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The Open Data questionnaire is available for all standard H2020 projects in which Art. 29.3 ("Open access to research data") of the H2020 Model Grant Agreement applies, meaning for all actions participating in the Open Research Data Pilot:











• H2020-EEN-SGA








• SME-1/2

• Shift2Rail-CSA/IA/RIA

All projects participating in the Open Research Data Pilot must use a Data Management Plan (DMP). 

The questionnaire is available for both Continuous and Periodic Reporting. 

Source document

Please see Art. 29.3 ("Open access to research data") of the H2020 Model Grant Agreement.  

Periodic report

The information of the Open data questionnaire will be included in the technical part of the relevant periodic report (pdf). 

Relevant screens in the Grant Management Services 

The Open Data tab lists the:  

  • Open Datasets suggested by OpenAIRE: a list of open datasets that could be linked to the project and available in Open Access repositories, collected by OpenAIRE (previously discarded open data sets will no longer appear in the list of open data sets suggested by OpenAir publications).

  • Project Open Datasets: shows the datasets which the Consortium has confirmed as linked to the project

In case an open dataset linked to the project is not listed in the ‘Suggested’ table, you can manually add it in the ‘Project Open Datasets’ table.

(warning) If the project doesn't have any Open Dataset yet, please check the box. 

Suggested open datasets from OpenAIREActions

OpenAIRE suggests open datasets, which you can (see actions):

  • import: which makes the publication appear in the project Open Datasets list (see below)
  • discard: which makes the publication disappear from the list of suggested open datasets from OpenAIRE

    Previously discarded open data sets will no longer appear in the list of open data sets suggested by OpenAir publications. 

Importing a dataset (which makes the publication appear in the project Open Datasets list):

  • Click on an open dataset to open up the dataset


  • Please verify or correct the information about the dataset and fill-in any additional information when possible.


  • then click the button

Discarding a dataset (which makes the publication disappear from the list of suggested open datasets from OpenAIRE)

  • Click the  button in the actions column of the relevant dataset, or
  • Click the  button after you double clicked on the relevant dataset 


Project Open DatasetsActions

This list displays the open datasets which have been selected as pertaining to the project

Adding a dataset manually

  • Click the button
  • Please verify or correct the information about the dataset and fill-in any additional information when possible. If your dataset is:

    • openly accessible/reusable – provide the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) (if available) and click enter (this will automatically retrieve the associated information - repository link and title) or complete all fields manually. Check the correspondent radio-button (dataset accessible /reusable) 
    • linked to a publication – provide the DOI of the linked publication.
  • click the button

Removing a dataset

  • Click the button in the actions column of the relevant publication, or
  • Click the button after you double clicked on the relevant publication


Editing a dataset

  • Double click the relevant publication
    • update the missing/relevant fields
    • click the  button
Explanation of columns
DOIDigital Object Identifier: this is a unique unique string of characters allocated to a website, file, or other piece of digital information.
AccessibleThe open access to the dataset is already established or it will be established after an embargo period.
ReusableThe dataset is reusable: the technical standards used are compatible and the necessary rights are in place for other users to use the dataset.
Repository LinkThe link leading to the dataset stored in an OpenAIRE repository. 
Non-repository linkThe link leading to the dataset stored outside an OpenAIRE repository.
DOI Linked Publication Digital Object Identifier of the publication to which the dataset is linked.