EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

More on Grant Preparation

Online Manual

Project data screens

Partner Summary

Once the grant has been signed, the "start date" and the "end date" will be displayed.

Beneficiaries screens

The Coordinator and the Beneficiaries are automatically listed after receiving the invitation letter.

(lightbulb) Please check all missing information () and warnings ().

(lightbulb) Please note that you can change the order of the beneficiaries by dragging and dropping 

The Coordinator Contact (CoCo) can add a new beneficiary or delete/replace an existing one, as follows:

  • To add a new Beneficiary:
    • From the 'Beneficiaries' tab click on 'Add New Beneficiary':

    • Search for the PIC you would like to add:

    • Click on the row with the data of the PIC:

    • Add the short name and click OK.

    • The newly added Beneficiary is now displayed. Click on Save.

  • To replace the (newly added) Beneficiary click on Replace*and repeat the steps above. To delete the (newly added) Beneficiary click on Delete.

warning To replace a Beneficiary, the Participant contact from the organisation to be replaced has first to remove all the roles. Should you encounter a delay in the synchronisation between the insertion of the PIC in the Grant Preparation section and the availability of the new Participant in the Consortium screen for managing roles and access rights, please contact the IT Helpdesk .

More information on the Beneficiaries editable screens is available here

General Information

The Project General Information is automatically listed after receiving the invitation letter.

(lightbulb) The start date needs to be completed. In case it's a specific date, a justification needs to be completed.

More information regarding Security Constraints will be displayed in the corresponding tab if the Security data is imported in SyGMa from the Security Evaluation.

Reporting Periods

The Project Reporting Periods will be available.

GA Information

The Project GA Information will be available and is read-only.

(lightbulb) Any missing fields will be completed by the EU officer.

GA Options

The Project GA Options will be available and are read-only.

(lightbulb) Any missing fields will be completed by the EU officer.

Financial Information

The Project Financial Information is automatically listed after receiving the invitation letter.

(lightbulb)  Check whether the budget table is correct and whether all cost categories are present.

LF Overview

The Project LF Overview will be available and is read-only () for everybody.

Associated Partners

The Associated Partners are automatically listed after receiving the invitation letter.

(lightbulb) The Coordinator can add/remove Associated Partners and link then to Beneficiaries by following the steps described below. The Associated Partner(s) can be linked to only one Beneficiary or to none (depending on the programme allowing it or not).

1. Add Associated Partner:
1.1Click on Add New Associated Partner 

1.2Search for the PIC you would like to add

1.3Select the line of the PIC 

1.4Add the short name


The new Associated Partner has now been added.

You can replace the Associated Partner by clicking the  icon  


You can remove the Associated Partner by clicking the icon

1.7Select Save.

2. Link Associated Partner to Beneficiary:
2.1Select the line of the relevant Associated Partner and click on it to open the 'Partner details' screen.


Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the Beneficiary from the Associated with drop down and click Save.

warning If the Associated Partner is linked to a Beneficiary that is no longer active (i.e. terminated or not acceded), you must manually update the Associated Partner's "Associated with" data. Either by associating with another beneficiary or removing the association.

Projects of Common Interest

The Projects of Common Interest (PCI) tab is displayed for Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF) grants. Every few years the European Commission determines a list of PCIs.

If the list of PCIs apply to your project, the Beneficiary/Affiliated Entity will have the possibility to add/delete a new PCI from the list:

Select one or more Projects of Common Interest from the applicable list (click on the arrow to expand the list under each section). Then click OK to finalise your action. 

Work Packages

The Project Work Packages are not automatically listed after receiving the invitation letter. 

(lightbulb) Complete all necessary work packages.

(lightbulb) Please note that you can change the order of the work packages by dragging and dropping 

For more information about the management of work packages, please click here 


The Project Deliverables are not automatically listed after receiving the invitation letter. 

(lightbulb) Complete all necessary deliverables.

(lightbulb) Please note that you can change the order of the deliverables by dragging and dropping .

Select the Lead Beneficiaries from the drop down list.

(lightbulb) Affiliated Entities can be set as Lead Beneficiaries for Project Deliverables.

Select the deliverable type from the drop down list.

Please note that the dissemination levels for deliverables are the following:

    • PU  Public (fully open -warning automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
    • SEN  Sensitive (limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement)
    • S-UE/EU-S — EU Classified (SECRET-UE/EU-SECRET)

Click OK to finalise. Before you submit the Grant Agreement data, you are still able to edit (by clicking on the corresponding deliverable row) or delete the deliverable.


The Project Milestones are not automatically listed after receiving the invitation letter.

(lightbulb) Complete all necessary milestones.

(lightbulb) Associated Partners and Affiliated Entities can be set as Lead Beneficiaries for Milestones.

Critical Risks

The Project Critical Risks are not automatically listed after receiving the invitation letter.

(lightbulb) Complete all necessary critical risks.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The data in the Key Performance Indicators tab is imported automatically from the Proposal Submission tool (SEP).

(lightbulb) The Coordinator is able to fill in the Key Performance Indicators, by accessing the link Then, (s)he will be redirected to the Dynamic Form in the Funding and Tenders Portal, where (s)he can edit it. After Saving the data in the Dynamic Form, the document is generated and can be downloaded from the Documents section:

    • as a draft .pdf document, if the SyGMa session is still open
    • as a final .pdf document, if the SyGMa session has been closed