EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

All pages about Amendments

Online Manual


  • FAQs on the Funding & Tenders Portal

How to apply the changes for the amendment 



In the Beneficiaries screen, click on the Terminate icon.


In the Affiliated Entities screen, click on the Terminate icon.


Confirm the termination of the Beneficiary and its Affiliated Entities

Affiliated Entities - Grant Agreement (GA)Affiliated Entities - Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA)

Set the Exit Date (end of work date): this is the date that the partner ended their work in the project. Costs are incurred up to this date and it can be retroactive.

When the Exit Date (end of work date) is selected, the Termination date is automatically calculated. (The Termination date is the date that the termination is communicated to EU).

(warning) Note that the Termination date is always in the future and cannot be before the exit date.

Set the Termination Date: this is the date that the partner ended their work in the project. Costs are incurred up to this date and it can be retroactive.

Enter the termination reason and click OK.


The Affiliated Entity is now flagged as terminated.


If necessary, undo the termination by clicking the "Undo REMOVE action" button.


If necessary, edit the termination details by clicking the "Edit" button


"Save" the changes.


In the Amendment Information screen, the amendment type is flagged.


Include the justification for the amendment.