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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The Publications questionnaire is available in the Continuous and Periodic Report for all Horizon Europe types of action. The publications are part of the Horizon Europe Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and cover the publications linked to the Project. 

Data related to publications will be included in the technical part (part A) of the relevant Periodic Report (PDF). 

Source document

Please see the Annotated Grant Agreement (AGA) under the reference documents on the Funding & Tenders Portal for more information. 

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services 

The Publications tab lists the following:  

  • Suggested publications from OpenAIRE: a list of publications retrieved directly from OpenAire and linked to the Project*; 
  • Project publications: publications linked to the Project and that have been imported by the Consortium.

*Note: The publications accessible via OpenAIRE are displayed automatically. You only need to check if the publications are linked to the project. In case of publications not registered via OpenAIRE, you need to encode the Persistent Identifier (PID) and all the rest of information is completed automatically.

(lightbulb) If the Project currently doesn't have any publication, please check the box. 

(lightbulb) Previously discarded publications can be displayed by selecting the related checkbox. 

Suggested publications from OpenAIREActions


OpenAIRE suggests publications in view mode, which you can (see actions):

  • import: which makes the publication appear in the second tab 'project publications' list.
  • remove (discard) via the appropriate X  button.

Importing a publication

  • Click on a publication to open up the publication.

  • Please verify the information about the publication.
  • Suggested publications are displayed in 'read only' mode.
  • Publications can be imported by clicking on the import button.

Removing/Discarding a publication

  • Click the X button in the actions column of the relevant publication, a pop up message asking for deletion confirmation will be displayed.

  • You can choose if proceeding with the deletion or cancel your action.

Project publications


This list displays the publications which have been imported from the ones suggested by OpenAIRE.

Please note that: 

  • To export the publications (excel file), you have to click on the 'export to excel' button.

  • To filter your project publications, you have to click on the radio button "show/hide filter" (a drop down menu and filtering options are available).

Adding a publication manually

In case a publication linked to the project is not listed in the ‘Suggested’ table, you can manually add it to the ‘Project publications’ table:

  • Click the button add publication to manually add a publication.

  • Fill in the required information (some fields are mandatory and marked with an asterisk *)

For more information on the fields to be filled in, click here.


(lightbulb) Open access (OA) means online access to research outputs, in particular scientific publications and research data, free of charge to the end-user.

(lightbulb) If you answer "Yes" to the question "Did you charge OA publishing fees to the project?", the amounts for the publishing fees will be extracted from OpenAIRE and filled in the corresponding column in the generated document.  

  • click the OK  button to add the publication

(lightbulb) Specify if the publication was available in Open Access and if it was peer reviewed (yes/no).

The format of the Year of publication for a publication is checked and validated by the system: the year has to use 4 digits and, to be valid, a publication must have been published after the beginning of the project and maximum two years in the future. 

Please note that for some types of action, it is allowed to add a publication that has been published 3 years before the start year of the project. That is why, if this is not allowed for your type of Action, please make sure that your publication has been/will be published after the start year of the project.

Removing/discarding  a project publication

  • Click the X button in the actions column of the relevant project publication. 

  • you can choose if proceeding with the deletion or cancel your action. 


Editing a publication

  • Double click on the relevant publication.

  • edit/update the missing/relevant fields.

  • use the OK button to confirm your action.

After having completed the questionnaire, click to save your data.

Explanation of labels


Persistent Identifier of the publication.

Type of PID (repository)

Type of the PID (DOI or other types).

PID (publisher version of record)

DOI (or equivalent) of the publication on the publisher website.

PID of deposited publication

PID of the deposited copy of the publication in the repository.

This is the link to a FAIR compatible (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) Open Access repository, where a copy of the published version or the author's accepted manuscript has been deposited at the same day that the manuscript was accepted, following the provisions of the grant agreement. 

This is not a link to the publication on the journal or publisher website, and it is not a link to a personal homepage where the publication may have been posted.

Peer review

Peer review refers to the practice of scientific assessment and evaluation of publications or related data, made by research experts.

Link to publication

To be completed only if the DOI (or equivalent) is not available. This is the URL link to the journal or publisher website.