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I work for an Economic Operator and my Operator is not yet part of TRACES NT

My Operator is in a EU Member State and I want to create a Waste Shipment Regulation Document (WSR)

And I want to create a Waste Shipment Regulation Document (WSR)


Initially, only one activity can be added when creating a new Operator. Additional activities can be added as needed only once the operator has been validated by the responsible authorities.

To know how to add a new activity to a valid operator see: I want to add a new activity

In the box “Chapter” select “Wasteshipment Regulation”.

In the “Activity” block fill in the Activity details including the Section and Activity.

Select the Activity address by clicking on the globe next to Address (you will only be able to select one even if more were added in the Address section).

Click on “Create new operator”.

When you click on: “Create new operator”, a confirmation pop-up window will appear. Here you have the option to provide some additional useful information, however, you can continue without doing so by simply clicking on “Send authorization request”. In parallel, kindly contact the IMSOC support team by email (, with the WSR Competent Authority of your country or region in CC, requesting that they grant the role for you and your company. Should the company have more than one role (Notifier, Treatment facility, carrier), kindly specify in the email which role should be added in addition to the already requested one.

Once your request is sent, you will be redirected to the TRACES homepage where you can see the status of your request.


WSR Operator validation

Once your request has been submitted, please get in contact with TRACES Support at :

Please provide us with the following information in your message:

  • Name of the Operator:

  • Email address used in TRACES of the requesting user: