EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Find a call

Log into the Portal

Go to the Funding & Tenders Portal (F&T Portal) and click the Sign in button:

You will be prompted to authenticate through the Sign in screen:

Select your topic

Once logged into the Portal, you will need to select the call topic for which you will submit your proposal.


A Programme comprises many Calls and each Call can have one or more Topics. A submitted proposal is always for one Topic and one Type of Action.

Click on Funding / Calls for proposals:

Basic filters are displayed on the left side, detailed filters and advanced search criterias on the right:

Then use the different filters. You can use one filter or combine several ones. This is a description of the different available filters:

Programme filter: select a specific programme from the list (only one programme can be selected for each search).

Some programmes may contain further filtering options, whereas other programmes do not contain any further filtering options under the detailed search menu on the right.


Status: to filter the results by status, tick the corresponding status under Submission status. By default, Forthcoming and Open for submission are already selected. A tick means that the status is included in the search. Click on it to select or deselect it:

Text search: to search by a keyword, type a relevant word in the box on the top of the Filter menu and click on the magnifier icon, or hit Enter in your keyboard, to perform the search. The results are shown as topic cards on the right of the screen, which are overviews of each topic. Check this example where the different elements of topic cards are outlined:

The input provided in the search box looks for 2 different types of matches:

  • Matches for any text appearing in the topic card.
  • Matches for keywords.

CPV code refers to keywords in the context of tenders. In the domain of funding opportunities, we use keywords.

After typing the keyword, press on the Search icon to see the list of matching calls.

When you have obtained a list of results, you can use the Sort by options on the top to display them by opening date, title, ID or deadline. By default, results are displayed by Submission status:

Access the topic page

Click on the topic title to access the call page:

Either scroll down in the call page to the Start submission section, or select Submission service in the table of contents on the left. Then, click on the Start submission button, see Submit a proposal for more information: