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All Tabs for Continuous Reporting


The Technical Progress Report is a specific report conceived for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Program.

It is displayed as a tab both in the Continuous and Periodic Report. A PDF version of the Technical Progress Report (Technical Report) is available in the Documents tab of the related Periodic Report.

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services 

The tab Technical Progress includes two sections:

  • Project Progress showing the overall project progress;
  • Project Progress per work package showing the action's progress per work package. 

Project Progress Actions 

This first table displays the percentage of Project progress (technical progress) planned until the end of the action. 

To complete this table you need to: 

  • Click on each calendar to indicate the actual starting date and actual end date of the action (both mandatory fields).

  • Fill in the percentage (out of 100%) of cumulative technical progress, achieved respectively : 
    • during the first reporting period (RP1);
    • during the final reporting period (RP2);
    • during an extra reporting period (additional reporting period, if any).

The fields planned end date and planned end month are read-only as they are retrieved directly from the latest legal data of the signed Grant Agreement.

(lightbulb)  If  the cumulative technical progress will not reach 100% by the end of the action, a mandatory explanation (max 2000 characters) is required.

Project Progress per work package 


This second table refers to the percentage of project progress per work package planned until the end of the action.

To complete this table you need to: 

  • Click on each calendar to indicate the actual start and actual end month of the action (both mandatory fields).

  • Fill in the percentage of cumulative technical progress per work package, achieved : 
    • during the first reporting period (RP1);
    • during the final reporting period (RP2);
    • during an extra reporting period (additional reporting period, if any).

 (lightbulb) If  the cumulative technical progress per work package will not reach 100% by the end of the action, a mandatory explanation (max 2000 characters) is required.

After having completed the tab, click to save your data.