EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Participant register

Participant register refers to the IT service within the Portal allowing users to register and perform data updates of their organisation.

After having provided the required information in the Participant register, you obtain a Participant Identification Code (PIC), necessary to apply for funding and tender opportunities.

It consists of two differentiated services:

Organisation registration

To register an organisation, select How to participate / Participant register from the top menu in the Portal:

Then, click on Register your organisation:

The registration process guides you through the process of entering the required data in order to obtain a PIC for your organisation. It consists of 6 steps, as indicated in the progress bar at the top of the screen:

A small red pointer appears above the step that you are currently in, as well as a crayon drawing in the circle icon.

Before starting to go through the steps of the progress bar, you are prompted with a welcome pop-up message:

Click OK to close the pop-up message and start the registration.

If you had started a registration previously, the following pop-up message appears:

Click Next to continue this previous registration or Start a new registration to discard the existing one and start a new one. If you select this last option, this pop-up message appears:

Click Discard to eliminate the draft permanently or Cancel to keep it.

In the steps screens, you will see tooltips with additional information that you can consult for the different fields.
Also, note that there is a limitation in the number of characters that you can enter per field. The character counter is visible at the top right corner of each field and will subtract the entered characters amount from the maximum characters amount allowed:

After you have filled in all mandatory fields of a step (marked with a red asterisk), click on the Next button at the bottom of the screen. By doing this, the data that you have entered will be automatically saved and you will move to the following step of the process.
Click on the Save button to keep the entered data without having to move to the next step. Click on the Previous button to move backwards in the progress bar:

If you don’t fill in a mandatory field, the field becomes red and a message appears under it:

Each time that you move within the progress bar, an informative pop-up message appears at the top right corner of the screen:

If there is an error during the process, this type of pop-up message appears:

You can close these pop-up messages by clicking on the small cross at the top right side of them.

For detailed information about the process of registering your organisation, please consult Registration steps.

Data updates screen

After registering your organisation using the Participant register page of the Funding & Tenders Portal, you can view or update the entered data, upload supporting documents and follow up on the validation of your organisation, when applicable, via the the My Organisation(s) tab of the left-side navigation menu. Your organisation will have the Declared status after registration.

To access this menu, you first need to log into the Funding & Tenders Portal, as explained in the How to authenticate with EU Login page. Once you have logged in, you will see at the left side of your screen the left-side navigation menu:

When clicking on the My Organisation(s) section, a list with all your registered organisations appears in the central part of your screen. This includes the organisations you could have registered, or organisations for which you have been provided as contact in a proposal.

Under Legal name, you find a hyperlink for your registered organisation. If you click on it, an overview with the main data of the corresponding organisation is shown (only if you have registered the organisation, otherwise there will not be a hyperlink to the organisation page).

The Actions button allows you to modify the data of your registered organisation. Click on the Actions button and, then, select the Modify organisation option from the drop-down menu:

Note that for organisations for which you have been acting as contact but that were not registered by you, you do not have the option to view/modify the organisation nor update the roles, but you will have only the option to contact the organisation:

When is one of your organisations, or you have a role to update the organisation data, you can use the Edit Organisation roles to manage the different roles, later on, after the organisation has been validated by the Central Validation Service. For information about roles, please see Roles and Access Rights.

The default status for your organisation, when registering it, will be declared. Your organisation does not need to be validated if you are not participating in any project, so a declared organisation can be used in a proposal. Only when a proposal has been selected, this will automatically trigger a request for validation of your organisation by the Central Validation Service. You will receive an email informing that your organisation will be go through the process of validation and the list of supporting documents you need to provide. You can upload the documents at that moment and follow up any messages from the Central Validation Service via the Modify organisation option.

When accessing Modify organisation, the update screen appears, where you need to make sure that the data of your registered organisation remains correct at all times:

The data update screen shows your registered organisation name and PIC at the top left corner and, under it, 8 tabs containing the rest of the data.

Click on the name of a tab to display its content, the tab that you have clicked becomes white and a blue line appears on top of the tab name to mark in which tab you are. The rest of the tabs remain grey.

Some red icons may be visible next to the names of certain tabs: a number in red indicates the amount of items pending of for your action in that tab and a flag that also indicates a pending action.

To make any modification to your registered organisation data, click on the Edit button that you will see at the right of the screen for each open tab.

Once you have clicked on this button, the information becomes editable and a green check mark at the right side of each field confirms if it has been duly filled in. Some of the fields require that you upload a document confirming the change that you have made. This is indicated by a red upload icon, appearing at the right side of the field:

If the organisation has been validated already on the past but you are changing the basic details, please note that for certain fields a new validation could be required. In those cases, a pop-up warning message will appear, click Continue to confirm the change:

Click on the Submit button at the bottom right corner of the screen to save the changes. If you click on the Cancel button, a pop-up message asks you to confirm your choice:

In organisations with the Declared status, you are able to modify the data in all fields without having to provide the supporting documents, and no validation will be triggered by the change until the organisation participates in a project. Simply click on Submit changes.

For more information about the process of updating your organisation data, please consult Organisation data updates.

Accessing the Participant register in another language

Once you are in the Participant register page, you have the possibility to see the screens translated in the EU official languages. To do so, click on the language bar button at the top right side of the screen:

A pop-up window appears, where you can select the language:

After clicking on a language option, the page will display in that language.

Availability of other languages in the Portal screens

Please note that, for the time being, only the pages related to the Participant register services are available in the EU official languages in the Funding & Tenders Portal, the rest of screens are in English.

If you select a language other than English but the screen is not available in a translated version, the English version will be shown.

Organisation Processes

Additionally to registering an organisation, some organisations access certain processes, such as In Kind of Additional Activities reporting, via the Action button. For more infomation, please see How to manage organisation processes.