Fisheries Areas Network


  • Making local products the brand of the area

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Carp Valley FLAG strategy has a clear focus on encouraging local entrepreneurship. The area, highly dependent on inland fisheries and aquaculture, uses its products as an engine for diversification, tourism promotion and awareness-raising about the assets of the territory.
  • Decarbonising economic activities in Culatra Island

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Sotavento do Algarve FLAG supported investment to enable Culatra Island, Portugal’s most important location for aquaculture production, to transition to solar energy.
  • From Denmark to the Rhodopes: bringing fisheries closer to citizens

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    After a study visit to Fyn FLAG in Denmark, a fishers’ association member was inspired to adapt one of the Danish projects to his area’s needs. The project aims to boost tourism and improve local knowledge of fisheries heritage.
  • From Denmark to the Rhodopes: bringing fisheries closer to citizens

    - Good Practice Project
    După o vizită de studiu la FLAG-ul Fyn din Danemarca, un membru al unei asociații de pescari s-a simțit motivat să adapteze unul din proiectele daneze la nevoile din zona sa. Proiectul are ca scop încurajarea turismului și îmbunătățirea cunoștințelor locale privind patrimoniul pescăresc.
  • Coop to Coast project: European and Turkish Cooperation for the Development of Coastal Territories

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    On 16 December 2020, the transnational cooperation EU-Turkey Coops to Coast held its final capitalisation event, organised by the Black Sea Science Technology and Culture Association and Haliéus Italy (leading partners).
  • Autumn Passages 2020: promoting fisheries in the old city of Nessebar

    - Good Practice Project
    Municipalitatea Nessebar a organizat prima ediție a festivalului „Pasaje de toamnă” în 2020. În timpul acestui festival, comunitatea locală și turiștii s-au bucurat de o gamă largă de activități pentru promovarea produselor pescărești din Marea Neagră, a pescuitului ca profesie și a conservării patrimoniului maritim.
  • Creating a new tourist destination based on recreational fishing

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    Despite experiencing environmental strain, the Limfjord has an abundance of sea trout. This species is very attractive to anglers. A FLAG-LAG cooperation project addresses local economic and environmental goals by creating a new tourist location based on recreational fishing.
  • gr-eu-map-greece

    GR - FLAG Cooperation in Greece

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation is strongly encouraged in Greece and the proposal of at least one (inter-territorial or transnational) cooperation project was a compulsory element of the application process for candidate FLAGs to receive EMFF funding. Some of the themes emerging most strongly from the Greek local development strategies include cooperation around tourism, thematic trails (e.g. around gastronomy, archaeology…) and diving parks.
  • Creating a new tourist destination based on recreational fishing

    - Good Practice Project
    În ciuda constrângerilor de mediu, fiordul Limfjord are o populație abundentă de păstrăv de mare. Această specie este foarte atractivă pentru pescarii sportivi. Un proiect de cooperare FLAG - GAL vizează îndeplinirea obiectivelor economice și de mediu la nivel local prin crearea unei noi destinații turistice bazată pe pescuitul de agrement.
  • Cooperation for supporting marine tourism businesses by fisheries families

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    The ‘Mar das Illas’ cooperation project sees three FLAGs in the Pontevedra province working together to support local fishers and families in their entrepreneurial efforts focused on marine and pesca-tourism.