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EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

Completing Continuous Reporting tabs


The custom questionnaire is made available, during both Periodic and Continuous Reporting, to the Horizon Europe projects for which the option GAO40 - Financial Support to Third Parties is set (at Grant Agreement Preparation phase) and to non-Horizon Europe projects (according to the reporting specifications of each programme)*. It allows the participants to enter sub-calls and awarded beneficiaries.

*For MFF2014-20, the tab is made available, during both Periodic and Continuous Reporting, to all non-H2020 projects and to those H2020 projects for which the Article 15.1 or the Article 15.2 is selected in the Grant Agreement.

Relevant screens in the Funding & Tenders Portal Grant Management Services 

The questionnaire lists the following sections containing data to be defined by the consortium during the Project Continuous or Periodic Reporting:



Add subcalls 

Click Add Sub-calls to add a sub-call. 

  • Complete the necessary fields and click ok

Delete sub-calls 

If necessary, delete any added Sub-calls by clicking on the Delete button:

Edit sub-calls

You may edit the sub-call details by clicking on the corresponding row: 

Then edit the data in the pop-up:

Add awarded beneficiaries to a sub-call

Add awarded beneficiaries to the sub-call by clicking on the dedicated button:

  • Complete the fields (completing the PIC* will automatically retrieve all the other legal data of the organisation) and click OK (to add the awarded beneficiary), Cancel (to cancel your changes) or OK and add another (to add another awarded beneficiary to the same sub-call) . 

*If the PIC is not provided, you can manually edit the "Status" and the "Country".   

  • The newly added awarded beneficiary will be displayed in the Awarded Beneficiaries table described below.

Awarded Beneficiaries 

Filter awarded beneficiaries

You may filter the awarded beneficiaries completing the field(s):  

  • Call Reference and/or
  • PIC

Click Apply to apply the search criteria or Reset to clear the fields. 

Edit Awarded beneficiaries 

The data of Awarded beneficiaries can be edited by clicking on the corresponding row:

Then edit the data in the pop-up:

Delete Awarded beneficiaries

If necessary, delete any added awarded beneficiary by clicking on the Delete button:

After completing the questionnaire, click to save your data.