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Operator validation workflow

As an authority, you have the responsibility to validate the operators and user accounts that are under your authority. To validate an operator, click on the menu "Actors" and then click on "Operators":



You have a few options to find the operators that are waiting for validation:

  • By clicking in "Operators to validate": all the operators that are waiting for your validation will appear in the list below.

  • By using the search bar: you can type the name of the operator you are looking for in the search field and then click in "Search". The result of your search will appear below.

  • By using the Advanced Search options: you can fill the relevant fields to find the operator.


Once you have found the operator you are looking for, click on its name or on the small pen icon to open its details.


Once opened, click on the green check button (in the corresponding column) to validate the operator's activity.


The activity that you have validated now has the status Valid.

Do not forget to click on the "Save" button to save the changes. Once saved, a confirmation message will pop up.



After validating the operator, authorities should also validate/link the users to the operator so that they may have access to documents and operator information.

For more information on how to validate an operator, please go to this page.