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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The Mobility tab in the continuous reporting manages the:

  • Mobility declarations
  • Secondment/Recruitment data
  • Personal information

The Mobility Declaration records the periods that a person, for work or study reasons, spends at an institution or company in the context of a Grant Agreement. Thus the Mobility tab is used to:

  • collect the Mobility Declarations: the beneficiaries are required to promptly inform the EU about the persons taking part in the grants, their periods spent at an institution and their mode of involvement with the grant
  • collect information to allow a semi-automated calculation of the funding that beneficiaries will receive as a reimbursement of the costs incurred in the context of people mobility.

The Mobility tab is part of the Continuous Report, and the collected data are then included in the Periodic Report and used for the preparation of Financial Statements. 

For terminated partners, the tab is displayed in the technical part of the termination report and contains solely the Mobility declarations of the terminated partner with the calculation of their duration in person/months for the reporting period. 

Supported mobility declarations