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During the Grant Agreement Preparation, for topics involving transnational/virtual access to research infrastructures, the consortium adds a type of access for their research infrastructures in the Infrastructures tab: 

  • trans-national access: Art 16.1 is flagged in the GA options screen
  • virtual access: Art 16.2 is flagged in the GA options screen

For more information about these articles, please consult the Annotated Model Grant Agreement.     

The following changes will trigger the setting of amendment type 49: 

  • adding infrastructures/installations of an access type that does not yet exist in the project or removing all infrastructures/installations of a particular access type (trans-national/ virtual) (which results in Art. 16.1 or Art. 16.2 becoming applicable / not applicable)
  • changing the "additional rules for the selection of user groups" of trans-national access  (Art. 16.1)

(warning) If Art. 16.1 / Art. 16.2 become applicable / not applicable, then the beneficiaries/linked third parties may (no longer) declare costs for providing trans-national / virtual access to research infrastructures.

How to implement the changes

1. Adding infrastructures/installations of an access type that does not yet exist in the project or removing all infrastructures/installations of a particular access type (trans-national/ virtual) (which results in Art. 16.1 or Art. 16.2 becoming applicable / not applicable)
  • adding or removing trans-national access  - Art. 16.1 becomes applicable / not applicable 
  • adding or removing virtual access - Art. 16.2 becomes applicable / not applicable

Add transnational or virtual access to research infrastructures

Click on "Add Infrastructure / Installation" button in the Infrastructure screen.

The table will display the "status" of the infrastructure: new, added, removed, updated, active.


Complete the data regarding the access provider, installation and access provisions costs in the pop-up window and click "OK". 

(warning) Please note that once the installation is saved, several fields, among which the short name of the infrastructure, will not be editable anymore. If you need to change them, delete the installation and add a new one. 

The new type of access will be added in the Infrastructure screen and the corresponding article (Art. 16.1 in this case) will be flagged in the GA options screen.

Remove transnational or virtual access to research infrastructures


Click on "Remove" button in the Infrastructure screen.

The table will display the "status" of the infrastructure: new, added, removed, updated, active.


The type of access is removed from the Infrastructure screen and the corresponding article (Art. 16.2 in this case) is not anymore flagged in the GA options screen.

Click on the Calendar to select the starting date of the change.

2. Changing the "additional rules for the selection of user groups" of trans-national access (Art. 16.1)
  • Click on the pdf icon corresponding to Art. 16.1 in the GA options screen.

  • Edit the "Additional rules for the selection of user groups" field in the pop-up window and press "OK"

  • Click on the Calendar to select the starting date of the change.