Fisheries Areas Network

Good Practice

EU FLAG projects as of February 2020With the second generation of FLAGs now up and running, there is a growing number of project examples from the past and the present which can inspire other actions aimed at developing fisheries and aquaculture areas around Europe, be it through economic, environmental or social support and investment.
The project descriptions and short stories below give an insight into some of the local projects funded by the FLAGs, while the methods provide helpful examples of effective programme management, ranging from community outreach to FLAG self-assessment.

Good practice examples from 2010-2016

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  • 31/01/2020
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, Processing, Promotion
    With their “Thanks to the Fisherman” campaign, one of Finland’s biggest fish processors, aims to raise approximately €100 000 for the FLAGs to support their local fishermen
  • 24/01/2020
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, Processing, Promotion, Short circuits, Youth
    A social joint venture between the Red Cross and a local fish auction helps the unemployed into work while securing a place to process undervalued local seafood.
  • 20/12/2019
    Adding value to fisheries, Promotion, Gastronomy, Tourism, Small-scale and coastal fisheries, Society and culture, Cultural heritage
    A cooperation project promoting fishing heritage, strengthening local traditions and increasing the consumption of forgotten freshwater fish species.
  • 19/12/2019
    Adding value to fisheries, Aquaculture, Diversification, Tourism
    Rodzime gospodarstwo rybackie zdywersyfikowało swoją działalność i przekształciło się w ruchliwy ośrodek turystyki oraz rekreacji, zyskując dodatkową wartość i zwiększając dochód.
  • 18/12/2019
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, Tourism, Environment, Governance, Cultural heritage, Education and training
    Za sprawą szeregu wzajemnie powiązanych działań oraz innowacyjnych metod zarządzania jakością, RLGD buduje potencjał lokalnych firm, w tym gospodarstw rybackich, restauracji oraz dostawców usług edukacyjnych i rekreacyjnych, a także zachęca je do współpracy.
  • 17/12/2019
    Greece- Cyprus
    Diversification, Marine activities, Tourism, Water quality, Integrated coastal management
    A cooperation project puts environmental, social and economic sustainability at the heart of 30 diving areas in Greece and Cyprus.
  • 24/10/2019
    Adding value to fisheries, Business support, New technology, Processing, Circular economy, Fisheries resources
    Local fishermen in Lapland, northern Finland, create a mincing facility to process unwanted by-catch into new marketable products such as fish fingers.
  • 02/10/2019
    Business support, Marine activities, Infrastructure, Youth
    On Ærø Island, a disused boat engine factory has been turned into a community hub supporting local maritime entrepreneurship. The project aims to boost the island’s economy and social cohesion.
  • 12/09/2019
    Miejscowość Boulogne-sur-Mer już czwarty rok z rzędu była gospodarzem hackathonu poświęconego przedsiębiorczym i innowacyjnym pomysłom na rozwiązania problemów przybrzeżnych obszarów regionu.
  • 10/09/2019
    Gastronomy, Marine activities, Tourism, Governance, Integrated coastal management, Infrastructure
    The operation of Hästholmen harbour involves the cooperation of several local actors. Through a series of FLAG projects, the port has been improved and developed in accordance with the local community’s needs and opportunities.