EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


 The Impact continuation questionnaire manages information about :

  • scientific;
  •  societal;
  • environmental;
  • economic impact(s) resulting from the Project's implementation.

These information are additional and complementary to the ones already listed under the Impact questionnaire tab

A special focus is put on potential investments (public, private, blended) that can result in the launch of a dedicated company. 

(lightbulb) The questionnaire is available in the Continuous and Periodic reporting for all Horizon Europe types of action except ERC non PoC types of action

Periodic Report 

The information about the Impact continuation will be included in the Technical Part (Part A) of the relevant Periodic Report (PDF). 

Source document 

Please see the Annotated Grant Agreement (AGA) under the Reference documents on the Funding & Tenders Portal for more information. 

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services

The impact continuation questionnaire is divided into 6 main sub-sections/questions.

(lightbulb)Some of them, marked with an asterisk * have to be filled in only at the end of the reporting period (Final reporting).

Sections/questionsActions to be performed 
  • Progress towards objectives and impact of the projects

  • Answer each question by providing a description in the form of free text (max characters 2300)

  • Further employment to exploit or scale-up project results*

  • Indicate if new/existing team member (s) are involved in the project 

(lightbulb) If one of the below checkboxes is selected,

only the fields related to new/existing contract(s) will become available (see the image)

  • provide an explanation in the form of free text (max 800 characters)

  • Further investment mobilized to exploit or scale-up project results*

To add an investment (type any : public, private, own funds)

  • tick the applicable checkbox (you can select more than one)
  • click on the button

  • fill in the data in the pop-up window and click on

  • To delete an investment click on the delete button

  • A pop-up asking for deletion confirmation (yes/no) will be prompted

  • Launch of a dedicated company during (or after the end of) the project*

To add one or more company 

  • tick the applicable checkbox (multiple choices available)
  • click on the button add company identification

  • fill in the data in the related pop -up window and click on

  • To delete a company click on the delete button

  • A pop-up asking for deletion confirmation (yes/no) will be prompted

  • Identified further needs on the project’s pathway to impact

  • List the identified needs by selecting the relevant check-box (multiple choices available)

  • provide an explanation in the form of free text (max characters 2300)

  • Key factors fostering and impeding the impact of the progress (optional question)

  • list the key factors fostering the projects' impact by ticking the relevant option (s) 

  • if relevant, provide information about any good practice useful to the action's implementation 

  • list the key factors impeding the projects' impact by ticking the relevant option (s) 

  • if relevant, provide an explanation in the form of free text (max characters 2300)

After having completed the questionnaire, click to save your data.