors I.S. 342: 2022 Hygiene for Food Processors Cold storage,Cutting plant,Distribution centres,Horizontal (several stages),Milling,Packaging and rewrapping,Primary production,Processing plant,Retail,Slaughterhouse,Transport GHP/GMP,HACCP all food Construction; layout and equipment
IE Food Food Safety Management System. Guide for small meat manufacturing plants Food Safety Management System. Guide for small meat manufacturing plants Processing plant GHP/GMP meat (in general) Construction; layout and equipment,Geographic constraints,SME
IE Food Food Safety managment (FSMS) Guide for Low throughput Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Pig Slaughterhouses Food Safety managment (FSMS) Guide for Low throughput Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Pig Slaughterhouses Slaughterhouse Auditing,GHP/GMP,HACCP meat (in general),bovine meat,pig meat,poultry meat,ovine meat,caprine meat Construction; layout and equipment
IE Food Fresh Produce Safety in Primary Production in Ireland Fresh Produce Safety in Primary Production in Ireland Primary production GHP/GMP fruit,herbs and spices,mushrooms,sprouted seeds,vegetables
IE Food Packaged Bottled Water Packaged Bottled Water water
IE Food Hygiene in food retailing and wholesaling Hygiene in food retailing and wholesaling Retail
IE Food Hygiene in the catering sector Hygiene in the catering sector
IE Food Safe Catering – your guide to making food safely Safe Catering – your guide to making food safely
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale della panificazione e prodotti da forno Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal bread and bakery products sector bakery products
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore della panificazione industriale Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the industrial bread-making sector bakery products
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore della produzione e commercializzazione dei semilavorati per panificazione e pasticceria Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the production and marketing of semi-finished products for baking and confectionery bakery products
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica e schede HACCP per l'industria della birra e del malto per il trasporto, lo stoccaggio e la mescita della birra Supplements to the guide to Good Hygiene Practice and HACCP sheets for the beer and malt industry for the transportation, storage and dispensing of beer beer
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale della torrefazione caffè Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal coffee roasting sector coffee
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione ed il confezionamento del caffè torrefato Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the manufacture and packaging of roasted coffee coffee
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione ed il confezionamento di caffè torrefato e per il confezionamento di caffè solubile predisposto dall'associazione italiana industrie prodotti alimentari Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the manufacture and packaging of roasted coffee and the packaging of soluble coffee coffee
IT Food Manuale per la produzione e il confezionamento di caffè torrefatto e per il confezionamento di caffè Guideline for the production and packaging of roasted coffee and packaging of coffee coffee
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il formaggio Gorgonzola Good hygiene practice for gorgonzola chees dairy products
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le produzioni lattiero-casearie artigianali e d'alpeggio Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal/on-farm production of milk and milk products dairy products
IT Food Manuale volontario di corretta prassi igienica per le aziende del settore lattiero-caseario Voluntary Handbook of Good Hygiene Practice for the milk/cheese sector dairy products
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale dei distillati e liquori Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal liquors and spirits sector drinks (in general)
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica del processo produttivo degli alcoli e delle acquaviti Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the production of alcoholic drinks and spirits drinks (in general)
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per l'imballaggio delle uova Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for egg packing eggs and egg products
IT Food Manuale per la produzione primaria-attività di pesca Guideline for primary production-fishing fishery products
IT Food L'autocontrollo nelle industrie di trasformazione dei prodotti ittici trattati con il calore Own-checks handbook for the processing of heat-treated fish products fishery products
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per i centri di lavorazione e confezionamento dei prodotti ortofrutticoli freschi, surgelati, di IV gamma, degli agrumi della frutta a guscio ed essiccata Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for processing and packaging centres for fresh, frozen, washed-cut-and-packed fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts and dried fruit fruit
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore ortofrutticolo Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the fruit and vegetable sector fruit
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore della vendita all'ingrosso dei prodotti ortofrutticoli Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the fruit and vegetable wholesaling sector fruit
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la trasformazione e sommercializzazione di prodotti ortofrutticoli Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the processing and marketing of fruit and vegetable products fruit
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica ad uso degli operatori dei mercati ortofrutticoli alli’ingrosso Good hygiene practice for distribution(wholesale) of fruit and vegetables. fruit,vegetables
IT Food Manuale di autocontrollo per la corretta prassi igienica ad uso degli operatori dei mercati ortofrutticoli all'ingrosso Own-checks handbook for good hygiene practice for fruit and vegetable wholesalers fruit,vegetables
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la gelateria artigianale Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for artisanal ice-cream making ice-cream
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica riguardante il settore artigianale della gelateria Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal ice-cream sector ice-cream
IT Food Manuale HACCP, procedure di controllo e sorveglianza dei punti critici nella produzione di gelato artigianale Handbook of HACCP procedures for the control and surveillance of critical points in artisanal ice-cream making ice-cream
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione di carne e prodotti carnei nelle aziende agricole Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the production of meat and meat products meat (in general)
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica sul confezionamento di funghi essiccati Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the packaging of dried mushrooms mushrooms
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per l'industria delle bevande analcoliche Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the soft drinks industry soft drinks
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica nel settore dell’estrazione dell’olio di sansa Good hygiene practice for extraction of olive residue-oil vegetable oil
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale dei frantoi Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal oil-milling sector vegetable oil
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione di olio vergine die oliva presentato Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the manufacture of virgin olive oil vegetable oil
