EU Funding & Tenders Portal

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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The custom questionnaire is made available for the HP-PC and HP-PJ types of action during both Periodic and Continuous Reporting. 

Relevant screens in the Participant Portal Grant Management Services 

The HP custom questionnaire lists the following sections containing data to be defined by the consortium during the Project Continuous or Periodic Reporting: 
  1. Beneficiaries (in the meaning of grant recipients)
  2. Population Groups
  3. Deliverables & Their Users
  4. EU added value
  5. Level of synergies developed with other EU programmes
  6. Dissemination activities
  7. Cross-cutting issues 


1.Beneficiaries (in the meaning of grant recipients)

Fill out the number of beneficiaries (in the meaning of grant recipients) according to the category they belong to.

If you have beneficiaries that do not belong to any of the listed categories, specify their number in the field "Other" and add a text description in the field"Other description" .

2. Population Groups

Click the to add a population group.

Add a description and information about the percentage and population type (mandatory).

Click "Save" to add the population group to the table.

To remove a population group, click the "Delete" button.

3. Deliverables & Their Users

Click the to add a deliverable, a category and users for it.

Choose a deliverable category from the drop-down list (mandatory).

Insert a number and a title (mandatory).

Fill out all the necessary fields made available for the chosen category and click "Save" to add the deliverable to the table.

To remove a deliverable from the table, click the "Delete" button.

4. EU added value

Please choose the most important arguments (minimum 3) supporting the statement that your action is considered of high EU added value.

Argument Actions
  1.  Implementing EU legislation and ensuring that the legislation is correctly implemented

Click the button to indicate the EU legal acts/ provisions were addressed by the project.

Complete the "Description" field. For each added act, you may add the provision(s) addressed by the project by clicking the button.

Complete the "Description" field and "Save".

You may remove the provisions you added by clicking the "Delete" icon.

To save the act and the corresponding provisions, you need to click "Save".

You may also remove the act by clicking the "Delete" button.

Click the  button t o indicate how many needs for improvement in EU legislation implementation did the project identify. Provide the requested information and "Save".


You can delete the added need by clicking the "Delete" button.

2. Economies of scale with the aim of using money more efficiently and providing citizens with better services

Please fill out your description in the dedicated field.

3. Promotion of best practice (please follow the WHO definition) in all participating Member States in order for EU citizens to benefit from the state of the art best practices

Indicate the countries involved into exchange/validation and take-up of best practices by flagging the corresponding check box.

Indicate how many best practices were exchanged/validated/taken-up among countries.

Please specify the exchanged/validated/taken up best practices by filling out the dedicated field.

4. Benchmarking for decision-making requiring a strong commitment to use result with the aim of facilitating evidence based decision making

Flag the check box if the project has (potential) impact on evidence-based decision making.

Choose the countries in which the project has (potential) impact on evidence-based decision making.

Describe in which areas your project have (potential) impact on evidence-based decision making.

5. Focus on cross-border threats in order to reduce risks and mitigate their consequences

Please indicate the cross-border threats targeted by the project.

Please describe the impact of the project on reducing risks resulting from cross-border threats.

Choose the countries in which the project has an impact on reducing risks resulting from cross-border threats.

Choose an indicator from the drop-down list to estimate the impact of the project on mitigating consequences of cross-border threats.

Choose the countries in which the project has an impact on mitigating consequences of cross-border threats.


Describe how your project has contributed to the free-movement of persons.

If people were targeted directly through the project in terms of free movement of persons to improve public health across countries, flag the checkbox.

Indicate how many people were targeted directly through the project in terms of free movement of persons to improve public health across countries.

7. Networking as an important tool for disseminating results to all Member States including non-participants

Flag the check box if project results were disseminated through networking.

Indicate how many networks did you use to disseminate project results.

Specify which networks you used to disseminate project results.

Specify how many members these networks have.

Indicate how many countries have been targeted.

5. Level of synergies developed with other EU programmes

Flag the check box if the project developed based on results / deliverables of project(s) / action(s) co-funded by other EU Programme(s).

Indicate which were the EU programmes(s) you previously referred to. Hold the "Ctrl" key down to help you choose more than one EU programme.

Flag the check box if the project developed synergy with other projects within 3HP thematic priorities.

Choose the 3HP thematic priorities you previously referred to by flagging their corresponding check boxes. You will notice that  sub-priorities will be added for each selected priority.

Flag the check box if the project developed synergy with other projects within 3HP thematic sub-priorities.

Choose the 3HP thematic sub-priorities you previously referred to by flagging their corresponding check boxes.

6. Dissemination activities

Indicate which dissemination channels were used for your project and which percentage from your project's budget has been spent on each of them.

7. Cross-cutting issues

Indicate which cross-cutting issues have been addressed by your project and which percentage from your project's budget has been spent on actions that contributed to each of them.

After completing the questionnaire, please click "Save" to save your data.