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Country administrator role and cities management

To request access as a country administrator, see the Getting started section here.

Once connected as Country Administrator, the menu Geographics  gives access to the Cities management:


You can search by:

  • Name

  • Postal code


Two options are available: editing an existing city or create a new city.

Editing a city

  1. Look first for the city via the menu. Click on the city name or on the symbol presenting a pen on the right (1):

  2. In the editing screen it is possible to modify the region and affect another region (1), the time zone (2) and the postal code and names (3):

  3. Click on Add postal code. It will open the boxes for inserting new postal code (1) and names (2). The prefered name/postal code is indicated by a gold star (3).

    Don’t forget to save your modifications by clicking on the blue button Save changes (4):

  4. Clicking on the first square box (1) will allow to complete the linguistic versions, if needed (2):


Creating a new city

  1. Click on Create new city. Please fill the relevant boxes. The regions are already available in the drop-down list:

  2. Do not forget to click on Save city.