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica nelle attività di raffinazione e di confezionamento degli oli di oliva e di sansa di oliva Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the refining and packaging of olive oil and olive residue oil vegetable oil
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le industrie produttrici di conserve vegetali all'aceto, all'olio, in salamoia e specialità affini Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for idustries producing preserved vegetables vegetables
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale delle conserve vegetali Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal preserved vegetables sector vegetables
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione di conserve vegetali stabilizzate mediante trattamenti termici Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the production of heat-treated preserved vegetables vegetables
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore ortofutticolo-agrumicolo predisposto dall'U.N.A.C.O.A Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the fruit, citrus fruit and vegetable sector vegetables,fruit
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica sulle acque minerali naturali confezionate Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for bottled natural mineral waters water
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la prevenzione dei rischi igienico-sanitari nella produzione enologica siciliana Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the preservation of hygiene risks in the vine production in Sicily wine
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore enologico Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the wine sector wine
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le aziende viti-vinicole Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for wine producers wine
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per i settori vini, spiriti, frutta all'alcol, sciroppi, aceti Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the wines, spirits, fruits-in-alcohol, cordials and vinegars sectors wine,spirits
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale della molitura Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal milling sector Milling
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per l'industria molitura Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the milling industry Milling
IT Food Manuale per l’industria molitoria Guideline for milling industry Milling
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per l'applicazione della normativa in materia di autocontollo in attività di salumerie, gastronomie, pescherie, rivendite alimentari e ortofrutta Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for application of the own-checks rules for pork butchers', delicatessens, fishmongers', food shops and fruit and vegetable shops Retail
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for food warehouse and food retail shop managed by cooperative of Trentino region Retail
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore della vendita dei prodotti alimentari; guida all'autocontrollo Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the food products retail sector Retail
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica riguardante il settore della produzione artigianale dei prodotti alimentari Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the food products retail sector Retail
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per l'applicazione della normativa in materia di autocontollo e di rintracciabilità in attività di salumerie, gastronomie, pescherie, rivendite alimentari e ortofrutta Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the implementation of self-control and traceability in retail shops such as delicatessen shops, take away shops, fishery, fruits, vegetables and other type of retail shops Retail
IT Food Linee guida per l'implementazione di un sistema di tracciabilità e rintracciabilità nei settori del commercio al dettaglio Guideline for the implementation of a traceability system in retail sector Retail
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per trasporto terrestre e/o distribuzione prodotti alimentari Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the transportation and distribution by land of food products Transport
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il trasporto di alimenti su natante Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the transportation of food on boats Transport
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le imprese agricole che esercitano attività di trasformazione e alienazione di prodotti al consumatore, al settore somministrazione di alimenti nell'agriturismo Extension of the scope of the guide to Good Hygiene Practice for farms processing food products and selling direct to the consumer, to catering in the agri-tourism sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica e schede HACCP per l’industria della birra e del malto Food industry Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Beer and Malt Industry
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la ristorazione collettiva Good hygiene practice for catering (collective nourishment)
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la ristorazione Good hygiene practice for catering (restaurant)
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per gli allevamenti bufalini Good hygiene practice for farm buffalo
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per gli allevamenti dibovini da latte Good hygiene practice for farm dairy cattle
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per gli allevamenti suinicoli Good hygiene practice for farm pig
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per gli integratori alimentari Good hygiene practice for food supplements
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per gli integratori alimentari e i prodotti salutistici Guide for Good Hygiene Practice for food supplements and special medical/health purposes
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione di conserve vegetali stabilizzate mediante trattamenti termici (conserve vegetali appertizzate) Guide for Good Hygiene Practice for production of preserved vegetables products obtain by heat treatments
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica e HACCP per i prodotti dolciari Guide to Good Hygiene Practice and HACCP for confectionery products
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica e linee guida per l'adozione del sistema HACCP nella gestione di escercizi di macelleria Guide to Good Hygiene Practice and guidelines for the adoption of the HACCP system in the management of butchers' shops
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica in materia di igiene e di applicazione dei principi del sistema HACCP nella gestione degli esercizi di macelleria Guide to Good Hygiene Practice and guidelines for the application of the HACCP principles in the management of butchers' shops
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le attività dell'agriturismo Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for agritourism
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per l'applicazione della nomativa di autrocontrollo in occasione di feste, sagre e simili Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for application of the own-checks rules for fairs, festivals and similar events
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la distribuzione di acqua in boccioni Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for bottled water vending machines
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le attivita di macelleria Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for butchers
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore della ristorazione collettiva a bordo di navi di linea Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for catering on board passenger vessels
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le imprese agricole che esercitano attività di trasformazione e alienazione di prodotti al consumatore, redatto dalla confederazione nazionale coltivatori diretti Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for farms processing food products and selling direct to the consumer
