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The EU Health Policy Platform is an interactive tool to stimulate discussion about public health concerns and provide an easy way for stakeholders to share knowledge and good practices. The Platform invites you to exchange with others, pool your expertise in Joint Statements and disseminate actions among a wide audience.

Register and get involved in European Health Policy!

The EU Health Policy Platform is a collaborative online tool that makes it easy for European Commission services, health-related interest groups and stakeholders to communicate with each other.

DG SANTE is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities – find more information in the Platform's Accessibility Statement.

The EU Health Policy Platform is moderated by the European Commission Directorate for Health and Food Safety, which also provides input. The Platform is funded through the EU4Health Programme 2021-2027. The working language is English, but ad-hoc networks in other EU languages may by created at the request of Platform members.

In addition to running the Web Platform, which facilitates online discussion, encourages collaboration and hosts frequent live webinars; the EU Health Policy Platform team organised the EU Health Award from 2015 to 2021. This Award recognises cities, NGOs and schools whose initiatives improve public health in the European Union. Information about all of the winning and shortlisted initiatives are available on the EU Health Award website, listed by year, which represents a wealth of information about good practices and innovative approaches to public health challenges.

The EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting gives stakeholders the opportunity to present their Joint Statements and discuss possible synergies. The meeting is open to health interest groups and EU Institutions staff and focuses on current and future EU health priorities.

The European Commission would like to invite all health stakeholders active in the field of health or interested in EU Health Policy to join the EU Health Policy Platform. Take a look at the Rules of procedure and the user guide to better understand how the Platform works and see the advantages it offers!

  • Rules of Procedure of the EU Health Policy Platform : as a Platform member or a potential member, you are encouraged to read the Rules of Procedure of the EU Health Policy Platform to learn more about our working methods and our terms and conditions.
  • User Guide : this guide explains registration procedures and the Platform's functionalities (i.e. how to post a news item). Register in the Platform and let your voice be heard!

Platform members can post news, create opinion polls, share upcoming events or webinars, store documents and much more in one or more of the Platform's networks! Once registered, you will have access to the following types of networks:

  1. Agora Network, common discussion area automatically accessible to all Platform members who comply with the Platform's Rules of Procedure. All members are encouraged to publish news related to their activities in this network.
  2. Exchange Networks are accessible to all Platform members and are used to exchange good practices and share training materials.
  3. Thematic Networks are temporary, set up for only one year. They are led by a health stakeholder organisation selected through a call for proposals. The leader prepares a collaborative position paper (the Joint Statement) on a health-related priority. The Platform team organises several open live webinars to discuss ideas before the Joint Statement is drafted and later presented by the organisation in the lead at the EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting. All Platform members are invited to actively participate in the Thematic Networks by attending live webinars, by co-drafting the Joint Statement or by endorsing it.
  4. European Commission and Member State-led Networks are networks (usually) only accessible to appointed members and moderated by Commission and/or Member States representatives.
  5. Stakeholder Networks are restricted networks set up to share knowledge and information on a specific health area. They are created in response to a direct request from stakeholder members of the Platform and approved by the European Commission. Platform members who have an interest in a certain stakeholder network may request access. Platform members are invited to propose the creation of new stakeholder networks to the Platform team at

As a Platform member, you will receive a bi-weekly "Latest updates" newsletter with all the most recent information shared on the Agora network (as well as on the restricted networks you are part of).

Live webinars on key EU health initiatives are organised on a regular basis by the European Commission, Member States and stakeholders. Information on upcoming webinars is posted in the Agora Network (check the announcements section!). Platform members are also invited to propose webinar topics. Find the privacy statement for EU Health Policy Platform live webinars here.

For more information about the EU Health Policy Platform, please contact

The EU Health Policy Platform team

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The EU Health Policy Platform processes your data in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. ECAS and SAAS are systems of the European Commission that allow authenticating and authorising users for the Web Platform. The Notification on Data Protection, the Privacy Statement for the Identity Management Service and the Privacy Statement for SAAS explain your data protection rights in detail.


Regulation (EU) 2018/1725