Fisheries Areas Network

Good Practice Projects

  • 23/11/2021
    Lokalne przedsiębiorstwo prowadzi pilotażowy projekt polegający na integracji pionowego systemu uprawy wodorostów z recyrkulacyjnym systemem akwakultury (RAS) w celu zmniejszenia negatywnego wpływu lądowej produkcji ryb na środowisko.
  • 15/11/2021
    Promotion, Gastronomy, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Society and culture, Education and training, Migrants and refugees
    The Ostrobothnia FLAG supported a project getting local community members and migrants to create innovative recipes from underused fish species. As a result, the consumption of less valued fish increased, and the cultural interaction and integration of migrants improved.
  • 12/11/2021
    Circular economy, Marine litter, Society and culture, Education and training, Infrastructure, Women
    The Costa Sostible FLAG has supported the renovation of an abandoned local school to be used as a new marine litter transformation centre by three associations for the handicapped.
  • 28/09/2021
    Adding value to fisheries, Aquaculture, Labelling, New technology, Short circuits, Traceability, Small-scale and coastal fisheries
    This cooperation project aimed to apply a technology based on the “blockchain” principle to fisheries. By using this trustworthy shared recording system, the three FLAGs implemented a traceability system which provides complete and accurate information to consumers of artisanal fishing products.
  • 21/09/2021
    Adding value to fisheries, Promotion, Short circuits, Traceability, Gastronomy
    The professional line fishers’ association of the Brittany region has run a communication campaign to promote line-caught fish. Two FLAGs cooperated to support this campaign that highlights the environmental sustainability and quality that are associated with this way of fishing.
  • 26/07/2021
    Aquaculture, New technology, Environment, Climate change, Energy
    Shellfish farming is an important economic activity on the Atlantic French coast. But it also generates undersized mussels as by-products which are usually thrown away. This project focuses on exploiting their potential by generating methane to produce energy.
  • 29/06/2021
    Adding value to fisheries, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Education and training, Women, Youth
    Lapońska LGR sfinansowała projekt naboru i szkoleń, którego celem było odmłodzenie starzejącego się sektora rybołówstwa na obszarze wokół zbiorników Lokka oraz Porttipahta. W rezultacie działalność rozpoczęło 14 młodych rybaków obu płci.
  • 29/06/2021
    Aquaculture, Environment, Energy, Infrastructure
    Stocznia Chantier Bretagne Sud prowadzi projekt wspierający hodowców ostryg w Bretanii w przechodzeniu na odnawialne źródła energii, analizując ich potrzeby i oferując im odpowiednio dostosowane technologie.
  • 17/05/2021
    Business support, Diversification, Environment, Energy, Integrated coastal management
    A FLAG supported project brings together a network of 17 local businesses in order to consolidate Bornholm as one of Denmark’s two “energy islands”, focused on the production and transformation of wind energy.
  • 10/05/2021
    Aquaculture, New technology, Fisheries resources, Integrated coastal management
    The oyster farmers of south Brittany installed a high-frequency multi-sensing buoy to support the understanding of spat settlement of the flat oyster, a key resource in the area.