EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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More on Grant Preparation

Online Manual


The drag and drop feature allows the user to reorganise content in tables. When this functionality is available, an icon will be visible  on top of the table where the feature can be used. 


The drag and drop feature is available in the following SyGMa screens: 

  • Beneficiaries 
  • Work packages 
  • List of deliverables in the work package description
  • Deliverables 

Who has access

Anyone having access to SyGMa can use the drag & drop feature during the Grant Agreement Preparation or during the amendments process. 

What to use the drag and drop feature for 




In the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) process

  • Reorder beneficiaries

The user can drag a beneficiary line, the blue line shows where the beneficiary being dragged will be placed

  • Reorder affiliated entities (third parties)

  • Make a beneficiary an affiliated entity (third party)

  • Make an affiliated entity (third party) a beneficiary

In the Amendments process

  • Same as in the GAP, but only available for recently added beneficiaries or affiliated entities (third parties)

Work Packages

In the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) process

  • Reorder work packages

In the Amendments process

  • Same as in the GAP, but only available for recently added work packages

Deliverables in the

Work Package Description

In the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) process

  • Reorder deliverables in the work package 

In the Amendments process

  • Same as in the GAP, but only available for the recently added deliverables

Deliverables screen

 In the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) process

  • Reorder deliverables
    ((warning) the global deliverable nr is modified, not the nr related to the WP)

In the Amendments process  

  • Same as in the GAP, but only available for the recently added deliverables