EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The Researchers tab in the continuous reporting will manage the:

  • Researcher's personal information
  • Researcher declaration
  • Secondment/recruitment data

The Researcher Declaration is a mandatory document and must be submitted to the commission within 20 days of the recruitment of a new researcher or secondment of a staff member. The Model Grant Agreement for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) specifies which assignments of researchers are intended to be part of the action. The assignment is identified by a duration and the profile of the researcher, but without identifying exactly the person that will be assigned to the job. The Researcher Declaration is the document that links a specific researcher to one of the assignments.

(warning) The researcher declaration is part of both continuous and periodic reporting.

Source document 

The Model Grant Agreement for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) specifies that a Researcher Declaration needs to be submitted to the EU for the following Types of Action:

  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks (MSCA-ITN)
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Co-Funding (MSCA-Cofund)
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE)

(warning) The Researcher's Declaration in H2020 is the same as the Declaration of Conformity in FP7

Note that the Project Officer does not ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ the Researcher Declaration: they can only reopen it (the consortium can't reopen a submitted declaration). See "Important note" below for more information. 

Difference between secondments and recruitments

Recruitments: MSCA-ITN and MSCA-COFUND

    • These type of projects deal with recruitments, meaning that the researcher is expressly recruited (by means of an employment contract or a fellowship) by the beneficiaries for this assignment; 
    • The beneficiaries involved in the assignment employ the researcher, they are called the Destination Organisation (or Hosting Organisation) there is no Sending Organisation for this type of project.
    • The Researcher Declaration is submitted by the destination organisation for ITN, by the beneficiary (which might not be the destination organisation) for COFUND.
    • Please note that recruited researchers could then be seconded by the beneficiary to other organisations as part of their assignment, but this further step does not need a Researcher Declaration. For this secondment a project secondment period needs to be added. 

Secondments: MSCA-RISE

      • These projects deal with Secondments. As RISE is an exchange program the researcher is supposed to be already part of the participant organisation, and does not need to be recruited, instead it will be seconded to another participant.
      • The participants that are involved in the assignment can then play both roles:
        • They can be the Sending Organisation if the researcher is currently in their staff and it's being seconded to a different participant
        • They can be the Destination Organisation if they are receiving the researcher
      • The Researcher Declaration is submitted by the Sending Organisation

The Recruitment/Secondments listed in the Grant Agreement are to be considered only provisional, so the declared ones can be different from ones originally listed in the Grant Agreement ones.

Automatic calculation of the costs in the Financial Statement based on the duration

The system automatically calculates the costs in the Financial Statement (these costs therefore won't be editable in the Financial Statement), based on the:

  • duration (in person months) in the Researcher Declarations

The calculation happens as follows: 

  • There is a separate calculation for each researcher defined for this project for which a Researcher Declaration has been submitted, and specifically for the same researcher more than one calculation can be necessary, in case s/he was employed in different countries or under different types of contracts during the relevant Reporting Period. 
  • The calculation for each researcher/country/type of contract happens as follows:
    • for each submitted Researcher Declaration where the relevant beneficiary is the Destination Organisation and that covers at least partially the relevant Reporting Period:
      • all consecutive Recruitment Periods having the same Working Time Commitment and Working Time Percentage will be considered a single uninterrupted Recruitment Period
      • only the part of the Recruitment Period that falls in the relevant Reporting Period is considered
      • the number of units calculated as the sum of: 
        • the number of full months that fall in the Recruitment Period
          (warning) Please note that a full month is calculated as the period of time extending:
          • from the date of the calendar month, which corresponds to the start day of a recruitment/secondment period
          • to the date before the same day of the month in the following calendar month.
          So, if the recruitment /secondment period starts on the day Xth of month N, a full month ends the date before the day Xth of month N+1 (or the date before the last day of month N+1, if that month is shorter than X days).
        • the number of remaining days divided by 30 (with 7 decimals)
        • Examples of calculation:

          • a recruitment/secondment starting on 15 December 2019 and ending on 14 January 2020 accounts for one month
          • a recruitment/secondment starting on 31/01/2021 and ending on 10/03/2021 accounts for:
            • one full month:  from  31/01/2021 until 27/02/2021
            • 11 remaining days/ 30 =  0.3666666 months
            • Total = 1.3666666 month
      • to this sum; the Working Time Percentage is applied (100% for full time, 0% for suspension periods, the actual percentage for part time periods
      • the number of units calculated this way for each Recruitment Period are then summed to get the total of the person/months that is used in the Financial Statement

Important note

If the technical part or the financial statement is locked, changes to the researcher declaration will no longer be possible!

Also, if the Periodic Report is open for the current project and the Financial Statement for the relevant beneficiary or the Technical Part are not in draft, then a Researcher Declaration: 

  • can't be submitted
  • can't be reopened by the Project Officer 
  • can't be updated 

A Researcher in the Project Library can't be reopened by the Project Officer if any of the Researcher Declarations linked to this Researcher can't be reopened.

Relevant screens in the Participant Portal Grant Management Services

The researcher's tab is divided in three different parts:

  1. project's researcher library: here you can add a researcher 
  2. researcher declaration: here you can add a declaration for a researcher 
  3. project secondment periods: here you can add a secondment for a declaration 


1.Project's Researcher Library

The researcher library contains the personal information about the researcher and states whether he has already submitted a researcher declaration. 

