Fisheries Areas Network


  • Social Return on Investment: a new way to measure FLAG results

    - Good Practice Method
    Le FLAG Cornouailles et îles Scilly a commandité une analyse de son « retour social sur investissement » afin de mesurer l'impact de ses activités d'animation. Il a constaté que chaque euro investi par le FLAG avait produit un rendement social de 5,45 € au bénéfice de la population locale.
  • Boat stories: catching the human side of fisheries

    - Good Practice Short Story
    To help preserve and promote the local fishing communities of North Devon, UK, Boat stories set sail with the North Devon FLAG in 2014 to make 10 short films telling the personal stories of those living and working with boats in the area. The stories, told by the skippers or crew, open the door to a world mostly hidden to even those who live on the coast, enticing the audience to come and have a closer look.
  • Sponging up pollution

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Marine sponges are filter feeder organisms known to accumulate metallic trace elements and digest fecal bacteria from the marine environment. That’s why academic researchers from the LBCM (Université de Bretagne Sud) teamed up with shellfish farmers to explore the filtration capacities of marine sponges to improve sea-water quality in shellfish farming areas.
  • Telecapeche

    - Good Practice Project
    TELECAPECHE est un dispositif électronique qui fournit des données en temps réel aux comités de pêche et d’aquaculture, les aidant ainsi à surveiller les stocks de poisson et à adopter les mesures de gestion appropriées. Le dispositif a été lancé avec le soutien de l'Axe 4. Ses concepteurs ont de grands projets pour le développer en utilisant l’approche CLLD du FEAMP.
  • FiskOnline - The pathway to eco-certification

    - Good Practice Short Story
    FiskOnline has established a pathway for local fishermen to gain certification for the sustainability for their fishing activities.
  • What is... ?

    - Page de base
    FARNET and CLDD at a glance
  • clld_multifunding_logo

    Implementing CLLD across the ESI Funds: Edinburgh, 8-10 Dec. 2015

    - Event
    The first FARNET transnational seminar of the new programming period took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, from the 8th to 10th December 2015. It provided new opportunities for Managing Authorities of the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds to learn, inspire and get inspired in implementing the CLLD approach.
  • Blue crab supports blue growth in northern Greece

    - Good Practice Short Story
    In Chalastra, Greece, the local Thessaloniki FLAG helped two budding entrepreneurs establish a successful seafood conditioning and processing business, specialising in live blue crab.
  • Simplifying preparatory support in Poland

    - Good Practice Method
    Les FLAG polonais peuvent choisir entre deux formules souples de soutien pour préparer leur stratégie de développement local. Ces deux formules découlent d'une simplification et rationalisation de la procédure d'activation du soutien préparatoire.
  • FARNET  Magazine 13 cover

    FARNET Magazine n° 13

    - Publication
    FARNET Magazine n° 13 - Winter 2015