Fisheries Areas Network


  • FARNET Guide 10 cover

    FARNET Guide #10: Starting CLLD implementation in practice

    - Publication
    This guide presents examples of applying CLLD under the different ESI Funds: EMFF, EAFRD, ESF and ERDF from the perspective of Managing Authorities and local actors.
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    Central Finland FLAG looking to utilize the cyprinid species

    - Idées de coopérations
    The Central Finland FLAG is looking for solutions to grade, scale and gut cyprinid fish, mainly roach.
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    New start-up company models for young unemployed people

    - Idées de coopérations
    The North Sardinia FLAG wishes to cooperate with FLAGs concerned with new start-up models led by young people, fishermen’s relatives or young people leaving secondary schools who want to create self-employment opportunities.
  • Finnish FLAG open to cooperation for inland fisheries projects

    - Idées de coopérations
    The Bothhian Sea and Lake Pyhäjärvi FLAG from the south of Finland is open to cooperation ideas. The FLAG has long-term experience in lake fisheries and in the development of fisheries with a strong link to water quality management.
  • The Millennium Tuna Route

    - Good Practice Short Story
    With local unemployment standing at over 34% and an isolated and struggling fishing sector, Cádiz Estrecho FLAG has invested in promoting its fishing heritage – and in particular its traditional “almadraba” tuna fishing activity, which dates back to Phoenicians times – as a unique selling point to attract quality tourism beyond the peak season.
  • Certified octopus fishery

    - Good Practice Project
    Forte de l’appui de l'Axe 4 du FEP, une pêcherie de poulpe espagnole a été la première au monde à recevoir la certification MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles possibilités de marché à la flotte locale.
  • What is CLLD?

    - Page de base
    Funded by the European Union, CLLD or “community-led local development” is a bottom-up approach to local development that brings local people together to decide how they want to improve their area. They do so by setting up partnerships of civil society, businesses and public bodies, called Local Action Groups (LAGs).
  • PROMIS map DK

    Project Result-Oriented Management Information System (PROMIS)

    - Good Practice Method
    Pour aider les GAL et les FLAG dans la sélection des projets et rationaliser la prise de décision, l'autorité de gestion (AG) danoise a développé un système informatique qui couvre l'ensemble de la procédure, depuis le dépôt du dossier de candidature jusqu’au suivi et à l’évaluation, en passant par le processus de sélection, l'approbation et le rapport final.
  • Vianapesca PO - Product placement – Promoting canned fish with a story

    - Good Practice Project
    This project by the Vianapesca Producer Organisation (PO) focused on adding value to local fisheries products through processing and a marketing campaign. Faced with the problem of low prices, the Vianapesca PO needed to find a way to enhance the value of low priced fish such as mackerel and sardine. It therefore approached the FLAG with the idea of designing a project on adding value.
  • Result CLLD logo

    Results-oriented CLLD in fisheries areas: Helsinki, 24-26 May 2016

    - Event
    The second FARNET transnational seminar “Results-oriented CLLD in fisheries areas” took place in Helsinki, from the 24th - 26th May 2016 to help FLAGs develop better strategies, to help both FLAGs and MAs to develop monitoring systems CLLD and to open a discussion on the broader impacts of CLLD.