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Copy as new: this functionality allows the user to initialize a new PHYTO from an existing one. All the information in PART I of the PHYTO that is being copied will be kept in the new Document. The only information that will need to be inserted are the “Declared means of conveyance” and the “Local reference number”. All the information can be modified. This functionality allows to save time when creating a new document if the majority of the information is the same in both the PHYTOs. Both operators and Authorities can use this functionality.

Save as Draft: the operator clicks on “Save as draft” and the progress the user made in the completion of the document is saved. The user can exit the page, start a new document, etc. He/she will be able to come back to the PHYTO started earlier and continue working on it or modify it. (the IMSOC reference is as follows: DRAFT.PHYTO.2019.0000000)

Sign as In Progress: the authority accesses the PHYTO and clicks on “Sign as in progress”. All the progress made is saved. The operator can still access the PHYTO but can no longer modify PART I. When the PHYTO is “in progress”, the information in the document is saved and can be modified by the authority at any time until the PHYTO is in a “final status” (validated, rejected).

Replace: this functionality allows the authority to replace a validated PHYTO with a new one. (inside the PHYTO  button “More”  “Replace”). A new PHYTO will be generated in the system and all the information contained in PART I of the replaced PHYTO will be kept in the new one, whereas PART II needs to be completed from scratch. All the information in PART I can be modified. The two documents will be linked, but the replacement PHYTO is the one with legal value.

Cancel certification: the authority inside the PHYTO can cancel a “Validated” PHYTO. (Inside the PHYTO  “Cancel certification”). The cancelled PHYTO will not be replaced by a new one.

Empty Phyto for export pdf


By selecting the empty Phyto option you will be able to print the template, e.g. in case you need to fill the paper Phyto too.