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‘Partial takeover’ means that a PART of the business of the beneficiary (including the Grant Agreement) is taken over by (one or more) other entity(ies) (‘transfer of a business unit as a going concern’, e.g. partial acquisition, distribution of a business unit on dissolution/liquidation, division/demerger, etc.). Consult the Annotated Model Grant Agreement  for more information. 

(warning) This partial takeover happens within  one  project. 

(warning) The amendment type "Change of beneficiary due to partial takeover" was called ""partial transfer of rights and obligations’ in FP7". 


The rights and obligations under the GA are transferred from the beneficiary to a new beneficiary — without passing via ‘termination’ (Article 50) or ‘addition of a new beneficiary’ (Article 56).

This amendment type should ONLY be used if the former beneficiary leaves the consortium. So this means that if the beneficiary stays on as part of the consortium, this amendment type cannot be used. In this case, simply use the amendment type for ‘addition of a beneficiary’.

When is it allowed

The icon will be displayed next to the beneficiary if the "Change of beneficiary due to partial takeover" is allowed. It is not allowed for: 

  • Affiliated Entities (Linked Third Parties) 
  • Not acceded beneficiaries

How to Change a beneficiary due to partial takeover

The coordinator must request an amendment, if the Commission/Agency agrees, the new entity will replace the original entity as party to the GA (as ‘new beneficiary’). The ‘transfer date’ will be added to the Preamble of the GA.

The beneficiaries must select the date in their amendment request. (If the new beneficiary joins the action, the transfer date must be the same date as the accession date. )

If the new beneficiary joins the Grant Agreement, it must first register (and get validated) in the Beneficiary Register — unless it already has a validated 'participant identification code' (PIC).

Partial takeover of a beneficiary


Click the partial takeover icon  on the line of the beneficiary you would like to transfer the rights for

Note: In case of mono-beneficiary Grant Agreements or Grant Agreements with only one beneficiary, first add a new beneficiary. Only then the partial takeover icon  will be displayed. 


 Complete the necessary fields

  • transfer date
      • select a fixed date or the entry into force date of this amendment

      • (warning) Note that the transfer date needs to be the same for all beneficiaries which are partially taking over the rights and obligations
  • to the following beneficiary(ies):
      • click "add beneficiary"

      • select one of the beneficiaries in the consortium or add a new beneficiary

(warning) Note that all new beneficiaries will have an accession date on the Accession Form equal to the entry into force of the amendment

(warning) Please note that if the new beneficiary was previously terminated due to non-accession or other reason and now re-enters the project (is restored) via this amendment, then it should (re-)sign the Accession Form and the Declaration of Honour.

  • click "OK"

 The partial takeover icon becomes green when the action has been completed and the status of the beneficiary becomes "terminated" automatically

and an overview of all partial takeovers can be found by clicking the partial takeover overview icon 

when you click the partial takeover overview icon, the following overview of all partial takeovers appears


To undo the partial takeover, click the undo partial takeover icon

  • Following the partial takeover, the budget can be updated, but this is not mandatory. 
  • Note that the following actions are NOT automatically undone and need to be updated - if necessary - manually:
    • addition of the new beneficiary
    • updates in work packages
    • updates in deliverables