EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The final technical report has to be submitted by the consortium covering: 

  • an overview of the results
  • the conclusions on the action
  • the answers to the ‘questionnaire’, covering issues related to the action implementation and the economic and societal impact, notably in the context of the Horizon 2020 key performance indicators and the Horizon 2020 monitoring requirements.

The publications are part of the Horizon 2020 key performance indicators and cover the publications linked to the project. 

Source document

Please see the Annotated Grant Agreement under the  reference documents on the Funding & Tenders Portal for more information. 

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services 

The publications tab lists the:  

  • suggested publications from OpenAIRE: a list of publications that could be linked to the project and available in Open Access repositories, collected by OpenAIRE
  • project publications: shows the publications which the Consortium has confirmed as linked to the project

In case a publication linked to the project is not listed in the ‘Suggested’ table, you can manually add it in the ‘Project publications’ table.

(warning) If the project currently doesn't have any scientific publication, please check the box. 

Suggested publications from OpenAIREActions

OpenAIRE suggests publications, which you can (see actions):

  • import: which makes the publication appear in the project publications list (see below)
  • discard: which makes the publication disappear from the list of suggested publications from OpenAIRE

Importing a publication

  • Click on a publication to open up the publication

    Please verify the information about the publication and update where necessary and complete the missing fields. If an existing DOI hasn't been imported from OpenAIRE, it is recommended to start by specifying it. Please note that data imported through OpenAIRE or linked to the DOI are read-only.

  • then click the button

(warning) Please note that:

  • Each time a beneficiary answers with "No" the question on whether a publication is in open access a warning message should appear with the following text: "In H2020 (see article 29.2 of the grant agreement) beneficiaries must ensure open-access to all peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to the results of the project. Check more information in this link to the Funding & Tenders Portal)."


Discarding a publication

  • Click the button in the actions column of the relevant publication, or
  • Click the button after double clicked on the relevant publication


Project publicationsActions

This list displays the publications which have been imported

Adding a publication manually

  • Click the button
    • provide the DOI and click enter (this will automatically retrieve the associated information), or


    • complete all fields manually
    • click the button

(warning) Specify if the publication is available in Open Access or it will be made available by choosing one of the options below:

  1. Yes - available in Green Open Access: please specify the length of the embargo period

  2. Yes - available Gold Open Access: please specify the costs for article processing charges (APC)


  3. No: each time a beneficiary answers with "No" the question on whether a publication is in open access a warning message should appear with the following text: "In H2020 (see article 29.2 of the grant agreement) beneficiaries must ensure open-access to all peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to the results of the project. Check more information in this link to the Funding & Tenders Portal)."

The format of the "Year of publication" for a publication is checked and validated by the system: the year has to use 4 digits and, to be valid, a publication must have been/be published after the beginning of the project and maximum two years in the future. 
Please note that for some Types of Action, it is allowed to add a publication that has been published 3 years before the start year of the project. That is why, if this is not allowed for your type of Action, please make sure that your publication has been/will be published after the start year of the project.

(warning) For ERC only: two additional fields are added to the 'New/Edit publication' pop-up, the 'Project publications' table and the printed PDF: 

  1. "Name project team members that are in the author's list (excluding the Principal Investigator)" - the user can add names (comma-separated) but those names (if any) must already be present in the authors' list (optional field) 

Removing a publication

  • Click thebutton in the actions column of the relevant publication,


  • Double click on the relevant publication and click the button


Editing a publication

  • Double click the relevant publication
    • update the missing/relevant fields
    • click the  button




Explanation of columns
Date of acceptanceThe date that the Open Access repository has accepted the publication
DOIDigital Object identifier: this is a unique a unique string of characters allocated to a website, file, or other piece of digital information
Repository link

Link to the Open Access repository or to any other repository where a copy of the published version or the author's accepted manuscript has been deposited, or to a page within that repository providing access to the deposited version (possible after the end of an embargo period, where applicable). This is not a link to the publication on the journal/publisher website, and it is NOT a link to a personal or institutional homepage where the publication may have been posted.