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Continuous reporting on milestones & deliverables

During the project, you are expected to provide regular updates on the status of the project: the continuous reporting.
The continuous reporting includes:

  • progress in achieving milestones
  • deliverables
  • updates to the publishable summary
  • response to critical risks, publications, communications activities, IPRs
  • programme-specific monitoring information (if required).

Where? The Continuous Reporting Module is accessible through the link you receive at the beginning of the project.

Who? Milestones and deliverables should be submitted by each participant for their work.

What? You should report on milestones and deliverables in accordance with the schedule set out for them.

The Continuous Reporting Module also allows you to report on critical risks, prepare the summary for publication and the programme-specific information on indicators (e.g. Trainings, Gender, Open Data, etc. — .if available for your programme and type of action).

Milestones — Control points in the project that help to chart progress (kick-off meetings, steering committes, first-draft of a survey, prototype, etc.) They may correspond to the completion of a key deliverable, which allows the next phase of the work to begin or is needed at intermediary points.

Deliverables — Outputs to be submitted to the EU (publication, leaflet, progress report, brochure, list, etc.)

All this information is automatically compiled to create part A of the periodic Technical Report, at the moment this report is prepared (Locked for review).

Reporting in the Continuous Reporting Module

At the beginning of the project, you will receive a notification (+ link) that the Continuous Reporting Module is activated and that you can contribute to it on an ongoing basis.

Detailed information on the Module can be found in the HOW TO .

Update the project summary HOW TO  

(warning) Please note that you must provide a separate summary for each periodic report (just update the summary for the previous period).

The summary must be suitable for direct publication by the Granting Authority, especially:

  • be a stand-alone text — no references to other parts of the report, only to publicly available information
  • easily understandable by a general audience
  • preferably not longer than 7,480 characters (roughly 2 pages)
  • with no confidential/sensitive data

You can upload diagrams or photographs illustrating and promoting your project work ((warning) only as images and you must have cleared any rights of third parties advance).

You can also mention the websites used to promote the EU project (see section Communicating and promoting the project).

Update the deliverables HOW TO  

The deliverables must be submitted according to the timing specified in the Continuous Reporting section.

At the time the periodic report is submitted, check if all deliverables due have been provided and, if not, give an explanation in the Comments column (especially for missing or late deliverables and/or cancelled or grouped deliverables).

Update the milestones  HOW TO  

Specify whether the milestones were achieved or not. If not, enter an estimate of when.

The milestones table included in each periodic report is cumulative (it shows all milestones from the beginning of the project).

Update the critical risks HOW TO  

Assess the state of play of the listed risks and if necessary specify new mitigation measures or add newly identified risks.

Programme-specific monitoring information (if required)

Some programmes (e.g. Horizon Europe) have additional policy-monitoring screens on indicators which require input (Publications, Dissemination, Patents (IPR), SME participation, Gender, Infrastructure, Innovation, Open data, ABS Regulation, Trainings).
