Fisheries Areas Network


  • Seals and Cormorants in the Baltic: Addressing a common environmental challenge

    - Good Practice Project
    A large-scale cooperation project between Baltic FLAGs has increased knowledge on the impact the growing seal and cormorant populations are having on small-scale coastal fisheries in the region. Through this cooperation project, FLAGs have developed solutions for achieving the balanced management of marine resources.
  • Reinstating wetlands and pike spawning grounds on the Stockholm archipelago

    - Good Practice Short Story
    To restore natural balance to ecosystems on the Swedish archipelago, the Stockholmsbygd FLAG has supported an initiative aimed at reinstating coastal wetlands in an effort to increase pike stocks. Key predators in the Baltic, pike are essential to maintaining biodiversity and healthy waters in the area.
  • MONPÊCHEUR: Connecting fishers and consumers at the quay!

    - Page de base
    Two neighbouring FLAGs cooperate to support a mobile phone app, MonPêcheur, to connect local fishers with consumers by providing them with an online platform for communicating, promoting, and selling their catches directly to the consumer.
  • Transferring CLLD to Tunisian fishing communities

    - Good Practice Project
    Un GALPA italien et ses partenaires ont recours à des fonds de l’appel « Économie bleue durable » de l’EASME pour aider les communautés de pêche tunisiennes à développer leur capacité à mettre en œuvre le développement local mené par les acteurs locaux (DLAL).
  • Reviving the fisheries sector by promoting local seafood

    - Good Practice Short Story
    To support the economic revival of the local fishing sector following the COVID-19 crisis, the local fishing communities of the Hauts-de-France region have launched a weekly column in newspapers to promote their seafood products.
  • Adapting fishing practices to protect seabirds

    - Good Practice Project
    Le GALPA Oeste a uni ses forces à celles de l’ONG portugaise SPEA pour le projet MedAves Pesca, en vue d’améliorer la communication et l’interaction avec le secteur de la pêche. Ce projet conjoint était axé sur l’adaptation des pratiques de pêche afin d’éviter la mort d’oiseaux marins dans le cadre des activités de pêche dans la région des Ilhas Berlengas.
  • Keeping fishing active and safe during the sanitary crisis

    - Good Practice Short Story
    COVID-19 paralysed many sectors of the economy in the Basque Country. Although the fisheries sector, like other food-producing sectors, was given priority during the pandemic, the lack of security and low-priced seafood could have forced many vessels and fishing organisations to stop working.
  • COVID-19 – FLAG Response Message Board

    - Actualité
    Keeping you up to date on efforts and actions carried out by FLAGs, National Networks and Managing Authorities to support the fisheries and aquaculture sector in EU Member States overcome the challenges presented by the coronavirus, COVID-19. Be sure to check this rolling coverage regularly to get inspiration for actions in your areas. And contact the FARNET Support Unit with any of your news.
  • How can FLAGs help fishing and aquaculture communities with the coronavirus crisis?

    How can FLAGs help fishing and aquaculture communities in the face of the coronavirus crisis?

    - Actualité
    The COVID-19 outbreak has created an unprecedented situation which requires a general mobilisation of the actors involved in the sector. Now more than ever, as FLAGs, you are in the first line and best placed to develop local responses to the local specific problems due to the crisis. Your field knowledge is a valuable advantage that we should use to the benefit of local communities.
  • AKTES - Transnational Coastal Quality Pact

    - Idées de coopérations
    Pillio FLAG is looking for partners from Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Spain, Portugal and France to create a transnational organisation (AKTES). The purpose of the organisation is the development and implementation a transnational quality agreement (pact) joining tourism stakeholders under a common strategy. The strategy aims to guarantee a minimum quality for products and services; improving the tourist offer of those areas; mitigating seasonality; and encouraging better incomes and working conditions for local communities in coastal areas.