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la distribuzione automatica di bevande e alimenti Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for food and drink vending machines
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la distribuzione automatica di alimenti Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for food vending machines
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la distribuzione automatica di alimenti conservati in legame di temperatura Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for food vending machines according to temperature
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione del miele Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for honey production
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la gestione dei pasti ospedalieri non prodotti in loco Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for hospitals concerning manufactering of meals produced outside
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica destinato alle aziende di trasformazione industriale del pomodoro Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for industrial tomato processing
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la aziende della Grande Distribuzione Organizzata e distribuzione organizzata Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for large-scale and organised distribution companies
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore delle margarine, grassi da spalmare e relative miscele Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for margarine, spreadable fats and mixtures of fats
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le riserie non parboiled Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for non-parboiled rice
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le case di cura private Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for private medical establishments
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione e stoccaggio di cereali Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for production and storage of cereals
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore delle associazioni religiose e degli instituti socio-sanitari Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for religious associations and social and healthcare institutes
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le aziende di stoccaggio di cereali e proteoleaginose Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for storage of cereals and proteoleaginous crops
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione dello zucchero Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for sugar production
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per le strutture ricettive Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the accommodation sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale dei dolciari Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal confectionery sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale della pasticceria Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal confectionery sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la pasticceria artigianale Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal confectionery sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la pasticceria artigianale Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal confectionery sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale della rosticceria gastonomia Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal gastronomic catering sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale della pasta alimentare Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal pasta sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore artigianale della pizzeria Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the artisanal pizza sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica e schede HACCP per l'industria della birra e del malto Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the beer and malt industry
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per i centri di lavorazione e trasformazione della nocciola Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the centres for production and processing of nuts
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore della distribuzione (acquisto, scarico, identificazione, stoccaggio, preparazione ordine, carico, automezzi, spedizione) di additivi, aromi ed ingredienti Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the distribution of food additives and flavourings
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore della somministrazione dei prodotti alimentari Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the food and drink dispensing sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la gastronomia Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the gastronomy sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica nelle attività di produzione degli oli di semi Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the manufacture of oil from oilseeds
IT Food Manuale di buona prassi igienica Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the nursery schools sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per il settore oleario Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the oil sector
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per la produzione di preparati per brodo, minestre, estratti e prodotti affini Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the production of preparations of extracts for soups, bouillon and other similar products
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica riguardante il settore delle imprese di commercializzazione alimentare all'ingrosso Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for wholesale food marketers
IT Food Guide to good practice for companies operating in the storage and distribution of food products
IT Food Guide to good practice for the Automatic Distribution of Food
IT Food Guide to good practice for the activity in the Tuscan tannery applicable chain of cattle hides
IT Food Guide to good practice for the direct sale of agricultural enterprises foods
IT Food Guide to good practice for the production and marketing of semi-finished products for bakery and pastry
IT Food Guide to good practice in the field of elicicoltura
IT Food Manuale per la distribuzione automatica di alimenti Guideline for automatic distribution of food
IT Food Manuale per la distribuzione di alimenti conservati in legame di temperatura Guideline for automatic distribution of food stored in bond temperature
IT Food Manuale per la distribuzione automatica di acqua in boccioni Guideline for automatic distribution of water in bottle
IT Food Manuale per le imprese agricole Guideline for farms
IT Food Manuale per il settore della panificazione industriale Guideline for field of industrial bakery
IT Food Manuale per la rintracciabilità e l’igiene dei prodotti alimentari Guideline for traceability and general hygiene food
IT Food Linee guida per l'applicazione dei principi generali di igiene e del sistema HACCP nell' industria della pastificazione Guidelines for application of the general rules of hygiene and the HACCP system in the pasta industry
IT Food Manual Proper Hygienic Practice for the Butcher exercises
IT Food Manual Proper Operational Practices for the Production of Ice Food
IT Food Manual Recovery Collection and Distribution for the purpose of Social Solidarity
IT Food Manual for the distribution of refined water, and refrigerated (or sparkling water from public kiosks
IT Food Manuale di corretta prassi igienica per gli allevamenti cunicoli National guide to good hygiene practice for rabbit farms
IT Food manual Correct Operating Practices for Direct Sales of by the Agricultural Companies Food.
LT Food Vaisių uogų vyno, midaus ir sidro gamybos geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good hygiene practice for fruit berry wine, mead and cider producing companies" Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP wine,Others SME
