Funding and Tenders Portal
The Funding and Tenders Portal is the single entry point for participants and experts in the funding programmes and tenders managed by the European Commission and other EU bodies. You can browse and search information through the portal without logging in, but to apply for funding, you will need to authenticate with your EU Login. If you do not have an EU Login account, create one now.
Once you have created your account, you may sign in. You now see the left-side navigation menu of your personalised area within the Portal, from which you have access to the different systems you need in each step within the process of applying for funding or tenders. What you see in the list depends on the content available for your account, so you do not necessarily see all the processes listed below.
Your personalised area (left-side navigation menu)
The different sections within the left-side navigation menu are:
- My Profile
- F&T User Profile
- Expert Profile
- Content Centre
- My organisations
- Formal Notifications
- Grants centre
- Procurement centre
- Audit centre
- Task(s)
Use the icon on the left expand or collapse the information available under your personalized area.
The left-side navigation menu displays only existing data for the user. This means that if you did not register as an expert, you will not see Expert Profile; if you do not have a role in any proposals, you will not see Proposals, if you do not have a role in any project, you will not see Projects, and so on.
My Profile
F&T User Profile: this is used to maintain a personal profile which you can, later, decide to share or not with the Portal Community. When sharing it with the community, other users will able to search individual profiles to initiate collaborative actions, in a similar way as you can search for partners (organisations)
For more information, see My profile.
Expert Profile: this is available when you have created an Expert profile. See Work as an expert for more information.
Content Centre
You can manage your portal nortifications, subscriptions and bookmarks, as well as your settings for each of them, from this section. For more information see Content centre.
My Organisations
This section lists all organisations for which you have taken part in a any proposal, project or contract. The list covers all organisations for which your name was used as contact at certain point, whether it is an organisation you register yourself, or that was registered by someone else.
Select My Organisations from your personalised area. Then click the button Actions on the right side of your organisation. Depending on your role for that organisation and the status of the organisation, you will have different actions from which you can chose.
Non-validated organisations
The available options for non-validated organisations are:
- View Organisation. It takes you to the Portal page of your organisation.
- Modify Organisation. It takes you to the Participant register where you can update the data of your organisation.
- Edit Organisation Roles. It allows Self-registrants to appoint additional Self-registrants.
- View Partner Search Profile. I allows you to manage the Partner Search for your organisation.
Access to projects and proposals
Validated organisations
In this second example, the organisation is valid, and I am the LEAR / Account Administrator of the organisation. The available options (be aware that only the ones where you have data display; in the example image, some of them are missing) in this case are :
- View Organisation. It takes you to the Portal page of your organisation.
- Modify Organisation. It takes you to the Participant register where you can update the data of your organisation.
- View Roles. It lists the roles for your organisation and allows you to add new roles, such as appoint an Account Administrator, a Legal/Financial signatory, etc.
- View Proposals. It takes you to the proposals in which your organisation is involved.
- View Projects. It lists the projects in which your organisation is involved.
- Manage processes. This option takes you to the organisation management system page where you can handle this kind of processes. See How to manage organisation processes.
- View Partner Search Profile. I allows you to manage the Partner Search for your organisation. See Find partners
The available options also depends on whether data for this organisation exists or not, in that sense you can see an additional entry if audit information exists for your organisation. See Audits Centre below for more information.
For more information about the My Organisations section, see My Organisations.
Grants Centre
This section comprises two different subsections: Proposals and Projects.
Also, note that what you see in these pages depends on the roles that you have for a given proposal or project. Make sure to log in with the account to with which you have access to the proposals/projects. Please see the Roles and access rights page for a detailed explanation of the roles.
Any proposal, submitted or not, in which you have been appointed as a contact of one of the participants, will be listed in the Proposals page. To view your proposal(s), select Proposals from your personalized area on the left, then click on the Actions button. For more information about managing your proposals, see Submit a proposal.
Please note, any selected proposal for which the Grant agreement has not been signed yet will have to be managed via the Proposals page. If the proposal is in the Final status, i.e. has been submitted and the call is closed, you will have to select Follow-up, which will launch the Grant Management Services (GMS). For information about GMS, see Grant Management Services tool.
