EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) provides doctoral candidates with the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge, and expand their network. At the same time, MSCA-DN improve the quality of doctoral training and R&I capacity of the participating organisations, as well as their interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral cooperation. The objective of MSCA DN is to support doctoral programs carried out by a consortium composed of members from the academic and non-academic sectors. 

Who can edit and submit mobility declarations

The Primary Coordinator Contact/Coordinator Contact can save/edit/delete/submit all mobility declarations for the coordinator and any beneficiary organisation involved in the project. The Participant Contact of the Hosting Organisation can save/edit/delete/submit mobility declaration for its organisation.

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services

The Mobility tab for Postdoctoral Fellowships contains four tables:

  • Researchers
  • Mobility declarations
  • Secondments

(lightbulb)The Mobility tab is part of both continuous and periodic reporting. 



The Researchers table allows the introduction of researchers' personal data.  

During continuous reporting, you can add researchers to the table. 

Adding researchers

  • Click Add Researcher 

  • Complete all mandatory data in the 'Add Researcher' pop-up:

(lightbulb)When encoding a new researcher, instead of manually editing the information, you can import the researcher's basic data from the My Person Profile in the F&T Portal. To do so, you need first to complete the researcher's email address and then click the Check for updates button (that will be displayed at the bottom of the pop-up).
In case the researcher's data cannot be found in My Person Profile, the information needs to be manually encoded and the researcher should be kindly requested to register to My Person Profile (note: to be included in a project, all researchers must have their personal data registered in My Person Profile).   

If  the data has been manually completed and, meanwhile, the researcher also encoded/updated the data in My Person Profile, click on the Check for updates button to verify if the information under the Personal Profile Data corresponds to the one made available by the researcher in the F&T Portal. In case of differences, click Overwrite to update the data with the one provided by the researcher in the Portal. 

  • To check if all mandatory fields are completed, click the Validate button. To save your changes, click Save (or Cancel if you do not want them saved).  

Editing researcher data

  • Click on the corresponding row:

  • Complete all mandatory data in the 'Edit Researcher' pop-up:

(lightbulb) Click on the Check for updates button to verify if the information under the Personal Profile Data corresponds to the one made available by the researcher under My Person Profile in the F&T Portal.   

Click Overwrite to update the data with the one provided by the researcher in the Portal. 

  • To check if all mandatory fields are completed, click the Validate button. To save your changes, click Save (or Cancel if you do not want them saved).  


Deleting researchers

(lightbulb)Only the newly added researchers, for whom no mobility declaration has been submitted, can be deleted. 

  • Click the Delete button. 

  • Confirm the deletion

Mobility declarations


The Mobility declarations table allows the introduction and submission of data regarding the recruitment periods.

Only the Coordinator can manage all Mobility declarations. The other partners can manage only the mobility declarations for which they are the destination organisation. 

Initially, the table will contain the data concerning the recruitment periods (as made available in the Grant Agreement when completing the Recruitment tab) in DRAFT status.
You are able to add more information to or edit some of the existing data*. You can also add more recruitment periods or delete them. 

*For the mobility declarations in the status SUBMITTED, only the start and end dates of the encoded recruitment periods can be edited. 

Editing the mobility declaration

  • Click on the row corresponding to the recruitment period and edit the data in the 'Edit Mobility Declaration' pop-up:  
  1. Researcher information 
    • Complete all mandatory fields, Validate and Save your data once you finished. 

(lightbulb) Some data is read-only (automatically retrieved from the Researcher table). To change this data, you need to edit the information in the Researcher table

(warning) If the contract type is changing during the project duration, an amendment needs to be signed to update the project's Maximum Grant Amount in order to cover the Living and Mobility allowance for the researcher. When the change is applied, in order to be saved, will warn you and you will be prompted to take note of the warning by flagging the checkbox.

(warning) If the contract type needs to be changed during the project duration, and the change does not apply to the whole duration of the recruitment, a new mobility declaration needs to be created.   

