Fisheries Areas Network


  • Recruiting young people to train with experienced fishers

    - Good Practice Project
    The Lapland FLAG has financed a fisheries recruitment and training project to rejuvenate the ageing fisheries sector in the area around the Lokka and Porttipahta reservoirs. As a result, 14 young fishers of both genders started to operate.
  • Energy Island: Networking for local economic impact

    - Good Practice Project
    Au Danemark, un projet soutenu par un GALPA réunit un réseau de 17 entreprises locales pour contribuer à faire de Bornholm l’une des deux « îles énergétiques » du pays, spécialisées dans la production d’énergie éolienne et sa transformation en énergie mécanique.
  • Better salinity and temperature data to improve flat oyster spat collection

    - Good Practice Project
    Des ostréiculteurs du sud de la Bretagne ont installé une bouée munie d’une sonde multiparamètres haute fréquence pour mieux comprendre la fixation du naissain de l’huître plate, une ressource essentielle dans la région.
  • New funds for small-scale fisheries projects

    - Actualité
    WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.
  • New funds for small-scale fisheries projects

    - Page de base
    WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.
  • A coastal management plan by local fishers and fish farmers

    - Good Practice Project
    Small-scale coastal fishers and fish farmers have been actively involved in the design of a coastal management plan for the Emilia-Romagna coastline. This stock management plan focused on three local high value species identified by the sector at regional level.
  • Coop to Coast project: European and Turkish Cooperation for the Development of Coastal Territories

    - Page de base
    On 16 December 2020, the transnational cooperation EU-Turkey Coops to Coast held its final capitalisation event, organised by the Black Sea Science Technology and Culture Association and Haliéus Italy (leading partners).
  • Fishers campaigning for reducing plastic in ports

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The FISHEKO Operation, covering the whole coastline of Slovenia, is a project giving local fishers communication training and hiring them to carry out an awareness-raising campaign against single-use plastics in marine activities.
  • Autumn Passages 2020: promoting fisheries in the old city of Nessebar

    - Good Practice Project
    The municipality of Nessebar organised the first edition of “Autumn Passages” in 2020. During this festival, the local community and tourists enjoyed of a wide range of activities to promote Black Sea fisheries products, fishing as a profession and preserving maritime heritage.
  • MPAs: under fishers' surveillance

    - Good Practice Project
    Avec le soutien du GALPA, des pêcheurs locaux participent à l’application des mesures de protection et à la lutte contre le braconnage dans la réserve marine de Cabo de Palos, la plus ancienne zone de pêche de la région. Le renforcement de la protection à l’intérieur de cette réserve a favorisé l’augmentation d’espèces endémiques.