EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The Other Results questionnaire lists the Project results other than those included in the Results tab. 

The questionnaire is made available during both Continuous and Periodic Reporting to all Horizon Europe types of action and it is included in the technical part (Part A) of the relevant Periodic Report (PDF).

Source document 

Please see the Annotated Grant Agreement (AGA) under the reference documents on the Funding & Tenders Portal for more information. 

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services 

The 'Other results' tab contains one main table that lists all 'other project results' and provides information concerning: 

  • the type of research output; 
  • the description of the research output;
  • a Persistent Identifier (PID)  - if available ;
  • the type of PID - if available;
  • link to a publication - if available;
  • link to the repository page (URL) hosting the results - if available.

(lightbulb)If there are no 'Other Results' foreseen, please flag the corresponding checkbox. 

(lightbulb)If 'Other Results' have to be listed for the project, the checkbox should be unflagged and the other result added to the list.  


Other Results tab Possible Actions 

This tab displays the Other Results for the project.

Adding other result

  • Click Add Other Result to add a project result.

  • Complete all mandatory data fields and click on save.

  • Once saved the newly entered data will be displayed.

Deleting other result

  • Click the X  button in the actions column of the relevant result.

  • A pop-up window will be displayed in order to proceed with the deletion or cancel your action.


Editing other result

  • Click the row corresponding to the project result you want to edit.

  • update the information in the Edit result pop-up.

  • Click Save to save your changes and add the information to the table.


After having completed the questionnaire, please click to save your data.