LT Food Metodinės rekomendacijos linų sėmenų, kanapių, judros bei šaltalankių aliejaus, gaminamo iš Lietuvoje auginamų sėklų, gamybai ir teikimui rinkai Guide "Methodological recommendations for the production and supply to the market of linseed, hemp, judra and sea buckthorn oil produced from seeds grown in Lithuania" Processing plant,Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP Others SME
LT Food Fermentuotų arbatos gėrimų gamybos geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good hygiene Practice for fermented tea drinks producing companies" Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP tea,Others SME
LT Food Vynuogių vyno gamybos geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good hygiene practice for grape vine producing companies" Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP wine SME
LT Food Geros higienos praktikos taisyklės sėklinių prieskonių pirminės gamybos įmonėms Guide "Good hygiene practice for primary production plants of seed spices" Primary production GHP/GMP,HACCP herbs and spices,nuts and seeds SME
LT Food Geros higienos praktikos taisyklės kaimo turizmo sodyboms Guide "Good hygiene practice for rural tourism homesteads" Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP RTE meals SME
LT Food Pirminės grūdų gamybos geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good hygiene practice guide for primary grain production" Primary production GHP/GMP,HACCP Others SME
LT Food Geros higienos praktikos taisyklės grūdų supirkimo, paruošimo ir saugojimo įmonėms Guide "Good hygiene practice for grain collection, preparation and storage companies" Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP Others SME
LT Food Geros higienos praktikos taisyklės viešojo maitinimo įmonėms Guide "Good Hygiene Practice for catering establishments" Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP RTE meals SME
LT Food Medžiagų ir gaminių, skirtų leistis su maistu, geros gamybos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good manufacturing practice for food contact materials and articles" Packaging and rewrapping,Processing plant,Other GHP/GMP all food,Others SME
LT Food Geros higienos praktikos taisyklės maisto produktų prekybos įmonėms Guide "Good hygiene practices for food trading businesses" Retail,Other GHP/GMP,HACCP all food,various food SME
LT Food Duonos ir pyrago kepimo įmonių geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good Hygiene Practice for bread and cake baking establishments" Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP bakery products SME
LT Food Mažųjų alaus daryklų geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good hygiene practice guide for a small breweries" Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP beer SME
LT Food Miltinės ir kreminės konditerijos įmonių geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good Hygiene Practice for flour and cream confectionary establishments" Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP confectionary/chocolate SME
LT Food Tiesiogiai iš ūkių parduodamų pieno produktu geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good hygiene practice guide for primary diary production and direct supply" Primary production,Processing plant,Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP dairy products SME
LT Food Konservuotų vaisių ir daržovių geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good hygiene practice for canned fruits and vegetables" Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP fruit,vegetables SME
LT Food Šviežiu vaisių ir daržovių didmeninės prekybos įmonių geros higienos praktikos taisykles Guide "Good hygiene practices for fresh fruit and vegetable wholesalers" Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP fruit,vegetables SME
LT Food Geros higienos praktikos taisyklės mėsinėms Guide "Good hygiene practice for butcheries" Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP meat (in general),minced meat,meat preparation SME
LT Food Geros higienos praktikos taisyklės aromatizuotų gėrimų gamybos įmonėms Guide "Good hygiene practice for flavored beverage companies" Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP soft drinks SME
LT Food Geros higienos praktikos taisyklės maisto produktų turgavietėms Guide "Rules of good hygiene practice for food open markets" Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP various food SME
LT Food Geros higienos praktikos taisyklės naturalaus mineralinio ir šaltinio vandens gamybos įmonėms Guide "Good hygiene practices for natural mineral and spring water production companies" Primary production,Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP water SME
LT Food Miltų ir kruopų gamybos geros higienos praktikos taisyklės Guide "Good hygiene practice in the production of flour and groats" Milling GHP/GMP,HACCP cereals & flour
LU Food Guide de bonnes pratiques d'hygiène et d'application des principes HACCP destiné aux métiers de la bouche Guide to good hygiene pratice and to application of HACCP priniples for food establishments HACCP
LU Food Guide de bonnes pratiques d'hygiène destiné aux brasseries 0
LU Food Guide de bonnes pratiques pour établissements du secteur de soins 0
LU Food Guide de bonnes pratiques d'hygiène pour établissements de restauration Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: in the HORESCA sector
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas alus nozarei Guidelines of good hygiene practice for brewage beer
LV Food Labas higiēnas un ražošanas prakses vadlīnijas piena pārstrādes uzņēmumiem Guidelines of good hygiene and production practice for milk processing establishments dairy products
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas zvejas produktu ražošanai mājas apstākļos Guidelines of good hygiene practice for domestic production of fishery products fishery products
LV Food Dārzeņu produkcijas primārās ražošanas un pirmapstrādes labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas Guidelines of good hygiene practice for primary production and pre-treatment of vegetables fruit,vegetables
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas gaļas produktu ražošanā Guidelines of good hygiene practice for production of meat products meat (in general)
LV Food Putnu gaļas pārstrādes labas higiēnas un ražošanas prakses vadlīnijas Guidelines of good hygiene and production practice for poultry meat processing meat product
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas svaigpiena ražošanai saimniecībās Latvijā un izplatīšanai Latvijā Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice for fresh milk production on farms in Latvia and for distribution in Latvia milk
LV Food Augļu, ogu un dārzeņu pārstrādes labas higiēnas un ražošanas prakses vadlīnijas Guidelines of good hygiene and production practice for fruit, berry and vegetable processing vegetables,fruit
LV Food Biškopības produktu primārās ražošanas vadlīnijas Guidelines for primary production of beekeeping products
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses un paškontroles vadlīnijas slēgta tipa sabiedriskās ēdināšanas uzņēmumiem, pārvietojamām un pagaidu telpām Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice and Self-check for closed catering establishments, mobile and provisional premises
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas dzīvnieku asins savākšanai un pārstrāde Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice for collection and processing of animal blood
LV Food Labas higiēnas un ražošanas prakses vadlīnijas konditorejas un kulinārijas ražošanas uzņēmumos Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice for confectionery and precooked food establishments
LV Food Labas ražošanas prakses vadlīnijas strausu saimniecībām Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice for ostrich farms
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas kaltētu garšaugu, tējas un ārstniecības augu pirmapstrādei, pārstrādei un realizācijai bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice for primary treatment, processing and distribution of dried flavoring herbs, herbal tea and medicinal herbs in organic agriculture
