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Completing the PI Time Commitment

For ERC grants, the Principal Investigator needs to complete the fields on  'Time Commitment of the Principal Investigator' screen for ERC. According to the ERC Work Programme and the Grant Agreement, the Principal Investigator must spend a minimum amount of his/her working time on the action and in the EU Member State or Associated Country.

The amount of working time (in %) that the Principal Investigator has committed to the action according to the Grant Agreement (Annex 2) will be automatically completed. 

The Principal Investigator will still have to indicate*: 

  •  the percentage of the total contracting working time that s/he has dedicated to the action from the start date of the action until the end of this reporting period (mandatory field)
  • if s/he spent at least 50% of his/her total working time in Europe (Member States or Associated Countries) from the start date of the action until the end of this reporting period (mandatory field)

(warning) Click the Save button. 

* For ERC-SYNERGY (ERC-SyG) projects: you can introduce data related to several principal investigators (minimum two and maximum four):