Decision on Consignment - As BCP
As BCP, you can access the CHED-D and modify every piece of information from Part I.
If you do not want the operator to modify the CHED anymore, you can “Sign as in progress”. From that point onward, the RFC can no longer modify the data from Part. I.
For the commodity subject to a temporary increase of controls or emergency measures, the system will warn you with a blue boxed message entitled “Applied Check Frequency”, stating the laboratory test that needs to be performed and the minimum checks to be done at a national level in a 6-month period.
Box – II.3 Documentary Check
Indicate if “Satisfactory”/ “Not satisfactory” depending on the EU Standard.
Box – II.4 Identity Check
If the check has been performed, tick “Yes” and mark it as “Satisfactory”/ “Not satisfactory” depending on the EU Standard. If the check was not performed, either leave the box empty or check “No”.
Box – II.5 Physical Check
If the check has been performed, click on “Yes” and mark it as “Satisfactory”/ “Not satisfactory” depending on the EU Standard. If the check was not performed, either leave the box empty or tick on “No”.
When “yes” is selected in the boxes II.4 and II.5, ticking “satisfactory” /” not satisfactory” is mandatory.
Box – II.6 Laboratory Tests
This box can be completed only if a physical check will be performed.
• Click on “+ Add laboratory test”
• Select the commodity on which the test has been performed;
• Select the category of the test by choosing the correct one from the list or type the test name directly in the search bar. Select it from the drop-down list that appears.
Once the test has been added, some information still need to be completed:
Motivation: if it is a “Random” check or if it has been performed on the basis of “Suspicion”
Inspector conclusion: select between “Satisfactory”, “Pending” or “Not Satisfactory”
Laboratory: it is mandatory to specify the laboratory. Start typing the name and select a laboratory from the drop-down list that pops out or run an “advanced” search and add some filters by clicking the small “+” button on the right. Once the correct match is selected, the “Name”, “Country” and “Address” of the laboratory are automatically completed.
Sample date, Sample use date and Released date – these fields are mandatory
Conclusion – select either “Satisfactory”, “Not interpretable” or “Not Satisfactory”.
Afterwards you also have the option of adding “+Add Counter Analysis”.
When a Laboratory test is marked as “Pending” in the “Inspector conclusion”, in II.9 / II.11 / II.12 / II.14 / II.15 / II.16 Conclusion, the option “Acceptable for Onward Transportation” will become available for selection.
This could happen when, for example, despite a pending Lab Test result, the consignment is authorised to move to an “Onward Transportation Facility”. The authority responsible for the OTF should be notified about the operation and should declare the arrival of the consignment at the OTF.
The Authority of the first CHED, who has performed the Lab Tests, will complete PART II of the CHED-D by submitting the results of the tests and by validating or rejecting it.
Box – II.7 Welfare Check
This box doesn’t apply for the CHED-D and should be greyed out.
Box – II.9/II.11/II.12/II.14/II.15/II.16 Conclusion
Indicate your decision regarding the consignment and complete the necessary information.
Validation: tick the box “accept” and select one of the options available in the box – II.12
Rejection: tick the box “refuse” and select one of the options available for the boxes – II.16 Not Acceptable and II.17 Reason for Refusal
Partial rejection: tick the box “partially reject” if you want to accept only a part of the consignment.
After submitting for partial rejection, you will be redirected in a new tab where you will be able to submit both your decision on the accepted part of the consignment and your decision on the rejected part of the consignment.
In the green button, you have the option to reject or partially reject. If you click in “partially reject”, in the commodity row, you will be asked to select the amount of packages and/or the quantity of units you wish to reject.
After completing the necessary information in each tab (decision on accepted/rejected consignment), you will be able to take the decision:
You can see that the consignment has been partially rejected in the menu when there is a little blue icon next to the CHED number. By clicking on this icon, you will see the links to both subsequent CHED: the validated consignment and the rejected one:
Transfer: If the box – I.20 “For transfer to” has been ticked in PART I, the box – II.9 Acceptable for transfer will appear automatically completed in PART II. If the box – I.20 “For transfer to” has not been ticked in PART I, you can still change the purpose in the PART I, box – I.20
When the documentary check is done at the BCP and the consignment is authorized to move to a Control Point where identity and physical checks will be performed, the consignment is still under custom supervision and cannot be released until the official controls are completed.
Box – Consignment resealed
This box becomes available when container number and seal number are entered in box – I.6 of PART I. After the checks have been performed, the authority has the option to introduce the container number for reseal, if necessary.
Box – II.20 Identification of BCP
This box will be automatically completed with the details of the authority that completed PART II.
Box – II.21 Certifying officer
This is where you sign the Validation/Rejection of the consignment. You can also sign by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.
If you filled all the boxes and fields correctly, the status is VALIDATED, REJECTED, PARTIALLY REJECTED or AUTHORIZED FOR TRANSFER.
Box – II.23 Customs Document Reference
This is a free text box.
You have successfully completed PART II of the CHED-D!
Other options
By clicking on “More” at the bottom of the page you can:
Cancel document
Replace: this will create a replacement of the CHED-D in case some information need to be changed after the validation. The first CHED will then have the status “Replaced” and the new CHED-D will have the status “Valid”. Both will be linked, and this link will appear on the printed document as well.
Copy as new: this will create a new CHED-D that will be pre-filled with the information of the current document. In that case, the two CHED-D are not linked.
Clone as CHEDPP: let you quickly create a CHED-PP linked to the existing CHED-D. This option speeds up the submission process.
Clone as CHED from a COIRFL to start a CHED-D from a COI even if the RFL is not mentioned in it. PART I of the CHED-D will contain some information from the COI which is common to both documents. The Box
Accompanying document in the CHED-D will automatically be filled in with the information concerning the cloned COI. The COI and the CHED-D will be linked.
Depending on the document that you want to clone, through the menu either go to:
Documents > COI and click on “clone as CHED”
In the window that opens indicate all the relevant information and click on “clone as CHED to connect both documents:
This will link the two documents.
By clicking on “Preview PDF” button you can:
Preview the PDF certificate
In the Advanced Print Options, you can choose the languages in which you want the document to be printed. You can choose more than one language.