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas augļu un ogu pārstrādei un raudzētu alkoholisko dzērienu ražošanai no pašsaražotās augļu – ogu produkcijas Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice for processing of fruits and berries and production of fermented spirit beverages from own produced fruits and berries
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas gaļas ieguvei mobilajā kautuvē Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice for production of meet at a mobile slaughterhouse
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas atklāta tipa ēdināšanas uzņēmumiem Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice for public catering establishments
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas trušu audzēšanā, pirmapstrādē un realizācijā bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā Guidelines of Good Hygiene Practice for rearing, primary treatment and distribution of rabbits in organic farming
LV Food Atdzesētu, rūpnieciski ražotu gatavo produktu labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas Guidelines of good hygiene practice for commercial ready-to-eat products
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīnijas pārtikas ražošanai mājas apstākļos Guidelines of good hygiene practice for domestic production of food
LV Food Labas higiēnas prakses vadlīniju izstrāde graudaugu, eļļas augu un pākšaugu primārā ražošanā Preparation of guidelines of good hygiene practice for primary production of cereals, oleaginous plants and pulses
NL Feed Hygiënecode Vleeskalveren Veal calves
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de broodbakkerij en de banketbakkerij Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for bakers and confectioners bakery products
NL Food Hygiënecode Eieren voor verzamelaars, pakstations en grossiers Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for egg gatherers, packers and wholesalers eggs and egg products
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de AGF-detailhandel Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for small retail shops and mobile shops selling fruit and vegetables fruit
NL Food Hygiënecode voor ongesneden vers(e) groenten, fruit en paddestoelen 2011 Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for uncut fresh vegetables, fruit and mushrooms 2011 fruit
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de ambachtelijke ijsbereiding Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for ice-cream preparation, prepared according to traditional methods ice-cream
NL Food Hygiënecode voor het slagersbedrijf Good Hygiene Practice for butchers meat (in general)
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de kleinschalige detailhandel in zuivel Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for small-scale dairy retailing Retail milk
NL Food Regeling IKB Varken Integrated chain control and quality scheme for pigs pig meat
NL Food Hygiënecode frisdranken, natuurlijke mineraal- en bronwaters Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for soft drinks, natural mineral waters and spring water soft drinks
NL Food Code voor de hygiënische productie en verpakking van kristalsuiker 2011 Code for the hygienic production and packaging of granulated sugar 2011 sugar
NL Food Hygiënecode voor windmolens, watermolens en ambachtelijke maalderijen, malend voor menselijke consumptie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for windmills, watermills and traditional mills milling products for human consumption Milling water
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de wijnsector 2011 Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the wine sector 2011 wine
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de visdetailhandel Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for fishmongers Retail
NL Food Hygiënecode voor het poeliersbedrijf Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for poultry retailing Retail
NL Food CBL Hygiënecode 2016 Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for supermarkets 2011 Retail
NL Food Hygiënecode Transport, opslag en distributie van levensmiddelen Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the hygienic transportation, storage and distribution of foodstuffs Transport
NL Food/Feed Hygiënecode binnenvaart Levensmiddelen en Dievoeders Guide to Good Hygiene Practice on barges for food and feed Transport
NL Food/Feed Hygiënecode Rundveehouderij ten behoeve van de vleesproductie Cattle Farms / beef production
NL Food Voedselveiligheid certificaat (VVAK) Certificate in field croping
NL Food/Feed Voedsel- en Voederveiligheid Akkerbouw (VVAK) Food- and Feed safety Arable Farming
NL Food Hygiënecode verkooppunt motorbrandstoffen Good Hygiene Practice for food safety system of petrol stations
NL Food EurepGap IFA Schema Plantaarding Good Hygiene Practice for plant primary production
NL Food Hygiënecode voor op-en overslag van eetbare olien en vetten Good Hygiene Practice for storage and transfer for edible oils and fats
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de boerderijzuivelsector Guide for dairy production in farms
NL Food Hygiënecode voor handelaren in chemische producten 2011 Guide for traders in chemical products
NL Food Hygiënecode voor aan boord van een vaartuig gekookte schaal- en schelpdieren Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for cooking of crustaceans and molluscs on board of vessels
NL Food Hygiënecode voor Verzend- en zuiveringscentra Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for dispatch and purification centres
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de horeca Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for hotel, restaurant, café, bar
NL Food Hygiënecode Stichting Overlegplatform Restaurantketens (STOR) 2009 Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for restaurant chain (STOR) 2009
NL Food Hygiënecode voor kleine instellingen (Jeugdzorg, Kinderopvang, Welzijn & Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening) Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for small institutions (youth care, welfare, public service and child care)
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de graan-, zaden- en peulvruchten collecterende, verwerkende en afleverende industrie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the collecting, processing and supplying of grains, seeds and legumes
NL Food Hygiënecode Groothandel in Dranken en Horecabenodigdheden Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the wholesale trade in beverages and catering requisites
NL Food NAO hygiënecode voor ongeschilde aardappelen Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for unpeeled potatoes
NL Food Hygienecode zorginstellingen en Defensie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice: Framework code for catering in hospitals, care centres for the elderly and for the Army
NL Food Hygienecode voor de bierbrouwerijen 2014 Guide to Good Hygiene Practices for malting and brewing
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de voedingsverzorging in woonvormen Guide to Good Hygiene practice for social treatment centres
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de Nederlandse wijngaardeniers 2012 Guide to good hygiene practice for vineyards
NL Food Hygiënecode voor de contract- en inflightcatering Hygiene-code for contract- and inflightcatering
NL Food Kwaliteit Regeling IKB Nederland Varken Quality System IKB Netherlands Pigs
NL Food Hygiënecode Vleeskalveren Veal calves
NO Food Nasjonale retningslinjer for god hygienepraksis og for tilpasning av HACCP-prinsippene Baker- og konditorbransjen National guide to good hygiene practice and for the application of HACCP principles Processing plant,Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP bakery products,confectionary/chocolate
NO Food Retningslinje for hygiene i meieriindustrien Guide to hygiene in the dairy industries Processing plant HACCP dairy products,milk
