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The Datasets questionnaire is available for all Horizon Europe types of action where the Open Science requirements apply and it is available for both Continuous and Periodic Reporting. 

Source document

Please see Article 17 of the Horizon Europe General Model Grant Agreement (MGA, p. 110-112) and Annex 5 of the Horizon Europe Annotated Model Grant Agreement (AGA, p. 153 - 162 - dedicated section on 'Open Science').  

Periodic report

The information of the Datasets questionnaire will be included in the technical part (part A) of the relevant Periodic Report (PDF). 

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services 

The Datasets tab lists the:  

  • Datasets suggested by OpenAIRE: a list of available datasets retrieved directly from OpenAire and linked to the Project. Each record can then be imported to the Project Datasets or discarded (removed); 

  • Project Datasets: shows the datasets linked to the project and that have been imported by the Consortium. 

(lightbulb) If the Project doesn't have any Dataset yet, please tick the related check-box.

Suggested datasets from OpenAIREActions

OpenAIRE suggests datasets, which you can (see actions):

  • import: which makes the dataset appear in the Project Datasets list.
  • discard: which makes the dataset disappear from the list of suggested datasets from OpenAIRE.

Importing a dataset (which makes the dataset appear in the project Datasets list):

  • Click on a dataset to open up the dataset.

  • Please verify or correct the information about the dataset and fill-in any relevant or additional information (some fields are marked as mandatory).

then click the import button.    

Discarding/removing a dataset (which makes the dataset disappear from the list of suggested datasets from OpenAIRE).

  • Click the X button in the actions column of the relevant dataset, or
  • Click the discard button after you double click on the relevant dataset.
  • A pop-up message will be displayed in order to proceed or cancel your action.

(lightbulb)Previously discarded datasets can be viewed by ticking the appropriate check  box. 

Project Datasets


This list displays the datasets which have been selected as pertaining to the Project (they have been either imported from OpenAIRE or manually added).

Please note that you can export the datasets via the related button 'export to excel'.

Adding a Dataset manually

 If a Dataset is not displayed in the ‘Suggested’ table, you can manually add it to the related ‘Project Datasets’ table:

  • Click on the button 'add dataset' to manually add a project dataset.

  • Please verify the relevant information and fill in the requested fields. Note that fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

  • click on the OK button.

Discarding/Removing a (project) Dataset 

  • Click the X button in the actions column of the relevant dataset,

  • A  pop-up window will be displayed in order to proceed with the discarding or cancel your action.

Editing a (project) Dataset

  • Double click on the relevant dataset 
    • update the missing/relevant fields

    • click the OK button.

After having completed the questionnaire, click to save your data.

Explanation of columns

PIDPersistent Identifier of the publication linked to the dataset.
Type of PID Description of the Persistent Identifier eg : DOI, ARK, etc..
Description of DatasetDescription of the retrieved or manually added dataset.

URL to Repository

The link leading to the dataset stored in an OpenAIRE repository.
Is a dataset available in Open Access? Availability in Open Access refers to the practice of allowing on- line access free of charge to research outputs to the end- users.