2. Recruitment Information 

    • Complete all mandatory fields, Validate and Save your data once you finished. 

(lightbulb) Some data is read-only (automatically retrieved from the Recruitment tab) and cannot be edited. 

3. Recruitment Periods
    • Edit the recruitment period

Use the calendar to edit the start and end date of the recruitment period. You can also choose a different working time commitment and working time percentage and, if required, specify if it is a long-term leave (and its number) or not. 

    • Add new recruitment period (with different working time commitment/suspension for long term leave)  

Click Add period to add a new recruitment period

Edit all mandatory fields. 

(warning) If the recruitment period is suspended for long term-leave*, an amendment for the extension of the End Date of the project (covering all suspensions of the recruitment period encoded during Continuous Reporting) should be signed before the start of Periodic Reporting. If that is the case, the system will warn you and you will be prompted to take note of the warning by flagging the checkbox.

*The long-term leave cannot be shorter than 30 days and must be pre-authorised by the EU authority.

    • Delete the recruitment period

Click the Delete button to delete the recruitment period.

  • Validate and Save your data once you finished. 

Adding a new mobility declaration

If the imported (from Grant Agreement) Recruitment was deleted or the Researcher involved in the project has recruitments with different Contract types and/or different Family Charges within the same grant, you may need to add a new mobility declaration. To do so:

  • Click on Add mobility declaration to add a new mobility declaration on a recruitment. 

For newly added mobility declarations, you are able to choose a researcher that was previously saved for the project and edit fields containing information such as the contract type or family charges.  


Complete the recruitment information and define the data for the recruitment period:


(warning) If a mobility declaration has been already submitted, check and eventually update the content of the submitted one before defining the data for the new one. Not all data can be updated in a submitted mobility declaration.   

Deleting the mobility declaration 

(lightbulb) Only mobility declarations in status DRAFT can be deleted. To delete a SUBMITTED mobility declaration, you should contact the EC officer and request to re-open the mobility declaration (and thus revert it to the status DRAFT).  

  • Click the Delete button. 

  • Confirm the deletion (deleting a mobility declaration means that all linked secondments (if any) will be deleted as well.

Submitting the mobility declaration 

  • Click the Submit Declaration button 

  • Confirm the submission.

The status of the mobility declaration will change to SUBMITTED and a PNS is sent to notify the Project Officer(s) about it.  

After the mobility declaration is submitted, you can still edit some data for the recruitment periods or add a secondment.

If you need to update any other information in the SUBMITTED declaration, you must contact the Project Officer and ask to reopen the declaration to revert it to the DRAFT state.

Only SUBMITTED Mobility Declarations will be taken into account for the automatic generation of the Financial Statements. If you need to update any other information in the declaration, you must ask the Project Officer to ‘Reopen’ the declaration. Once reopened, the declaration will revert to the DRAFT state (and the Consortium will be notified via a PNS about it).



The Secondments table allows the introduction of data regarding the periods during which the Researcher is seconded to an institution different from the Recruiting organisation.

Only the Coordinator can manage all Secondments. The other partners can manage only the Secondments for which they are the sending organisation.

Adding a secondment

  • Click the Create Secondment button for the chosen recruitment period

  • Check the Researcher Information data - the data is read-only 

  • In the Secondment Information tab, complete the information about the 'Secondment Organisation':

  • In the Secondment periods tab
    • Click Add Period to add one or more secondment periods 

    • Indicate the start and end date of the secondment period

(lightbulb) Make sure that the Secondments period(s) fall within the Hosting Start Date and End Date and do not fall in a Reporting Period for which the Periodic Report was already submitted. 

    • To delete a period, press the Delete button

  • Validate and Save your data once you finished. The secondment will be added to the table.

Editing secondment data

  • Click on the row containing the information about the secondment.

  • Modify the editable information in the Edit Secondment pop-up. Validate and Save your data once you finished.

Deleting secondment data

  • Click the Delete button