EU Funding & Tenders Portal

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IT How To

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The financial statement for Cofund-Eranet/PCP/PPI contains the same fields as the general one and it should be treated similarly (more information on how to complete a general financial statement can be found here). These main fields of the financial statement are the following: 

  1. Financial information from contact

    "No contribution requested" is information coming from the signed grant, so this field is read-only. 


  2. Financial statement

    For the multipre-financing there is only a financial statement in the final report. Consequently the dates mentioned under "Period" are the start (or date of entry via an amendment) and end date (either the day of the last reporting period or the project termination date or the partner end date) of the project.  

    Similarly, the title of the 'Periodic Summary Financial Statement' and 'Financial Statement per partner' documents don't contain the reporting period dates either. 

  3. Financial statement detailed costs

    The detailed costs of the financial statement are visible here. Some costs have a Use of Resources  to complete.