EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

How to complete your financial statement

The financial statement for these programmes contains the same fields as the general one and it should be treated similarly (more information on how to complete a general financial statement can be found here). These main fields of the financial statement are the following: 

1. Financial information from contact

This field is read only and displays information about the bank account in which the payments will be made. 

2. Financial certificate

The Certificate on the Financial Statement (CFS) must be provided, in the interim/final periodic report, for each beneficiary, if the CFS threshold is reached. The thresholds depend on the EU programme and type of action (see call conditions on the Topic page). For the MFF 2021-2027, there is usually a single threshold of EUR 325 000 requested EU contribution.

(warning) Please note that costs already audited by the Granting Authority do not have to be covered again by the CFS (the EU contribution covered by the audit can therefore be excluded from the calculation of the threshold). 

If a CFS needs to be provided, a warning is displayed in the application and a validation error appears if the user saves the data without providing the requested CFS.

3. Financial statements

All financial statements (each period has one financial statement) and adjustments (adjustment from a previous period for which you haven't declared all costs yet and the requested contribution) for the current periodic report are displayed here.

Financial statement for the selected period 

The detailed costs of the selected financial statement are visible here. (warning) Note that the estimated budget for the action already supplied in annex 2 of the Grant Agreement doesn't appear here. You will have to introduce the actually incurred costs here. 

Cost categories 


The source document describing the costs is the Model Grant Agreement on the Funding & Tenders Portal (see the Reference documents to access the document).

The template for the financial statement for beneficiaries for a reporting period can be found in the Annex 4 of the Model Grant Agreement. 


Some cost categories have:

  • an editable field  to complete the total amount of costs for that cost category
  • some have a separate Use of Resources  to complete with explanations for only a part of the entered amount under a specific cost category. 

Eligible costs

  • The criteria for eligible costs are described in article 6.1 of the Model Grant Agreement. 

  • The different cost categories are described in article 6.2 of the Model Grant Agreement.

Cost category*

*If not selected for the call or not available for the ToA, some of the cost categories listed below will not be available on the Financial Statement screen.

Form of fundingTotal AmountActions

Direct costs

A) Personnel costs 

(a1) A.1 Employees (or equivalent), A2 Natural persons under direct contract, A.3 Seconded personsactual costs

Complete the total amounts for each cost category (editable field).

For some of the costs you can provide additional information by completing the "Use of Resources".

(warning) This means that the total use of resources doesn't necessarily match the total costs entered in the "Total amount" column.

Click to add the use of resources for A1, A2 and A3 cost categories.

The amounts filled out here, won't be added to the total costs.

Select the Work Package and click "Add". 

Add the person/month per selected Work Package. When finished, click "Confirm".

Note: if the Financial Statement is an Adjustment, an additional field, 'Explanations on adjustments', needs to be completed before confirming.

(a.3.) A.4 SME owners (only if SME Owners or beneficiaries that are natural persons not receiving salary are involved)unit costs
(a4) A.5. Volunteersunit costs

B) Subcontracting costs

(b.) Subcontractingactual costs


The total of all amounts entered by completing the "Use of Resources" will be automatically displayed here. 

Click to add the use of resources. The amounts filled out here, will be added to the total costs.

There should be one line per subcontract.

Click "Add" to add the amounts and corresponding details of the costs.

When finished, click "Confirm".

Note: if the Financial Statement is an Adjustment, an additional field, 'Explanations on adjustments', needs to be completed before confirming.

C) Purchase costs - C.1. Travel and subsistence

(c1) C.1 Travel and subsistence actual costs

Complete the total amounts for each cost category (editable field).

For some of the costs you can provide additional information by completing the "Use of Resources".

(lightbulb) This means that the total use of resources doesn't necessarily match the total costs entered in the "Total amount" column.

(warning) If the costs declared under "purchase costs" are higher than 15% of claimed personnel costs for the partner in the Financial statement of each REPA, major costs items need to be recorded in the 'use of resource' pop-up. The only costs to take into account for the major costs items for the limit of 15% of claimed personnel costs are the cost items (from the 'costs' table).

Click to add the use of resources for the C1, C2, C3 cost categories.

The amounts filled out here, won't be added to the total costs. 

Click "Add" to add the amounts and corresponding details of the costs.

When finished, click "Confirm".

Note: if the Financial Statement is an Adjustment, an additional field, 'Explanations on adjustments', needs to be completed before confirming.

(c2) C.2 Equipment actual costs
(c3) C.3 Other goods, works and services actual costs

D) Other cost categories

(d1) D.1. Financial support to third parties*

*Available if selected for the call


Complete the total costs (editable field)

(d2) D.2. land purchaseactualComplete the total costs (editable field)

Indirect costs

E. Indirect costs 

(e) E. Indirect costs flat-rateThis amount is automatically calculated according to the displayed formula, but still editable for legal entities which also have an operating grant with indirect costs for the same period.

Click to change the indirect costs (the field will become editable)

Confirm that you want to change the indirect costs (the field will become editable).

Edit the indirect costs and "Save".

A "Reset" icon will be displayed next to the field and a warning signaling that the field value is different from the expected percentage.

Click on "Reset" and confirm that the Indirect Costs will be reset (the field value will go back to be automatically calculated and read-only).

(f) Total costs flat rate

This is automatically calculated using the formula displayed on the screen

EU contribution

EU contribution to eligible costs (g) Maximum EU contribution (=60%*f)
This is automatically calculated as a percentage of all costs (the reimbursement rate)

(h) Requested EU contribution (g)
Complete the total requested EU contribution (editable field). The standard amount proposed is the same as the maximum EU contribution.

Click to change the requested contribution, which will make the field editable (the Grant Agreement specifies the fact that the EU contribution needs to be requested)

Confirm that you want to change the requested EU contribution.

Edit the field and "Save".

A "Reset" icon will be displayed next to the field and a warning signaling that the field value is different from the expected percentage.

Click on "Reset" and confirm that the Indirect Costs will be reset (the field value will go back to be automatically calculated and read-only).

(m) Maximum grant amount (h)

Read only

Revenues(n) Income generated by the action actual Complete the editable field 

It is possible to export to PDF the Use of Resources of a specific partner or of all partners of the project for the period 

  • the generation of a PDF containing the Use of Resources for a single partner is available in the partner's Financial Statement screen

  • the generation of a PDF containing the Use of Resources for all partners of the project for the period is available as follows:

    • the document is available from the "Financial Statements" screen that can be reached by clicking on the title of the 'Periodic Report' section in GMS.