Any projects for which a Grant agreement has been signed will appear listed in the Projects page. To view your projects, select Projects from your personalized area and select the Manage Project option under the Actions button beside the relevant project.
When you select Manage Consortium, you will access the consortium page, where you can manage the roles of your organisation on level of the project. See How to assign or revoke roles for more information.
When you select Manage Project, you will access the Grant Management Services (GMS). For information about GMS, see Grant Management Services tool.
Note for LEARs and Account Administrators
Even if you are the LEAR or the account administrator of the organisation, you cannot display the details of proposals and projects in which your organisation is participating, but only for the ones where you have a role within the proposal/project. However, you can ask to be granted read access both to projects and to proposals:
- Check How to assign or revoke roles for information on the management of roles both at the level of the organisation and the project.
- Check Access to projects and proposals for LEARs or Account Administrators for information on how LEARS/account administrators get access to proposals and projects. You will have the option to request access under the Actions drop-down menu for each proposal or project to which you do not currently have the access.
Procurement Centre
For information on the procurement section please consult the Funding & Tenders Portal eProcurement Wiki.
Audits Centre
This section is available when there is an audit for one of your projects, and both the audit file has been assigned to a team and a person of the organisation has been granted access to the same team. Otherwise, the audit will not appear in the section. For more information, please see Audits Centre.
For Audit firms, the same section will be in use, but the audit needs to have been assign to a team as well as the auditors need to have been granted access to the same team. Otherwise, the auditor will not see the audit in the section. See Information for audit firms for more information
To view your audits, select Audits Centre from the left and you will arrive to a page displaying all your audits. Then click the Action button and select Access Audit to access your audit process. Access is available only for specific roles, so please see How to assign or revoke roles for information for auditees and AUDIT firm roles for information for audit firms.
If your organisation is being audited and you are either the LEAR of the organisation or an Audit Contact, you can also access and manage the audit processes in the Audit Management Services (AMS) via My Organisations and the Audit Management option under Actions.
Formal Notifications
Formal Notifications (FN), i.e. messages which need to be acknowledged by the participant, are displayed in a specific section within the left-side navigation menu. To view your formal notifications, select Formal Notifications from your personalized area on the left and you will arrive to a page displaying all your formal notifications.
The number next to Formal Notifications indicates the number of notifications that needs to be acknowledged and does not include the unread ones:
Formal Notifications (FN) are not really just an electronic message, but a letter document in PDF format that you need to sign for acknowledgement. Click the Formal Notification to access it. You will be requested to sign by entering your EU Login credentials (acknowledgement) and will be able to download it.
Once signed in, the following screen appears:
You can download the document by clicking on the arrow under Action. Going back to the previous page, the status has changed to read and the details (date and time) when the notification has been acknowledged, are displayed in the last column:
You need to know that the notifications expire after 15 days by default (30 days for EACEA only).
A notification can show different status:
- Receipt not yet acknowledged: notification well received but you need to acknowledge it first by downloading the notification
- Read: the document has been downloaded
- Unread: the notification has been acknowledged but not read yet
- Expired: too late to be acknowledged (you have passed the 15 days deadline)
More about Formal Notifications
Formal Notifications are sent in the context of specific business process.
- For information about FNs received in the context of a project, see Formal Notifications.
- For information about FNs received in the context of an audit, see Formal Notifications for audits.
Validation of the organisations do not involve Formal Notifications, the messages are sent to the registered email address of the self-registrant and they are also available in Participant register. See Messages for more information.
This is not a section in itself, but a shortcut to any outstanding actions you need to undertake for any of the processes. In the future, whenever you have an outstanding action, you will see it listed under this section until you fulfil the tasks linked to the action. Currently, this is implemented for some Procurement actions and to provide documents for your organisation, see My tasks - Task Centre.
Additional sections
For information regarding the NCP Register or PCM Register, please see NCPM Register and PCM Register.
The Results section is applicable specifically to the EU External Action programme. Please consult the EXACT - EU External Action Wiki for more information.
The Other Projects section is a tab for non-SyGMa grant beneficiaries, see Other Projects for more information.