EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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How to complete your financial statement

The financial statement elaborated for ERC-ADG/COG/STG contains the same fields as the general one and it should be treated similarly (more information on how to complete a general financial statement can be found here).

The main fields of the financial statement are the following: 

a. Financial information from contact

"No contribution requested" is information coming from the signed grant, so this field is read-only.

b. Financial statements

All financial statements (each period has one financial statement) and adjustments (adjustment from a previous period for which you haven't declared all costs yet and the requested contribution) for the current periodic report are displayed here. Note: the button "add adjustment" is only available from period 2 (to adjust the costs requested for period 1).

c. Financial statement for the selected period

The detailed costs of the selected financial statement are visible here. Some costs have a separate Use of Resources   to complete.  


Cost categories

The Use of Resources is mostly the same as the standard one, except for:

  • since ERC projects don't use Work Packages, they are not requested in the Use of Resources details
  • the Use of Resources for the two 'Direct Personnel Costs' category: instead of asking for the Person/Months per work package, it will ask for the Person/Months and costs per Staff Category
  • the PDF document for the Use Of Resources is generated automatically when the Periodic Report is submitted and you can Export the Use of Resources to PDF


Cost categoryUnit costNumber of unitsSubtotalTotalActionsNotes

Direct personnel costs

Complete the total costs (click the link to add the details of the costs)

Click "Add detail" to add the person/month and the costs per staff category

  • All direct personnel costs need to be entered in the "Total" column by adding the details, the total will be automatically calculated afterwards
  • For some of the costs you can provide additional information by adding details.
Other direct costs

Click "Add detail" to add the costs, the category and select whether the cost is foreseen in Annex I