EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

Process description and steps

The general concepts of the Grant Management Services system also apply to the ERC final reporting process. For a detailed description of the roles mentioned in this process, see the Roles and access rights in the Online Manual.

Step 1: All beneficiaries receive a notification and log on to the Funding & Tenders Portal. 

At the end of the final reporting period, each beneficiary will receive a notification to complete:

  • Their contribution to the Technical Part of the Periodic Report (this is common for all beneficiaries in the project)
  • Their own Financial Part (and the financial report of their Third Party, if any)
  • Their contribution to the Scientific Part (this is common for all beneficiaries in the project)

To fill in the information the beneficiary muslog on to the Funding & Tenders Portal and access the relevant project. 

In the right-hand side of your screen, in the process list, you will find the Periodic Reporting process.

(warning) In the right-upper corner of the process box, a link to the Periodic Reporting will lead you to an overview of the final periodic report consisting of the Technical Part, Financial Part and the Scientific Part. 

Step 2: All beneficiaries complete their own Financial Part and their contribution to the Technical and Scientific Part of the Periodic Report. Beneficiaries e-sign and submit their Financial Parts and Scientific Parts to the Coordinator  

A. Completing your Financial Part  

a. Draft the financial Part

(info) The Participant Contacts (or Coordinator Contacts if it concerns the coordinating organisation) perform this action

Click on the task "Financial Part" and complete the costs. 

(lightbulb) Click here to find more information on how to complete your financial Part

Complete the requested information and save. Click the Validation button to see whether you have filled in all information correctly, then close the current screen and return to the the Funding & Tenders Portal. 

aa. Lock the financial Part for review

(info) The Participant Contacts (or Coordinator Contacts if it concerns the coordinating organisation) perform this action

 Click the "Lock for Review" button, which will prevent further editing and generate a pdf document ((warning)This might take a few minutes.)

Confirm that you would like to lock for review. 

Please refresh if the "processing" takes too long. 

aaa. Review the Financial Part and sign & submit it to the coordinator

(info)  Only users with the role Project Financial Signatory (PFSIGN) can perform this action. 

(warning) Note that also users with the roles Participant Contacts, Coordinator Contacts, Primary Coordinator Contacts, Task Managers and Team Members can open the pdf to see the data, but that they can't unlock the data.

Click on the task "Financial Part" to review the financial Part. 

Once reviewed, the Financial Part can be unlocked ("Unlock to draft") for further editing or electronically signed & submitted ("Sign and Submit") to the coordinator. 

The system will then ask you to confirm that the information is valid. 

Once you have confirmed, the system will ask you to complete your EU Login password, in order to electronically sign the Financial Part (the comment box is optional). 

Please refresh if the "processing" takes too long. 

At this point you have completed your Financial Part. Your Financial Part has been electronically signed & submitted to the Coordinator. It is accessible via the task Periodic Report composition

Please click on the Financial Statement pdf  to consult the data you have submitted to the coordinator.

Then click the pdf  again to open the Financial Statement. 

Then click Open

The Financial Statement is opened. 

(warning) For the H2020 actions that use the standard Use of Resources, it is possible to export the Use of Resources Summary to PDF: 

  • the generation of a PDF containing the Use of Resources Summary for a single partner is available in the partner's Financial Part screen

  • the generation of a PDF containing the Use of Resources Summary for the whole consortium is available from the "Financial Parts" screen that can be reached by clicking on the title of the 'Periodic Reporting' section in GMS. 

    • The document includes: 

      • before the Periodic Report submission, the Use of Resources data for all the Financial Parts that have been 'Accepted by the Coordinator' (that is, included in the Periodic Report); 

      • after the submission of the Periodic Report, it will include the Use of Resources data for all the Financial Parts that have been submitted in the Periodic Report.

(warning) For JUST-AG and REC-AG projects, beneficiaries do not need to upload the 'Summary of the Use of Resources for a single partner" anymore in order to lock for review their Financial Part. The upload is still available but it's optional.

B. Completing your contribution to the Technical Part of the Periodic Report

b. Complete the Technical Part 

(info) The Participant Contact usually performs this action (also users with the roles Project Financial Signatories, Coordinator Contacts, Primary Coordinator Contacts and Task Managers can perform this action)

Click on the task "Technical Part contribution" to complete the requested information. (lightbulb) Click here to find more information on how to complete your technical part of the periodic report or click here to find more information on Completing the Technical Report (Part B)/Report Core. 

The principle of the technical part is that all beneficiaries contribute to this technical part. When two participants are working on the same data, the data of the beneficiary saving first, will be saved, whilst the other participant receives a notification that the data have been changed and that his data are lost.

Then click the "Save" button. Then close the current screen and return to the Funding & Tenders Portal. The validation button can give you an overview of errors which prevent you from saving. 

bb. Lock the Technical Part for review 

(info) Only users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact can perform this action. 