The same researcher could be assigned to different recruitments/secondments in the context of the same project. 

The personal data of a researcher can only be modified if s/he doesn’t take part in any submitted Researcher Declaration. 

In order to avoid re-entering multiple times the personal information about the same person, a Project Researcher Library has been implemented with the information about researchers that have taken part in the project. 

(warning) The scope of the library is only on the Grant Agreement/project level: the beneficiary of a consortium cannot access information about researchers in other projects.

Adding a researcher

  • Click Add Researcher to add a researcher which is not listed in the Researcher Library


  • Complete the personal information of the researcher, click ok and Save.


    • Title

    • First name
    • Last name
    • Gender
    • Birth date
    • Nationality
    • Past countries of residence (Click the to add more than one past country of residence)
    • Email
    • click ok
    • click

(click  to delete the researcher)

Creating a declaration for this researcher

Click  to add a declaration for this researcher (see "adding a declaration" below for more information on how to complete the rest of the steps)

2. Researcher Declaration (researcher declares to have been recruited for a certain recruitment period)

Each time a researcher is recruited, a researcher declaration must be added.

Adding a declaration

Click Add declaration


Complete the researcher information tab 

    • click to choose a researcher and click ok
    • Indicate whether there's family charges (only editable in the first declaration, because all declarations for the same researcher must have the same family charges, so if a declaration already exists, these charges will be pre-filled)
    • select the contract type
    • indicate whether the researcher is enrolled in a PhD programme
    • click ok
    • check whether there's validation errors appearing next to the tab title
    • (warning) if you still want to change the researcher, click and select another researcher  

Complete the Recruitment information tab 

    • Click Import recruitment from GAP, if you want to use the recruitment information present in the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) phase
    • Select the legal name
    • the country (automatically selected when the legal name has been chosen)
    • Complete the sector*:
      • Academic
      • Non-Academic 

Complete the Recruitment Period                                                                                                                            


    • Select the start date
    • Select the end date (Researcher's Declarations for the terminated beneficiary cannot extend after the beneficiary termination date)
    • Select the working time commitment
    • click ok
    • click
    • click to add another recruitment period and select the start date, end date and the working time commitment
    • (warning) A recruitment including periods with different Working Time Commitments should be encoded as different periods. 
    • (warning) All periods should be continuous meaning that there can't be any gaps between periods
    • (warning)The cumulative length of the periods across all the declarations for a given researcher is now no longer allowed to exceed 36 months. 
    • (warning) For each researcher linked to Researcher Declarations affecting the Financial Statement, the total duration of the Recruitment cannot exceed 36 months. 
    • (warning) An extra column for the duration (in continuous reporting) and a column for "duration within the reporting period" (periodic reporting) has been added (for more explanation about the calculation see above)
    • (warning) The financial statement will be automatically calculated based on the researcher declaration!

Editing a declaration

Once the user has completed the instructions above, by creating a declaration, the system adds the new Researcher Declaration to the Researcher Declaration list, in DRAFT.

 (warning) Please note that for declarations in draft all data is still editable: click on the relevant declaration to edit again (family charges are only editable in the first declaration) 

Submitting a declaration

  • Click Submit researcher declaration
  • Confirm that the following statements are true
    • by checking the box for : 
      • MSCA-ITN:

      • MSCA-CoFund:

  • Click to submit the declaration
    (warning) Once a Researcher Declaration has been submitted, the only data that’s still editable are the periods. The status of the declaration is now "submitted".

3. Project secondment periods (within a recruitment period the researcher is seconded to another organisation) 

Each time a researcher is seconded to a secondment organisation, by the recruitment organisation, a project secondment period needs to be added. These secondment periods don't affect the automatic calculation of the costs for the Financial Statement.

Adding a project secondment period (for a certain recruitment period)

Click Add secondment to this recruitment period

Complete the researcher information

    • this information has already been completed when adding the researcher declaration, so it is not editable anymore at this stage

Complete the secondment information

    • The sending organisation is automatically prefilled and is non-editable
    • Complete the secondment organisation information 
      • Select the legal name in case it's a beneficiary where the fellow will be hosted
      • complete the non-participant organisation legal name (in case it's not a beneficiary)
      • complete the country (this field will be automatically selected when you've selected a beneficiary as secondment organisation)
      • complete the sector (this field will be automatically selected when you've selected a beneficiary as secondment organisation)
      • click ok

Complete the secondment period

    • is automatically prefilled with the information during the addition of the researcher declaration and is therefore non-editable
    • Complete the secondment (hosting) period information:
      • select the start date
      • select the end date
      • working time commitment (the Working Time Commitment will be determined automatically to take into account the known Suspension Periods)
      • click in case you need to add another secondment period
      • click ok
  • The secondment (hosting) period is added. You can click on the relevant secondment period to edit it again or click  to delete it.

* Sector of an organisation

  • The Destination Organisation Sector is Academic if the organisation is: 
    • Public or Private an "Higher Education Institution" 
    • "Non-profit Organisation" and a "Research organisation" 
    • "International and European Interest Organisation" 

The Organisation Sector is Non-Academic in all other cases