Fisheries Areas Network


  • A network for seafaring women

    - Page de base
    A cooperation project between two Catalan FLAGs has supported the creation of an association, which aims to increase the visibility of women from fishing and aquaculture and improve their ability to develop business projects that help diversify the sector.
  • A network for seafaring women

    - Good Practice Project
    Un projet mené en coopération par deux GALPA catalans a soutenu la création d’une association visant à améliorer la visibilité des femmes actives dans le secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture. Ce projet entend également renforcer leur capacité à mettre sur les rails des projets d’entreprise visant à diversifier le secteur.
  • Freeing maritime areas from poaching

    - Good Practice Short Story
    Through cooperation between the island government and the FLAG, the fishing sector in la Gomera has been involved in the study, location and design of a protocol for the removal of traps used for illegal fishing.
  • Mobile App for reporting catch data

    - Good Practice Project
    The East Finland FLAG has supported the creation of a mobile app for Finnish inland fishers to register their catches. Developed by a University of Applied Sciences and introduced in May 2020, the tool will enhance catch-data collection and traceability along the fisheries value chain.
  • FLAG Support to Algae Production

    - Publication
    This study provides quantitative and qualitative information on algae-related projects funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) through Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs). The findings outline the levels of knowledge and interest amongst FLAGs in working further on algae production in contributing to their areas’ local development. In addition, the study improves the understanding of the challenges and opportunities perceived by FLAGs in the future support of algae-related activities in their areas.
  • FLAG Action Related to Algae

    - Publication
    This leaflet offers practical tips for FLAGs, project promoters and local stakeholders on how they can harness algae production in their areas in line with EU’s drive to support the sector through the European Green Deal, which acknowledges the importance of algae as food and a sustainable and alternative source of protein. The Green Deal’s food system strategy, Farm to Fork, specifically targets algae production as being a key part of the solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving food sustainability.
  • fr-eu-map-france

    FR - FLAG Cooperation in France

    - Cooperation MS Fiche
    Cooperation is strongly encouraged by the programme authorities in France and FLAGs were required to lay out their plans for cooperation within their local development strategies in their bid to gain EMFF funding. In some cases, cooperation is viewed as a transversal tool to strengthen the impact of all areas of FLAG work and, in other cases, cooperation is programmed as an area of work in its own right with specific objectives.
  • Supporting small-scale fisheries and aquaculture businesses

    - Good Practice Project
    The development of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture businesses in the Western Lithuania FLAG area is a vital part of the economic development of regions such as Klaipeda and Priekulė. This project, implemented by a small local company, aims to improve the processing of local fisheries and aquaculture products through a series of FLAG-funded strategic investments.
  • Attracting young people to the fisheries sector in the Chioggia and Po Delta

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Chioggia and Po Delta FLAG has successfully convinced a high school to launch an official training programme in commercial fishing and fish production. The FLAG used their animation activities, together with fisheries stakeholders and the wider local community, to attract their first groups of students who will become the entrepreneurs of the future.
  • Seals and Cormorants in the Baltic: Addressing a common environmental challenge

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    A large-scale cooperation project between Baltic FLAGs has increased knowledge on the impact the growing seal and cormorant populations are having on small-scale coastal fisheries in the region. Through this cooperation project, FLAGs have developed solutions for achieving the balanced management of marine resources.