Click the "Lock for Review" button, which will prevent further editing and generate a pdf document ((warning)This might take a few minutes: keep refreshing the page). 


Confirm that you would like to lock for review. 

Please refresh if the "processing" takes too long. 

bbb. Review the Technical Part and accept and include it for submission to the EU

(info)  Only users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact perform this action. 

(warning) Note that also users with the roles Financial Signatories, Legal Signatories, Task Managers and Team Members can open the pdf to see the data, but that they can't unlock the data, nor accept & include the report.

Once reviewed, the Technical Part can be unlocked ("Unlock to draft") for further editing or accepted and included ("Accept & Include") in the Periodic Report (you might have to refresh the page to see the buttons appear).

C. Completing your contribution to the Scientific Part of the Periodic Report

c. Complete the Scientific Part 

(info) The Participant Contact usually performs this action (also users with the roles Project Financial Signatories, Coordinator Contacts, Primary Coordinator Contacts and Task Managers can perform this action)

Click on the task "Scientific Part contribution" to complete the requested information. (lightbulb) Click here to find more information on how to complete your scientific part of the periodic report.

The principle of the scientific part is that all beneficiaries contribute to this scientific part. When two participants are working on the same data, the data of the beneficiary saving first, will be saved, whilst the other participant receives a notification that the data have been changed and that his data are lost.

Then click the "Save" button. Then close the current screen and return to the Funding & Tenders Portal. The validation button can give you an overview of errors which prevent you from saving. 

cc. Lock the Scientific Part for review 

(info) Only users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact can perform this action. 

Click the "Lock for Review" button, which will prevent further editing and generate a pdf document ((warning)This might take a few minutes: keep refreshing the page to see the pdf). 


Confirm that you would like to lock for review. 

Please refresh if the "processing" takes too long. 

bbb. Review the Scientific Part and accept and include it for submission to the EU

(info)  Only users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact perform this action. 

(warning) Note that also users with the roles Financial Signatories, Legal Signatories, Task Managers and Team Members can open the pdf to see the data, but that they can't unlock the data, nor accept & include the report.

Once reviewed, the Scientific Part can be unlocked ("Unlock to draft") for further editing or accepted and included ("Accept & Include") in the Periodic Report (you might have to refresh the page to see the buttons appear).

Please refresh if the "processing" takes too long. 

Step 3: The Coordinator approves the elements of the Periodic Report & submits to the EU

The Coordinator must review and explicitly approve those elements of the Periodic Report, which he wishes to submit to the EU. The coordinator can:

  • reject a Financial Part back to a beneficiary for further editing  (by clicking the  button)
  • and/or he can unlock the Technical Part of the Periodic Report for further editing (by clicking the  button)
  • and/or he can unlock the Scientific Part of the Periodic Report for further editing (by clicking the  button)

To approve or reject an element of the Periodic Report, click on the task Periodic Report composition. 

(info) Only users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact can perform this action. 

Click on the Include /Redo button to approve or reject an element (Financial Part and/or Technical and Scientific Part of the Periodic Report). 

Once the elements of the Periodic Report are approved, the Periodic Report can be submitted to the EU. 

The Financial Parts and the Technical and Scientific Part of the Periodic Report are submitted to the EU in one single submission.  

To submit click on the button Submit to EU ((warning) at least one financial Part and the technical and scientific part needs to be included for the Submit to EU button to become available). 

(info) Only users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact can perform this action. 

The button will be disabled if there are validation errors (in order to be able to submit to the EU at least one Financial Part plus the Technical and Scientific Part of the Periodic Report must be provided).

Once you have clicked the Submit to EU button, the system will ask you to confirm that you are aware that certain Parts haven't been included and that therefore their costs will not be considered for the final payment. Click the Submit to EU button to submit the periodic report to the EU. 


Please refresh if the "processing" takes too long. 

The process goes to the status Submitted and the process box turns blue (this means the process is in the hands of the EU now). 

(warning)For standard H2020 actions, the Financial Parts Summary document can now be exported to Excel by Coordinators.

The document is available from the "Financial Parts" screen - it can be reached by clicking on the title of the 'Periodic Reporting' section in the Grant Management Services (GMS).

It will include, before the Periodic Report submission, the data of all the Financial Parts that have been 'Accepted by the Coordinator' (that is, included in the Periodic Report).

After the submission of the Periodic Report, the Financial Parts Summary Excel document will include the data of all the Financial Parts that have been submitted in the Periodic Report. 



Step 4: The EU reviews the submitted Periodic Report and accepts, requests additional information or rejects it

The EU can accept the report and start preparing the final payment. 

The EU can request additional information in order to accept the Periodic Report. The Coordinator will be notified via the Participant Notification System. S/he should read the request letter and upload the document containing the requested information. 

The EU can also ask for a revision of the Report, this means that the process described above starts again. 

Step 5: Final payment

The final payment is performed, which completes this reporting process.