NO Food Retningslinje for trygg produksjon av spekevarer Guide to safe production of cured meat Processing plant HACCP meat product
NO Food Retningslinje for god praksis i institusjonskjøkken Guide to good practises in institutional kitchens Retail HACCP all food
NO Food Retningslinjer for småskala mjølkeforedling Guide to small-scale artisan cheese and dairy products Processing plant,Retail HACCP dairy products SME,Traditional products
NO Food Retningslinjer for småskala slakterier og kjøttforedlingsbedrifter Guide for small-scale slaughterhouses and meat processing businesses Processing plant,Slaughterhouse HACCP meat (in general) SME,Traditional products
NO Food Retningslinjer for forpleinings- og serveringsbransjen Guide for the Hospitality and Service Industries Retail HACCP all food
NO Food Retningslinjer for hygiene i dagligvarehandelen Guideline on hygiene in supermarket chains Retail HACCP all food
PL Food Poradnik “Pracownia do pozyskiwania miodu w krótkim łańcuchu dystrybucji” Guide “Honey workshop in a short-chain distribution” Retail,Other Other honey Construction; layout and equipment
PL Food Poradnik dobrych praktyk higienicznych wytwarzania serów i innych produktów mleczarskich w farmerskim i rzemieślniczym przetwórstwie mleka Guide for Good Hygiene Practices in farmhouse and artisan cheese and other dairy production Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP,HACCP dairy products
PL Food Zasady procesu produkcyjnego i higieny w zatwierdzonej urzędowo serowarni farmerskiej i rzemieślniczej Rules of the manufacturing process and hygiene for officialy approved farmer and artisan cheese factory Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP,HACCP dairy products
PL Food Poradnik dla właścicieli piekarń i cukierni do wprowadzania GMP/GHP oraz zasad systemu HACCP GMP/GHP, HACCP system implementation guides for bakery and confectionary owners bakery products
PL Food Przewodnik ustanawiania i wdrażania systemu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem żywności (w tym systemu HACCP) oraz jego oceny i utrzymywania dla producentów żywności i ich kooperantów w łańcuchu żywnościowym (wytyczne) Guide on establishing and implementation of food safety management system (including HACCP system) and its assessment and maintenance for food producers and its cooperates in food chain (guidelines) HACCP
PL Food Zasady GHP/GMP oraz system HACCP jako narzędzia zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego żywnósci, poradnik dla prezdsiębiorcy GHP/GMP guide and HACCP system as tools ensuring food health safety, guidelines for food retailers Retail
PL Food Wdrażanie systemu HACCP w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach sektora żywnościowego, poradnik dla kierujących zakładem HACCP system implementation in small and middle size food sector entrepreneurs, guides for managers Retail
PL Food Przewodnik do wdrażania zasad GMP/GHP i systemu HACCP w zakładach żywienia zbiorowego GMP/GHP and HACCP system implementation guide for institution of collective nourishment (food serving establishments)
PL Food Przewodnik dobrej praktyki higienicznej i przetwórczej w branży mleczarskiej Guide of Good Hygiene and Processing Practice in Dairy Sector
PL Food Zasady systemu HACCP oraz GHP/GMP w zakładach produkcji i obrotu żywnością oraz żywienia zbiorowego HACCP regulations for food plants, food operators and institution of collective nourishment (food serving establishments)
PL Food Kuchnia serwuje system HACCP, Poradnik wdrażania zasad GMP/GHP i systemu HACCP w zakładach żywienia zbiorowego i firmach cateringowych Kitchen serves HACCP system – guide for GHP/GMP and HACCP system implementation at institution of collective nourishment (food serving establishments) and catering companies
PT Food Código Nacional de Boas Práticas para Embarcações de Pesca National Guide of Good Practices for Fishing Vessels Primary production GHP/GMP fishery products SME
PT Feed Manual de Boas Práticas de Produção, Processamento e Utilização de Insetos em Alimentação Animal Good Practice Guide on Production, Processing and Use of Insects in animal feeding Other Other Feed intended for fish,Feed intended for pets and other non-producing animals
PT Food Manual de procedimentos relativos às medidas nacionais de aplicação da flexibilidade em matéria de higiene alimentar Manual of procedures for national measures for the application of flexibility in food hygiene Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP meat (in general),dairy products,eggs and egg products,fishery products,honey SME,Traditional products
PT Feed Testes de Contaminação Cruzada e de Homogeneidade Good Practice Guide on cross contamination and homogeneity tests
PT Feed Fabrico, Distribuição e Utilização de Alimentos Medicamentosos Good Practice Guide on manufacture, placing on the market and use of medicated feed
PT Feed Água de Qualidade adequada para a Alimentação Animal Good Practice Guide on water of appropriate quality
PT Feed Guia de Boas Práticas de Alimentação Animal na Exploração Pecuária Good Animal Feeding Practice Guide for animal holdings
PT Feed Guia de Boas Práticas para os Industriais de Pré-misturas e de Alimentos Compostos para Animais destinados à Produção de Géneros Alimentício Good Practice Guide for manufacturing premixtures of feed additives and compound feed for food producing animals
PT Food Código de Boas Práticas na Exploração Pecuária Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for farming Primary production Others SME
PT Food Manual de Segurança Alimentar Guide to Good Practice for food safety Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP all food SME
PT Food Código de boas práticas para a restauração Guide to Good Practice for the catering sector Other GHP/GMP all food SME
PT Food Código de boas práticas da distribuição alimentar Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for food distribution Transport GHP/GMP all food SME
PT Food Código de Boas Práticas de Higiene e Segurança Alimentar Guide to Good Hygiene Practice and Food Safety Other HACCP all food SME
PT Food Código de boas práticas de higiene e fabrico, sector da panificação e pastelaria Guide to Good Hygiene and Manufactering Practice for the bakery and pastry sector Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP cereals & flour SME
PT Food Código de boas práticas de higiene indústria de leite e produtos lácteos Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for dairy and milk industry Processing plant GHP/GMP dairy products SME
PT Food Código de boas práticas de conservas de sardinha e de tipo sardinha Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for canned sardines Processing plant GHP/GMP fishery products SME
PT Food Guia de boas práticas de higiene para produtos da pesca frescos Guide to hygiene good practices on fishery products – wholesalers and retail Horizontal (several stages) HACCP fishery products SME
PT Food Código de boas práticas de higiene no processamento de Citrinos para a Comercialização em fresco Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for lemon Processing plant GHP/GMP fruit SME
PT Food Boas praticas de produção de gelados Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for Ice-cream production Processing plant GHP/GMP ice-cream SME
PT Food Código de boas práticas de higiene e Guia prático de aplicação do HACCP para as indústrias de refrigerantes, sumos de frutos e nectares Guide to Good Hygiene Practice and HACCP system implementation for the sector of fresh drinks and fruit juices Processing plant GHP/GMP juices SME
PT Food Higiene na Produção Primária de Hortofrutícola Frescos - Código de Boas Práticas Guidance document on the implementation of hygiene requirements for fresh fruits and vegetables at primary production Primary production GHP/GMP vegetables SME
PT Food Código de boas práticas de higiene das águas minerais naturais e das águas de nascente Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for natural mineral waters and spring waters GHP/GMP water SME
RO Food Ghid de bune practici de igienă în morărit Guide to Good Hygiene Practices in Milling Milling GHP/GMP cereals & flour Construction; layout and equipment
