Fisheries Areas Network

Good Practice Projects

  • 08/04/2019
    United Kingdom
    Business support, Governance, Complementary funding, Fisheries resources, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly FLAG has developed a Credit Union scheme designed to assist those who cannot access grant funding for their projects without initial support.
  • map of the nine Festival del Mare along Emilia-Romagna coast at Adriatic Sea

    Promotion, Short circuits, Gastronomy, Marine activities, Tourism, Environment, Society and culture, Cultural heritage
    O serie de festivaluri creează o legătură între pescarii și producătorii din domeniul acvaculturii și public, popularizând tradițiile pescărești și sporind gradul de conștientizare privind habitatul marin.
  • Cuan Beo project in Connaught, Ireland

    Environment, Water quality, Fisheries resources, Integrated coastal management, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Education and training, Youth
    Cuan Beo was set up by community members living and working near Galway bay, who were cognisant of a general decline in the quality of the famous shellfish producing waters in the Bay.
  • Bay of Anllons pool heated by water from solar panels

    Marine activities, Environment, Circular economy, Energy, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Youth
    To promote the local shellfish activity and its products, a FLAG redevelops an area overlooking the bay where its cockle pickers work and installs a shallow outdoor pool for kids, heated with excess hot water from the nearby leisure centre.
  • 12/12/2018
    Diversification, Marine activities, Tourism, Integrated coastal management, Infrastructure
    Puise has become a thriving coastal fishing port in Läänemaa after a regeneration project supported by the local FLAG.
  • 12/11/2018
    Environment, Circular economy, Marine litter, Water quality
    On Lower Saxony’s North Sea coast, small-scale fishermen team up with an environmental NGO to collect marine waste and look at ways of disposing and recycling plastic components.
  • 19/09/2018
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, Promotion, Short circuits, Gastronomy, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Infrastructure
    A new FLAG supports the fusion of gastronomy, “eating local” and fisheries heritage by supporting an atypical restaurant in the port of Gandía.
  • 18/09/2018
    Aquaculture, New technology, Diversification, Arts and crafts, Women
    A Galician FLAG has supported the creation of Europe’s first commercial coral farm, growing approximately 5 000 corals annually and attracting school trips of children from around the area.
  • 29/08/2018
    Environment, Governance, Fisheries resources, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    Grupul de co-gestionare a Lacului Vãttern, susținut de FLAG, ajută părțile interesate locale să ajungă la un consens privind gestionarea sustenabilă a resurselor piscicole ale celui de-al doilea lac ca mărime din Suedia.
  • 24/08/2018
    Aquaculture, New technology, Environment, Fisheries resources, Integrated coastal management, Cultural heritage
    A fisheries cooperative embraces the use of new technology to ensure the sustainability of its native oyster stocks. By adopting spat collectors (“coupelles”) used in France, the Tralee Oyster Fisheries Society has offered a brighter future to its oyster fishers and the local tradition they represent.