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During the Grant Agreement Preparation, for topics involving research infrastructures, the consortium adds a type of access for their research infrastructures in the Infrastructures tab.

The following changes will trigger the setting of amendment type 21 - Change of Annex 1

  • Adding or editing an installations/infrastructure
  • Deleting an installation/infrastructure.

For more information about these articles, please consult the Annotated Grant Agreement.

Infrastructures screen

The tables below display the available actions based on the "status" of the installation / infrastructure in the Infrastructures screen:


StatusMeaningAvailable actions


ActiveThis installation was present before this Amendment and has not been updated nor deleted

RemovedThis installation was removed in a previous amendment

NewThis is a new/previously deleted installation created/re-added during this Amendment.
Note: only re-added installations will have the undo action

UpdatedThis installation was the object of a change during this Amendment.

RemovedThis installation was removed during this Amendment, but created in a previous Legal Version.    


StatusMeaningAvailable actions


ActiveThis infrastructure was present before this Amendment and has not been updated nor deleted.    

NewThis is a new/previously deleted infrastructure created/re-added during this Amendment.

Updated This infrastructure was the object of a change during this Amendment.

How to implement the changes

Add an installation / infrastructure

Click the "Add Installation" button in the Infrastructures screen.


Complete all fields in the pop up window that opens:

Access provider - select the access provider from the list of active beneficiaries, affiliated entities or associated partners. It can be the infrastructure owner or, if the owner of the infrastructure is another third party contributing resources, the beneficiary/affiliated entity who they are provided to (and who coordinates access to them). Associated partners must indicate “Actual Cost” (“Access” section) and put 0 in the “Total actual costs”.

Infrastructure Select an already declared infrastructure from drop down list or click "Add infrastructure" to declare a new infrastructure.

Installation - Add an installation to the infrastructure. An installation is a part or a service of an infrastructure that can be used independently from the rest. We number progressively the installations of a same infrastructure. 

Country - Select the country where the installation is located (No country if the infrastructure is an international organisation, ERIC, or similar legal entity with international membership). For mobile installations (e.g. a research vessel), give the country of its usual location (e.g. the homeport)

Access - define the access.

Type of access — can be:
- transnational/virtual access with access costs declared on the basis of unit cost
- transnational/virtual access with access costs declared as actual costs
- transnational/virtual access with access costs declared as a combination of actual costs and unit cost.

Access costs — Cost of the access provided under the project.

Total unit costs — For access costs on the basis of unit costs:

  • Multiply the amount per unit by the quantity of access to be provided.
  • Assure the consistency between "Financial Information" costs table and the "Infrastructures" table:
    • The value of "D.3 Transnationalaccess to research infrastructure unit costs" (in the "Financial Information" costs table) should be the same as the sum of all transnational access provision costs declared as unit costs (in the "Infrastructures" table).
    • The value of "D.4 Virtualaccess to research infrastructure unit costs " (in the "Financial Information" costs table) should be the same as the sum of all virtual access provision costs declared as unit costs (in the "Infrastructures" table).

Click "OK". 

The installation status will show as 

Edit an installation

Click the pencil icon to edit an installation.


Make required changes and click "OK".


Click the icon to undo all changes on an installation.


Click "Undo all the changes"

Note: SyGMa will restore the installation as it was in the previous Legal Version.

Edit an infrastructure

Click the pencil icon to edit an infrastructure.


Make required changes and click "OK".


Click the icon to undo all changes on an infrastructure.

Click "Undo all the changes"

Note: SyGMa will restore the infrastructure as it was in the previous Legal Version.

Delete an installation 

Click the  icon to delete an installation.

Click "delete".

Note: SyGMa automatically deletes an infrastructure when all its installations are deleted.

Save all changes

Remember to click "Save" to save all changes.