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Part II

The part II of the form is optional.

  • II.1 Directory of products


    In this field, you can indicate:

    • Name of the product

    • CN code as referred to in Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 for products within the scope of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 – type the nomenclature code and the system will display the relevant correspondences

    • Production method – chose from the dropdown list between Organic and In-conversion

    To add a new row, remove it or clear all the data, follow the steps explained for the section I.9 - List of members of the group of operators as defined in Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

  • II.2 Quantity of products


    This field is dedicated to designate the quantity of the products. Indicate:

    • Name of the product

    • CN code as referred to in Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 for products within the scope of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 – type the nomenclature code and the system will display the relevant correspondences

    • Production method – chose from the dropdown list between Organic and In-conversion

    • Estimated quantity – choose the unit (kg, L or Units) from the dropdown list



      To insert decimal numbers use dot (.) instead of coma (,). E.g.: Insert 3.5 instead of 3,5

    To add a new row remove it or clear all the data, follow the steps as explained for the section I. 9 - List of members of the group of operators as defined in Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

  • II.3 Information on the land


    In this field, you can insert the information on the land where the product was produced. Indicate:

    • The name of the product

    • The method of production – choose from the dropdown list organic, in-conversion or non-organic

    • The surface of hectares


    To insert decimal numbers use dot (.) instead of coma (,). E.g.: Insert 3.5 instead of 3,5

    To add a new row, remove it or clear all the data, follow the steps as explained for the section I.9 - List of members of the group of operators as defined in Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

  • II.4 List of premises or units where the activity is performed by the operator or group of operators


    In this field you can insert the information on the premises or units where the activity is performed by the operator or group of operators. Indicate:

    • Address or geolocation

    • Operator activity (it is related with the options selected in Part 1 box – 5).

    • Description of the activity or activities as referred to in section Activity or activities of the operator or group of operators of part I.

    To add a new row, remove it or clear all the data, follow the steps as explained for the section I.9 - List of members of the group of operators as defined in Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

  • II.5 Information on the activity or activities carried out by the operator or group of operators and whether the activity is, or the activities are performed for their own purpose or as a subcontractor carrying out the activity or activities for another operator, while the subcontractor remains responsible for the activity or activities performed


    In this field, you can insert and describe the activity or activities carried out by the operator or group of operators. Indicate:

    • Operator activity (it is related with the options selected in Part 1 box – 5)

    • Description of the activity or activities as referred to in point 5 of part I

    • If the activity is performed for the operator own purpose or if a subcontractor is carrying out the activity for another operator, while the subcontractor remains responsible for the activity performed

    To add a new row, remove it or clear all the data, follow the steps as explained for the section I.9 - List of members of the group of operators as defined in Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

  • II.6 Information on the activity or activities carried out by the subcontracted third party in accordance with Article 34(3) of Regulation (EU) 2018/848


    Fill in this field if the activity has been carried out by a subcontractor. Indicate:

    • Operator activity

    • Description of the activity or activities as referred to in point 5 of part I

    • If the operator or group of operators remains responsible for the activity or if the responsibility is transferred to the subcontracted third party.

    To add a new row, remove it or clear all the data, follow the steps as explained for the section I.9 - List of members of the group of operators as defined in Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

  • II.7 List of subcontractors carrying out an activity or activities for the operator or group of operators in accordance with Article 34(3) of Regulation (EU) 2018/848, for which the operator or group of operators remains responsible as regards organic production and for which it has not transferred that responsibility to the subcontractor


    Fill in this field if the activity has been carried out by a subcontractor, but the operator remains responsible as regards organic production. Indicate:

    • Details of the subcontractor – To fill in the details of the contractor follow the instructions provided for the section Operator or group of operators

    • Operator activity (it is related with the options selected in Part 1 box – 5)

    • Any other relevant information

    To add a new subcontractor, remove it or clear all the data, follow the steps as explained for the section 9 - List of members of the group of operators as defined in Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

  • II.8 Information on the accreditation of the control body in accordance with Article 40(3) of Regulation (EU) 2018/848


    In this field, you can provide the control body’s details.

  • II.9 Other information


    Add any relevant information to the certificate.