EU Funding & Tenders Portal

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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The Results questionnaire is made available during both Continuous and Periodic Report to all Horizon Europe types of action and it is included in the technical part (Part A) of the relevant Periodic Report (PDF).

Once the Periodic Report is submitted to the EU, the questionnaire data are available in 'read only' mode.

In order to edit changes the report has to be rejected back to the Consortium and modified via the Continuous Report. 

Source Document 

Please see the Annotated Grant Agreement (AGA) under the reference documents on the Funding & Tenders Portal for more information. 

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services 

The tab lists data to be defined by the consortium during the as follows:

  • Results - the content of project results;
  • Result Ownership - the beneficiaries owning the listed results* must be specified here according to art. 2(21) and art.38 of the Horizon Europe Regulation ("Beneficiaries shall own the results they generate during a project" etc. It is mandatory to submit a ‘results ownership list’ with the last Periodic Report (see Annex 5 of Model Grant Agreement). The submission of the last Periodic Report will be blocked if the ‘results ownership list’ is not filled in.

* only results of type PROD - Product (new or improved), SERV - Service (new or improved), PROC - Industrial process (new or improved), BUS - Business model (new or improved), DSG  - Design (new or improved), METH - Method, material, technology or instrument (new or improved).

(lightbulb)If there are no results for the project yet, flag the corresponding checkbox. 

(lightbulb)If there are results to be mentioned for the Project, the checkbox should be unflagged and the results added to the table.



This list displays the results for the Project.

Adding a result

  • Click Add result to add a project result.

  • Complete all mandatory data fields and click Save to save the result information and add it to the table.

Deleting a result

  • Click the X button in the actions column of the relevant result.

  • A pop-up window to confirm/ cancel your action will be displayed.

Editing a result

  • Click on the row corresponding to the project result you want to edit and update the information in the Edit result pop-up.

  • Click Save to save your changes and add the information to the table.

Results ownership List Actions

This list displays information on the ownership of the Project results.

Adding a result ownership 

  • Click on the add results ownership button

  • Choose the result for which you add the ownership and specify if it is a single or joint ownership by selecting the correct radio-button. 

  • Click on the button Add owner.
  • Add the owner of the result (entity or individual) and Save your choice. 

(lightbulb) In case of joint ownership, specify the related additional owner(s) (entity or individual).

  • Continue to introduce the relevant information.

  • If needed, you can remove the related owners by clicking on the related X button.

  • When finished, Save your information.

Deleting a result ownership

  • Click on thebutton in the actions column of the relevant result ownership and confirm the deletion.

Editing a result ownership

  • Click on the row corresponding to the project result you want to edit and update the information in the Edit result ownership pop-up.

  • Click Save to save your changes and add the information to the table.

After having completed the questionnaire, click to save your data.