EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

How to complete your financial statement

The financial statement contains three fields:

1. Financial information from contact

"No contribution requested" is information coming from the signed grant, so this field is read only. 

2. Financial certificate

The Certificate on the Financial Statement (CFS) must be provided, in the final periodic report, “for each beneficiary [and for each affiliated entity (linked third party)], if it requests a total contribution of EUR 325 000 or more, as reimbursement of actual costs and unit costs calculated on the basis of its usual cost accounting practices” (art. 20.4).

If a CFS needs to be provided, a warning is displayed in the application and a validation error appears if the user saves the data without providing the requested CFS.



To submit the CFS, check the "Yes" radio-button, complete the "Name of the Auditor" and "Cost of Certificate" fields and upload the CFS file.


CFS requirements for audited beneficiaries

If one or more reporting periods are covered by a closed audit, the CFS threshold amount is updated to take this into account and:

  • if the funding requested for non-audited costs is above the CFS threshold, a CFS needs to be uploaded
  • if the funding requested for non-audited costs is below the CFS threshold, there is no obligation to submit a CFS

Additionally, a warning 'icon' is displayed.


(warning)  In case a beneficiary goes through a partial takeover, for the calculation of the ‘certificate on the financial statements’ (CFS), the threshold must be calculated taking into account the requested EU contribution for the former and the new beneficiary  together. If needed, the new beneficiary can submit the CFS with the final report in the CFS placeholder in the financial statement:


(warning) If the same legal entity (PIC) participates in the project multiple times (for example, as affiliated entity (linked third party) for 2 different beneficiaries; or started its participation to the project as affiliated entity (linked third party) and re-enters as beneficiary or vice-versa), a warning will be displayed next to the concerned participant: the EU Officer will need to assess the "Requested EU contribution eligible for CFS" and, if applicable, request the CFS document. In case the CFS is required, the Consortium will need to upload it via a Formal Notification as Annex to the Periodic Report - Part B. The EU Officers will then assess the CFS document.

3. Financial statements

All financial statements (each period has one financial statement) and adjustments (adjustment from a previous period for which you haven't declared all costs yet and the requested contribution) for the current periodic report are displayed here.

(warning) Following the guidelines of the MGA v4.0, for beneficiaries not receiving funding, a financial statement will not be created anymore.

During a reporting period, the state of the Partner/Affiliated Entity (AE) (Linked Third Party (LTP)) can change via an amendment to: receives funding and is not in Article 9, participates as 'Not receiving EU Funding' or participates as 'Not receiving EU Funding' by requesting zero funding. These changes do affect the submission of costs in the financial statement. For more information, click here.  

How to add an adjustment

The "Add adjustment" option is only available from period 2 (to adjust the costs requested for period 1).


Click "Add adjustment" and select the reporting period for which costs need to be adjusted.


Click again on the row corresponding to the reporting period to be adjusted. 


Adjust the costs and "Save".


For adjustments, the Use of Resources for Direct Personnel Costs now allows to declare negative Person/Months.

Financial statement for the selected period 

The detailed costs of the selected financial statement are visible here. (warning) Note that the estimated budget for the action already supplied in annex 2 of the Grant Agreement doesn't appear here. You will have to introduce the actually incurred costs here. 


Cost categories 


The source document describing the costs is the Model Grant Agreement on the Funding & Tenders Portal

  • The cost categories are described in article 6 of the Model Grant Agreement.
    • The cost category "Requested contribution for CFS" is not included in the Grant Agreement
    • The cost category "Receipts" is described in article 5.3.3 of the Model Grant Agreement .
  • The template for the financial statement for beneficiaries for a reporting period can be found in the   Annex 4   of the Model Grant Agreement. 

(warning)Specific unit/lump sum costs can now be entered in the periodic reporting, as specified in the Model Grant Agreement art 6.2. This budget category (specific cost categories) applies ONLY where specific activities are reimbursed by unit costs or lump sum costs. For the General MGA, this is currently the case for ‘access costs for providing trans-national access to research infrastructure’, ‘costs for energy efficiency measures in buildings’ and ‘costs for clinical studies’.

(warning) A new cost category has been implemented for H2020 types of action where foreseen by Model Grant Agreement v. 4.0: h) Costs of internally invoiced goods and services; when this cost category is foreseen, the current h) category becomes i).

(lightbulb)Help to report on personnel costs:

  • A wizard is offered within the reporting module- for more information about the wizard and how it can be used, please click here
  • Watch this video to avoid errors in declaring personnel costs. 


Some cost categories have:

  • an editable field  to complete the total amount of costs for that cost category
  • others have a link  to click and complete the different amounts and corresponding explanations for the Use of Resources under a specific cost category 
  • some have a separate Use of Resources  to complete with explanations for only a part of the entered amount under a specific cost category. 

(warning) The maximum length for the text fields in the Use of Resources pop-up of H2020 Financial Statements is 4000 characters. Also, the user instructions for the 'Other direct costs' section in the Use of Resources pop-up of H2020 Financial Statements have been improved.

