EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Completing Continuous Reporting tabs

At the end of each period beneficiaries should give the state of play of every risk identified in Annex 1 and if necessary provide new mitigation measures.

The Critical Risks tab should be used to encode the data about:

  • the state of play for foreseen and unforeseen risks
  • new unforeseen risks and proposed mitigation actions concerning them. 

Foreseen risks (as indicated in Annex 1)

  • The foreseen risks have been already indicated at the Grant Agreement Preparation phase and, therefore, are automatically displayed in this tab. No more foreseen risks can be added at this stage of the flow. 
    • Click on the row corresponding to the critical risk to display more details about the risk as well as the the linked work package are displayed. 

    • Click to complete the details about the state of play of the risk for the current period 

Once the state of play is added, it will look like this:

Or like this - when the risk is foreseen for multiple reporting periods and a state of play needs to be added for each period, separately:

Unforeseen risks (risks detected after Grant Agreement Preparation)

Unforeseen risks are typically detected after the Grant Agreement Preparation. Therefore, at this stage, you are able to add unforeseen risks in the Critical risks tab. 

  • Click to add the risk and complete all necessary fields. 

Once added, all details about the risk will be displayed in the second table of the tab.

    • Click to add the state of play of the risk  

Once added it will look like this:

(lightbulb)Note: it is not mandatory to provide a state of play of the risk for the current period while completing the periodic report. However, once the periodic report will be "Locked for review'", you will be prompted to provide a state of play for the concerned period for each risk. 

After having completed the questionnaire, click to save your data.