RO Food Ghid național de bune practici pentru siguranța alimentelor - Managementul siguranței alimentelor. Catering National guide book of good practice for food safety - Food safety management. Catering Processing plant GHP/GMP RTE meals Construction; layout and equipment
RO Food Ghid de bune practici de igienã în panificaţie Guide of good hygiene practices in bakery Processing plant GHP/GMP bakery products Construction; layout and equipment
RO Food Ghid de bune practici pentru siguranța alimentelor - Managementul siguranței alimentelor. Industria de panificație Guide of good manufacturing and hygiene practices in baking industriy - Food safety management. Baking industry Processing plant GHP/GMP bakery products Construction; layout and equipment
RO Food Ghid național de bune practici pentru siguranța alimentelor - Managementul siguranței alimentelor. Industria de morărit National guide book of good practice for food safety - Food safety management. Milling industry Milling GHP/GMP cereals & flour Construction; layout and equipment
RO Food Ghid național de bune practici pentru siguranța alimentelor - Managementul siguranței alimentelor . Depozitarea semințelor de consum National guide book of good practice for food safety- Food safety management. Storing seeds for consumption Primary production GHP/GMP cereals & flour Construction; layout and equipment
RO Food Ghid de bune practici de igienă în patiserie şi cofetărie Guide of good hygiene practices for pastry and confectionary products Processing plant GHP/GMP confectionary/chocolate Construction; layout and equipment
RO Food Ghid național de bune practici pentru siguranța alimentelor- Managementul siguranței alimentelor. Produse de patiserie și cofetărie National guide book of good practice for food safety - Food safety management. Pastry and confectionery Processing plant GHP/GMP confectionary/chocolate Construction; layout and equipment
RO Food Ghid de bune practice de igienă privind manipularea vânatului Guide of Good Hygiene Practice (GHP) on the handling of shot wild game Primary production GHP/GMP wild game meat Construction; layout and equipment
RO Food Ghid de bune practice in industria malţului şi a berii Guide of good practice for malt and beer industry beer
RO Food Ghid de bune practici de igienă în industria conservelor din legume şi fructe Guide of good hygiene practices in the Industry of canned fruit and vegetables fruit,vegetables
RO Food Ghid de bune practici de igienă şi producţie în industria laptelui şi produselor lactate Guide of good hygiene and production practices in milk and milk products industry milk
RO Food Ghid de bune practici de igienă în industria zahărului Guide of good hygiene practices in sugar industry sugar
RO Food Ghid de bune practici în agricultură Guide of good agricultural practices
RO Food Ghid de bune practici de igienă şi producţie pentru sectorul de procesare a cărnii Guide of good hygiene and production practices for meat processing industry
RO Food Ghid de bune practici pentru siguranta alimentelor – managementul sigurantei Guide of good practice for food safety – food safety management –
RO Food Ghid de bune ractice privind retragerea/rechemarea produselor alimentare de pe piata Guide of good practice for withdrawn/recall of food products from the market
RO Food Ghid de bune practici pentru industria de morărit – fortifierea făinii Guide of good practices for milling industry – flour fortification
SE Food Säker mat i din butik Safe fodd in your store Retail HACCP all food
SE Feed Nationella Branschriktlinjer för besiktning och rengöring av fordon efter transporter av foder innehållande fiskmjöl eller insektsmjöl National Industry Guidelines for inspection and cleaning of vehicles after transportation of feed containing fishmeal or insect meal Feed materials GHP/GMP
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för alger Industry guidelines for algae Primary production GHP/GMP Others Construction; layout and equipment
SE Food Nationella branschriktlinjer för kosttillskott National industry guidelines for dietary supplements Horizontal (several stages) Other food additives/supplements
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för vinproduktion i Sverige Industry guidelines for wine production in Sweden Horizontal (several stages) GHP/GMP,HACCP wine Construction; layout and equipment
SE Food Säker honungshantering Safe handeling of honey Primary production GHP/GMP honey Construction; layout and equipment
SE Food Industry guidelines for breweries Industry guidelines for breweries Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP beer
SE Food Industry guideline for correct temperature during storage and transport of refrigerated and frozen foods Industry guideline for correct temperature during storage and transport of refrigerated and frozen foods Cold storage,Transport Other various food Construction; layout and equipment
SE Feed Nationella branschriktlinjer för fiskodling National guidelines for fish farming Medicated feed,Other Quality issues Feed intended for fish
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för bryggerier Guide for breweries Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP beer
SE Food Branschriktlinjer Hantverksmässig charktillverkning Guide for small scale production of meat products Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP meat product SME
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för hygienisk praxis vid hantverksmässig produktion av ost och andra mjölkprodukter Guide for hygienic practice in small scale production of cheese and other milk products Processing plant HACCP dairy products SME
SE Food Branschriktlinje Rätt temperatur under lagring och transport för kylda och frysta livsmedel Guide for frozen and chilled food Cold storage,Transport Other various food Construction; layout and equipment
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för Småbryggerier Guide for small scale breweries Processing plant GHP/GMP beer SME
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för småskalig slakt och styckning av storboskap, gris och lamm Guide for small scale slaughter and cutting-up of livestock, pigs and lamb Cutting plant,Slaughterhouse HACCP bovine meat,pig meat,ovine meat SME
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för säker mat i idrottsrörelsen Guide for safe food in the sports association Retail GHP/GMP various food SME
SE Food Branschriktlinjer Utomhusmatlagning Guide to outdoor cooking Retail GHP/GMP various food SME
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för säker mat i samlingslokaler National guide for safe food in assembly halls Retail GHP/GMP various food SME
SE Food Branschriktlinjen Säker Mat i Servicehandel & Fast Food Guide for safe food in the convenience store and fast food sector Retail GHP/GMP,HACCP various food SME
SE Food Fäbodnäringens branschriktlinjer till god hygienpraxis vid fäbodar vid tillverkning av mjölkprodukter med traditionella metoder The mountain pasture association's guide to good hygiene practice in chalets in the manufacturing of milk products using traditional methods Primary production,Processing plant GHP/GMP dairy products Traditional products
SE Food/Feed Branschriktlinjer för hygienisk mjölkproduktion National guides on good practice for hygienic milk production Primary production Feed materials GHP/GMP dairy products Feed intended for Bovines
SE Feed Nationella  branschriktlinjer för övervakning av salmonella i fodertillverkning och åtgärder i händelse av fynd National guides on good practice for monitoring of salmonella in animal feed production and action in the event of findings Feed materials,Compound feed,Salmonella control HACCP,Quality issues Feed intended for pigs,Feed intended for Poultry and turkeys,Feed intended for Bovines,Feed intended for sheep,Feed intended for goats,Feed intended for rabbits,Feed intended for horses
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för restauranger Guide for restaurants Retail GHP/GMP all food
