EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Roles & Access Rights


Access to Projects and Proposals for LEARs or Account Administrators

By default, the projects in which your organisation is participating will be visible to you only if a role at level of the project is allocated to your profile, even if you are the LEAR of the organisation.
In this page we describe how to request and grant the read only access or an active role for a project/proposal in order to view its details via the Projects/Proposals tabs within the information of  My Organisations, under the left-side navigation menu.


This is applicable both to LEARs and Account Administrators. Granting LEAR access, will grant also read access to the project/proposal to Account Administrators.

Request access

When logging into the Funding & Tenders Portal, access My Organisations on the left.
This applies only to organisations where you are LEAR/Account administrator from the list of your organisations. This means that the status is validated and you have the option Modify Organisation when clicking on the Actions button on the right.

Click on the Legal Name of the organisation to display the details, and on the Projects or the Proposals tab to see the projects/proposal in which your organisation is participating.

Organisations can be involved in a project where the LEAR/Account administrator does not have an actual team member role (roles in the consortium). Click on the acronym of a project. If you do not have a project role, the following message is displayed.

If this is the case, you may request the access to the Project via Actions / Request access.

Select the Request Access under Actions.

Whenever you see the Request Access under the Actions button for a project or a proposal, it means that you do not have a specific role for the project or the proposal.

A pop-up window displays with two possible options. Select one.

Select option 1 if you want to be given a project role within the project. Select option 2 if you only would like to have read access to the project. Click on submit.
When done, a confirmation message is displayed shortly in the lower right corner of the browser.

If your organisation is the coordinating organisation in the project, the email will be sent to the PCoCo/CoCo. If your organisation is not coordinating the project, the email will be sent to the PaCo. Read more about roles in Roles and access rights.

Grant access

PCoCo/CoCo or PaCo, depending of the situation, receives an email notification informing of the request.

The notification is also accessible via My Notifications, which you can access by clicking on the bell icon on the right-hand side of the screen.

However, the content of the notification and the steps to be taken will be different depending on the selected option.

  • Option 1: When a user requests to be added as a contact for the project. The message indicates "requested to be added as contact on project" + Project ID-Name and Pic numbers.

  • Option 2: When user requests to have read access for the project without a role in the project. The message indicates "requested to authorise LEAR access for project" + Project ID-Name and PIC.

In both cases, the notification contains a link, and if the request is for access to a proposal instead of a project, the word 'project' will be substituted by 'proposal'. Clicking on the link takes you to the project consortium page. Then proceed as follows:

For option 1 (active role)

Access My projects and select Manage Consortium from the options under the Actions button if you are not using the link from the message.

Then click on the Edit Roles button of the corresponding organisation.

In the following screen, click on the Add Roles.

Then select the role and fill in the name and email details. Click on Save to confirm.


For option 2 (read only access)

Access My projects and select Manage Consortium from the options under the Actions button if you are not using the link from the message.

Then click on the Edit Roles button of the corresponding organisation.

In the following screen, click on the Enable Lear Access.

A confirmation pop-up window will display on the lower-right corner of the browser.



When you grant access to projects or proposals for LEARS/Account administrator, the Enable Lear Access becomes Disable Lear Access, click on it to remove their read access.