Register of National Guides to Good Hygiene Practice

Ghid național de bune practici pentru siguranța alimentelor - Managementul siguranței alimentelor . Depozitarea semințelor de consum
The guidebook has been developed in order to create a basic structure of specific codes and guidelines that highlight the conditions necessary to produce safe food for consumers' health, following the movement of food throughout the whole chain: supply - production – sales - delivery - trade – consumer, and to allow every grain depository operator to specifically adjust their way of working. The guide is intended for companies in grain storage which must implement, as required by law, a system of food safety based on general principles of food hygiene and on the HACCP method or want to implement and certify a management system for food safety (according to ISO 22000/2005 and HACCP method adopted by the Codex Alimentarius). The set of good practice rules actually aims at three types of contaminants (biological, physical and chemical) against which one must take effective measures to protect the health of consumers of long-term stored grain before processing.
National guide book of good practice for food safety- Food safety management. Storing seeds for consumption
Publisher Uranus / The National Association of the Flour Milling & Baking Industries of Romania - ANAMOB
ISBN: (10) 973 7765 30 3
Food: Primary production
GHP (in general)
Food: cereals & flour
Construction; layout and equipment

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