The Use of Resources  is currently available for the following Types of Action:









(tick) SME-2


(tick) Shift2Rail-RIA
(tick)ECSEL-RIA (tick) SESAR-IA
(tick) ERC-STG (tick)UCPM-INT/EX-AG



Eligible costs

  • The criteria for eligible costs are described in article 6.1 of the Model Grant Agreement. 

  • The different cost categories  are described in  article 6  of the Model Grant Agreement .

Cost categoryUnit costNumber of unitsTotalActionsNotes


Direct personnel costs declared as actual costs 

Complete the total of all costs in this category (editable field).

Click to add the use of resources. The amounts filled out here, won't be added to the total costs.

Click "Add detail" to add the person/month per Work Package and the use of the in kind contribution from affiliated entity (third party)

  • All direct personnel costs declared as actual costs need to be entered in the "Total" column.
  • For some of the costs you can provide additional information by completing the "Use of Resources".

(warning) This means that the total use of resources doesn't necessarily match the total costs entered in the "Total" column.


Direct personnel costs declared as unit costs (average costs)

Complete the total costs (editable field)

Click    to add the use of resources. The amounts filled out here, won't be added to the total costs.

Click "Add detail" to add the person/month per Work Package and the use of the in kind contribution from affiliated entity (third party)

  • All direct personnel costs declared as actual costs need to be entered in the "Total" column.
  • For some of the costs you can provide additional information by completing the "Use of Resources".

(warning) This means that the total use of resources doesn't necessarily match the total costs entered in the "Total" column.

c)Direct personnel costs declared as unit costs

Click    to add the use of resources. The amounts filled out here, won't be added to the total costs.

c1)SME owner/natural person costsComplete the unit costsComplete the number of units


Direct costs of subcontracting 

Complete the total costs

(c lick the link to add the amounts and explanations for this cost category)

Click "Add detail" to add the amounts and corresponding details of the costs

The total of all amounts entered will be automatically displayed in the "Total" column.


Direct costs of providing financial support to third parties

Complete the total costs (click the link to add the amounts and explanations for direct costs of subcontracting)

Click "Add detail" to add the direct costs of subcontracting

The total of all amounts entered will be automatically displayed in the "Total" column.


Other direct costs

Complete the total costs (editable field)

Click    to add the use of resources. The amounts filled out here, won't be added to the total costs.

Click "Add detail" to add the costs per Work Package and the use of the in kind contribution from affiliated entity (third party).

Complete the cost details and click "OK".

  • All direct personnel costs declared as actual costs need to be entered in the "Total" column.
  • For some of the costs you can provide additional information by completing the "Use of Resources".

(warning) This means that the total use of resources doesn't necessarily match the total costs entered in the "Total" column.


h)Costs of internally invoiced goods and services

Complete the total costs

(click the link to add the amounts and explanations for this cost category)

Click "Add detail" to add the amounts and corresponding details of the costs

The total of all amounts entered will be automatically displayed in the "Total" column.

h) / i)

Indirect costs (= 0.25 * (a + b + f - o))

(warning) Please note that this category becomes i) when  h) Costs of internally invoiced goods and services is foreseen.

This amount is automatically calculated according to the displayed formula, but still editable for legal entities which also have an operating grant with indirect costs for the same period.

Click the "Edit" icon to change the indirect costs

(warning) Please note that this amount is supposed to be changed only for partners receiving operating grants during the Reporting Period

Confirm that you want to change the indirect costs (the field will become editable).

Edit the indirect costs and "Save".

A "Reset" icon will be displayed next to the field and a warning signaling that the field value is different from the expected percentage.

Click on "Reset" and confirm that the Indirect Costs will be reset (the field value will go back to be automatically calculated and read-only).



Complete the special unit costs costs

Click the plus icon to add special unit costs

Complete the costs in the editable field


Complete the special unit costs covering direct and indirect costs (editable field)

Click the plus icon to add special unit costs

Complete the costs in the editable field



Total costs (= a + b + d + e + f + h)

This is the sum, automatically calculated, of costs a, b, d, e, f and h



Complete the total costs (editable field)



Maximum EU contribution (100%)

This is automatically calculated as a percentage of all costs (the reimbursement rate)


Requested EU contribution

Complete the total requested EU contribution (editable field). The standard amount proposed is the same as the maximum EU contribution.

Click to change the requested contribution, which will make the field editable (the Grant Agreement specifies the fact that the EU contribution needs to be requested)

Confirm that you want to change the requested EU contribution

Edit the field

o)The additional information for indirect costs (Use of 'costs of in-kind contributions not used on premises") 


Requested EU contribution eligible for CFS (Certificate on the Financial Statement)

This amount is automatically calculated (non editable).

  • This amount is the only amount that's not explicitly in the Grant Agreement
  • the CFS must be provided, in the final periodic report, “for each beneficiary [and for each affiliated entity (linked third party)], if it requests a total contribution of EUR 325 000 or more, as reimbursement of actual costs and unit costs calculated on the basis of its usual cost accounting practices” (art. 20.4)

(warning) Some non -H2020 partners can be exempt from providing the CFS

CFS requirements for audited beneficiaries: 

  • if the funding requested for non-audited costs is above the CFS submission threshold, a CFS needs to be uploaded
  • if the funding requested for non-audited costs is below the CFS submission threshold, there is no obligation to submit a CFS