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för dagligvaruhandeln - Säker mat i din butik! Guide for retail sale Retail HACCP all food
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för offentlig säker mat Guide for safe food in public sector Retail HACCP all food
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för bageri och konditori Guide for bakery and confectionary Retail GHP/GMP bakery products
SE Food Nationella riktlinjer för vendingbranschen Guide for vending sector Retail GHP/GMP,Other coffee,tea,water
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för hygienisk produktion av mjölkprodukter Guide for hygienic production of milk products Processing plant Feed materials HACCP dairy products
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för kontroll av den obehandlade mjölkens kvalitet Guide for control of raw milk hygienic quality Processing plant Quality issues dairy products
SE Food Branschriktlinjer för hygienisk intransport av obehandlad mjölk från gård Guide for hygienic transport of raw milk from farm Transport Quality issues dairy products
SE Food Nationella branschriktlinjer - Fiskbranschens riksförbund Guide for production of fish products Processing plant GHP/GMP,HACCP fishery products
SE Food Säkra kosttillskott till konsument Safe food supplements to consumers Processing plant HACCP food additives/supplements
SE Food Säkra sport- och viktminsknings-produkter till konsument Safe sport products and food for weight reduction to consumers Processing plant HACCP food additives/supplements
SE Food Allergi och annan överkänslighet – hantering och märkning av livsmedel Allergy and Intolerance - handling and labelling of food Horizontal (several stages) HACCP various food
SE Feed Nationella branschriktlinjer för foder- inklusive foderråvaru-producenter National guides for feed manufacturers including producers of feed materials
SI Food Smernice dobrih higienskih navad na načelih sistema HACCP v trgovinski dejavnosti Guide to good hygiene practice/HACCP for the retail sector Retail HACCP Construction; layout and equipment
SI Food Smernice dobrih higienskih navad v čebelarstvu na načelih sistema HACCP Guide on good hygiene practice and HACCP principles in apiculture Primary production GHP/GMP,HACCP,Quality issues,Recall honey
SI Food Priročnik dobre higienske prakse za proizvodnjo mlečnih izdelkov in sirov na kmetiji Manual on good hygiene practice in on-farm production of dairy products and cheese milk
SI Food Smernice dobre higienske prakse za predelavo grozdja v vino Guide to good practice/HACCP for wine maker wine
SI Food Smernice dobrih higienskih navad na načelih sistema HACCP v trgovinski dejavnosti za mesnice in ribarnice Guide on good hygiene practice and HACCP principles in bucher shops and fish market
SI Food Smernice dobre higienske prakse/HACCP za kuhinje vrtce Guide to good hygiene practice/HACCP for kitchens in kindergartens
SI Food/Feed ? Guidelines on Good Practice in the Primary Production of Food and Feed
SI Food Smernice za mikrobiološko varnost živil, kl so namenjena končnemu potrošniku Guides to microbiological safety of food intended for final consumers
SK Food Technologické postupy a hygienicko-sanitačná príručka malovinára pre výrobu vína Technological procedures and hygienic-sanitation manual for the small-scale producer wine production Processing plant HACCP wine SME
SK Food Technologické postupy a hygienicko - sanitačná príručka malovinára pre výrobu vína Technological Procedures and Hygienical-sanitary Guide to Wine Production For a Small Vintner Other Other wine SME
SK Food Hygienická príručka pre prevádzky verejného stravovania, stánky s rýchlym občerstvením a iné zariadenia s ambulantným predajom pokrmov a nápojov Hygiene guide for public catering operations, stalls with fast food and other establishments with ambulant sales of food and beverages Other GHP/GMP Others SME
SK Food Technologické postupy a hygienicko-sanitačná príručka malovinára pre výrobu vína Specific Guide „Technological procedures and hygienic-sanitation guide of small wine producer in wine production“ Primary production GHP/GMP,HACCP wine SME
SK Feed Príručka pre správnu výrobnú prax SLOVAK FEED MANUFACTURER´S GUIDE
SK Food Hygienická príručka, sušené nepasterizované cestoviny, 2. vydanie Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for production of pasta, 2nd updated edition Processing plant HACCP cereals & flour SME
SK Food Hygienická príručka na zásadách HACCP pre spracovanie ovčieho mlieka a výrobu tradičných výrobkov z ovčieho mlieka v podmienkach salaša - Spracovanie mlieka, Výroba ovčieho hrudkového syra pre bryndziarne, Výroba tradičných špecialít a to –„Ovčí hrudkový syr – salašnícky“, „Ovčí salašnícky údený syr”, „Žinčica“, Predaj tradičných špecialít Hygienic guide on HACCP principles for processing of sheep milk and manufacturing of traditional products from sheep milk in the chalet conditions - Spracovanie mlieka, Výroba ovčieho hrudkového syra pre bryndziarne, Výroba tradičných špecialít a to –„Ovčí hrudkový syr – salašnícky“, „Ovčí salašnícky údený syr”, „Žinčica“, Predaj tradičných špecialít Processing plant HACCP dairy products Geographic constraints
SK Food Špecifická hygienická príručka pre pekarsku vyrobu Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for production of bread Processing plant HACCP bakery products SME
SK Food Špecifická hygienická príručka pre pekársku výrobu - dodatok Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for production of bread - Supplement Processing plant HACCP bakery products SME
SK Food Hygienická príručka, sušené nepasterizované cestoviny Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for production of pasta Processing plant HACCP cereals & flour SME
SK Food Hygienická príručka na zásadách HACCP pre výrobu ovčieho hrudkového syra v salašných podmienkach Guide to Good Hygiene Practice on principles of the HACCP for production of sheep cheese in the farm conditions (salaš) Processing plant HACCP dairy products SME
SK Food Hygienická príručka na zásadách HACCP pre výrobu a predaj výrobkov z ovčieho mlieka v salašníckych podmienkach - Ovčí hrudkový syr na priamu spotrebu, ovčí údený syr, žinčica, bačovská bryndza, parenice, korbáčiky - časť 2 Hygienic guide on HACCP principles for production and distribution of sheep milk products in mountain conditions - Ovčí hrudkový syr na priamu spotrebu, ovčí údený syr, žinčica, bačovská bryndza, parenice, korbáčiky - part 2 Processing plant HACCP dairy products SME
SK Food Príručka hygienickej praxe pre zariadenia spolocného stravovania Guide to good hygiene practice intended for public catering services Other HACCP various food SME
SK Food Hygienicko-sanitačná príručka vinára Hygiene-sanitation guide of producer of wine Horizontal (several stages) HACCP wine SME
SK Food Príručka správnej hygienickej praxe pre výrobu vína - Hygienická príručka vinára Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for production of wine - Hygiene Guide of Vintner Processing plant HACCP wine SME
SK Food Špecifická príručka - Technologické postupy a hygienicko-sanitačná príručka malovinára pre výrobu vína Specific Guide - Technology procedures and hygiene-sanitation guide of small producer of wine for production of wine Processing plant HACCP wine SME
SK Food Špecifická príručka Hygienická príručka malovinára Specific Guide „Hygienic guide of small wine producer“ Processing plant HACCP wine SME
SK Food Špecifická príručka Technologické postupy a hygienicko-sanitačná príručka malovinára pre výrobu vína Specific Guide „Technological guide and hygienic-sanitation guide of small wine producer in wine production“ Processing plant HACCP wine SME
SK Food Špecifická príručka Technologické postupy a hygienicko-sanitačná príručka malovinára pre výrobu vína Specific Guide „Technological guide and hygienic-sanitation guide of small wine producer in wine production“ Processing plant HACCP wine SME
SK Food Špecifická príručka - Hygienická príručka svätojurského vinohradníckeho spolku Specific guide - Hygienic Guide of Viticulture Association from Svätý Jur Processing plant HACCP wine SME

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