EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The Secondments tab is needed in the continuous reporting of MSCA-IF projects (it is not currently made available for periodic reporting). 

The Secondment tab lets the beneficiary declare the periods during which the Researcher is seconded to an institution different from the Recruiting organisation and, for Global Fellowships, different from the Hosting organisation for the Outgoing phase of the Grant.

In detail, for MSCA-IF-GF:

  • the researcher is recruited by the beneficiary (as per the Grant Agreement)
  • the researcher is sent to a Partner Organisation (outside EU) for a period of 12-24 months (the ‘outgoing phase’) - this ‘Partner Organisation’ is the ‘Hosting organisation’ for the outgoing phase; the Partner Organisation is also specified in the Grant Agreement
    • during this period, the researcher may be sent to different institutions for one or more secondments
      • if this happens, in the context of the secondments, the ‘Partner Organisation’ is also the ‘Sending organisation’
  • the researcher comes back to EU and spends a period of 12 months (the ‘incoming’ or ‘returning’ phase) at the beneficiary - the beneficiary is the ‘Hosting organisation’ for the returning phase
      • during this period, the researcher may be sent to different institutions for one or more secondments

                                   - if this happens, in the context of the secondments, the beneficiary is also the ‘Sending organisation’

A secondment is a time period during which the Hosting Organisation sends the Researcher to a different company/institution, external to the project. The information about the secondment is not defined in the Grant Agreement, so it will be entered as part of the Continuous Reporting

A secondment can cover any time period within a Recruitment Phase, and can be split into different time periods, with different working commitments and interruptions. At any moment, the work time commitment for a secondment must match the work time commitment defined for the same days in the Recruitment.

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services

This operation allows you to add a new IF Secondment and a Supervisor 

The Secondments tab contains four tables:

  • Researcher
  • Supervisors
  • Project Recruitment Periods
  • Project Secondment Periods


The table contains read-only data concerning the researcher (as made available in the Grant Agreement):

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Gender
  • Birthday
  • Nationality



By using this section, the user can can specify the details of a Supervisor who follows the Researcher during the activity.

If a Researcher has had different supervisors in different periods, it is possible to specify all of them, with their start and end date.

Please make sure that the periods during which the supervisors were active do not overlap.

The current supervisor should be specified without an end date.

The Cover Page of the Periodic Report will now include information about the Researcher's Supervisor, if any was provided.

Adding a Supervisor

  • Click on "Add Supervisor"


  • Complete the information about the supervisor and press "Save"

  • Click on "Delete" icon to delete a supervisor

Project Recruitment PeriodsDescription

The table contains read-only data concerning the recruitment periods (as made available in the Grant Agreement):

  • Phase
  • Hosting Organisation
  • Sector of Hosting Organisation
  • Hosting Country
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Working Time Commitment
  • Working Time Perc.
  • Reason of part time
  • Duration
  • Actions

Click the "Actions" button to add a Secondment to the selected Recruitment period (for more information about adding a Secondment period, please read the section below, "Project Secondment Periods").

Project Secondment PeriodsActions

Adding a Secondment

  • Click on "Add Secondment"

  • Click on on 'Choose a sending/hosting organisation'


  • Select one of the sending/hosting organisations and press OK.

When creating a new Secondment, if there is only one organisation available, the organisation will be automatically selected as the Sending Organisation.

  • Complete the information for the Destination Organisation: Legal name / Non-participant organisation Legal Name, Country, Sector*.

Sector of an Organisation

    • The Organisation Sector is Academic if the organisation is: 
      • Public or Private an "Higher Education Institution" 
      • "Non-profit Organisation" and a "Research organisation" 
      • "International and European Interest Organisation" 
    • The Organisation Sector is Non-Academic in all other cases
  • Complete the information about the period (or the periods) when the secondment will take place.  
  • Click "Add period" to add a new period (if needed).

The user should make sure that the Secondments period(s) fall within the Hosting Start Date and End Date. Also, s/he has to make sure that the Secondment does not fall in a Reporting Period for which the Periodic Report was already submitted*

* If the system finds that the starting date of the secondment falls in a Reporting Period for which the Periodic Report was already submitted, it will show a confirmation pop-up alerting the user that the Recruitment/Secondment work period overlaps with an already closed Reporting Period. The user may confirm and proceed with editing the Secondment period. 

  • To delete a period, press the "Delete" icon


  • Click OK and the system will add the new Secondment to the Secondments table.

Editing a Secondment

  • Click on the row containing the information about the secondment.
  • To modify the Secondment Information tab:
    • Click the icon to change the Sending Organisation of a Secondment (when more than one organisation is available) and press OK. (warning) Changing the Sending Organisation will require an update of the information in Secondment Period tab.

      • Edit the necessary fields to change the Destination Organisation:

  • To update the information in the Secondment Period tab, change the Start Date and the End Date of the Secondment period:

  • Click OK and the system will update the information.